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September 11th

I'm with you, Flydcoop. I absolutely cannot watch TV today. Thank goodness for all the hurricanes, they've kept me busy. I lost my very best friend that day, and many others who I had worked with from time to time, met with downstairs for a cocktail, did the city tours with, etc. I don't want to remember, but I still do. How terribly sad that everyone says to 'Never Forget' when that is the only thing I want to do.
The Dissedent

As you go to the polls in 53 days, you have a choice to make. A choice to continue to fight back and stand up against the child killers, or a choice to appease them. The stakes have never been higher.

So we are turning this thread into a political agenda? If we don't vote for Bush/Chaney then we'll get hit again??? This is suppose to be a tribute to those who died under the hand of a governement that was totally to blame for their deaths. And you want me to vote for that same goverment AGAIN. I don't think SOOOO.

To many of our sons and daughters have already died in IRAQ. I can support what is going on in Afgan land, but not what's happening in IRAQ. My son is in the NAVY, they asked him if he wanted to volenteer to do security in IRAQ. He called me and asked his dad what to do. I told him, son you have a family, a wife, daughter, and a new son. You've done three cruises on the USS John C. Stennis after 9/11. Your carrier was the first one to fly the flag from the twin towers. You've done your duty, don't do something stupid and get yourself killed in a place a worthless as Vietnam was.

mrfish3726 said:
The Dissedent

As you go to the polls in 53 days, you have a choice to make. A choice to continue to fight back and stand up against the child killers, or a choice to appease them. The stakes have never been higher.

So we are turning this thread into a political agenda? If we don't vote for Bush/Chaney then we'll get hit again??? This is suppose to be a tribute to those who died under the hand of a governement that was totally to blame for their deaths. And you want me to vote for that same goverment AGAIN. I don't think SOOOO.

To many of our sons and daughters have already died in IRAQ. I can support what is going on in Afgan land, but not what's happening in IRAQ. My son is in the NAVY, they asked him if he wanted to volenteer to do security in IRAQ. He called me and asked his dad what to do. I told him, son you have a family, a wife, daughter, and a new son. You've done three cruises on the USS John C. Stennis after 9/11. Your carrier was the first one to fly the flag from the twin towers. You've done your duty, don't do something stupid and get yourself killed in a place a worthless as Vietnam was.


If you want to go and vote for an appeaser then you go right ahead. Its your vote. I only stated you have a choice to make.I find it intresting that you blame OUR goverment under the Bush administration for 9/11 while it was the polocies of the Clinton adminstration that put in place the mechanism for 9/11. Dont forget that WTC was also attacked under the Clinton Admin in 93 and what was done. NOTHING!!!!!!! The USS Cole was attacked by the same people and what was done? NOTHING!!! How many attacks have occoured on american soil since we have gone after those murderous muslim child killers? None on american soil. I thank your son for serving his country.If you cannot see that these attacks were entirely political in nature and want to let Islamofacism continue to spread unchecked get ready to fight this war on our soil from the enemies within which are already here :shock:
As you go to the polls in 53 days, you have a choice to make. A choice to continue to fight back and stand up against the child killers, or a choice to appease them. The stakes have never been higher.

Its three years gone by and Osama is still free. We have more troops in England than in Afghanistan and even more than that in Iraq.

Why did Bush divert our resources for his own personal agenda? Its known that regime change in Iraq was one of Dubyas goals since he first got into office. They desperately tried to tie in Saddam to Osama but they could not do it because everyone else in the world knows that next to the United States Osama hates secular muslim leaders the most. In fact they were on the top of his list until we put permanent military bases in Saudi Arabia. If we did not have those bases there Osama would still be plotting and scheming against his own kind.

Three years and Osama is still free. How hard can it be to track down one man on dialysis?

Yea, we lost 3000 of our fellow citizens, and most of the world was as horrified as us but just because these guys were Muslim did that give us the right to kill 20,000 Muslims in Iraq? Odds are that more children died in Iraq under Bush's orders than died due to the terrorist acts of Sept 11. Not to mention the additional 1000 Americans killed.

Yet Osama still runs free.

Over 4000 Americans DEAD yet Osama still runs free.

More troops in England than hunting for him.

Lets remember that prior to Sept 11 the worst Terrorist act in this country was committed by an ultra right wing white Christian male. Who can ever forget the image of that dead baby girl in the firemans arms? Lets not forget the fact that self proclaimed Christians have been terrorizing and murdering American citizens for over a 100 years, displaying their "Christianity" by burning crosses. Does this give the victims of those terrorist acts the right to kill anyone who is a white Christian? Of course not!

So we have a Saudi millionaire, financed by Saudis, who convinces 19 other Saudis to hijack four Airplanes and kill over 3000 people. He is known to be held up in Afghanistan, a country controlled by a radical Islamic regime, a regime financed by the Saudis. So we knock out that regime and then send our troops over to Iraq while Osama still runs free.

The fact is that a quick capture of Osama would not have allowed Bush to continue his fear campain. Who knows, maybe Bush has made a deal with the Saudis to allow Osama to stay free till he is near a natural death from Kidney disease. Then we will shoot up his corpse and display it just before the election.

Speaking of the Saudis, if we were to attack anyone it should have been them. They spread radical Islam. They finance it. They supplied most of the hijackers. But, the Bush regime is friendly with these known human rights violators who finance the terrorist acts of radical Islam, they make a lot of money together.

So instead of attacking the Saudis, we attack Iraq, why not, he is a brutal dictaor right? Maybe it had more to do with the fact that Iraqi oil, sold cheap because of econoimic sanctions was keeping the price of oil low. Maybe Bush wanted that $2/gallon price tag so the oil men here could start pumping their wells again. Maybe it had nothing to do with terrorism but more to do with money.

So we have ultra right wing Christians blowing up buildings and ultra right wing Muslims crashing planes into buildings but its all because of the lefty liberals that these things happen? Hmmm. I need a little more info on that guys.

Yes, on Nov 5 we go to the polls and ask yourself this. Are you better off financially than you were four years ago? Do you feel that we are safer now than four years ago? Do you feel that we need to go out and murder at least half the worlds population or we will never be safe again? Do you feel that our nation is headed in the right direction with jobs being shipped overseas and wages and benifits plummetting here at home? Well if you answered Yes to all these questions then by all means vote for Bush. Lets kill all the muslim babies before they become terrorists. Lets continue to slash our wages and benifits so the rich can get richer and lets make every day either an orange or red day so we will be too scared to realize that we cant pay our bills. Welfare-eliminate it-put a gun in their hands and either let them kill muslims or be killed-put em to good use for a change. Medicare and Social Security-what are you kidding? We got to kill a Billion people, chances are you wont live long enough to collect them anyway. We aint going to send the rich to do it, just like Nam, Cheney, Wolfowitz and Bush will stay home and take care of all the debutants while you do the dirty work. Retirement and pensions-see previous on Social Security. Higher wages!!!! Whose side are you on ? How can you be so unpatriotic? We got a war going on, we have profits to make! Taxes? Lets just borrow from your grandchildren.

Again, three years ago 3000 American were murdered under George Bush's watch. Instead of devoting maximum effort to bring the conspirators to justice he embarked on a mission of his own choosing, adding another 1000 American Dead, not to mention at least 20,000 Iraqi's. He has promulgated fear as government policy. He has thwarted freedom at home in the name of security while having less people assigned to hunting down an evil man on dialysis than protecting England from the Soviet Union (a entity that ceased to exist over 10 years ago). He has interferred in labor affiars in behalf of employers. He has slashed taxes for the rich while running up a huge deficit. Blew through the largest ever surplus right into the largest ever deficit. Thinks outsourcing American jobs is good. Pushed though legislation that required that Airline workers give permanent concessions after 9-11. Removed our right to due process.

So if you want four more years of fear, economic despair and less freedom, less rights, then go ahead vote for Dubya.

Wow, great post, now I'm voting for Nader...only kidding 😛 😛

No I will vote for the ugly guy who scored a billionare wife, it gives us all some hope.
Posted already but dang, isn't she a beaut? :blink: woof

Im going to start a new thread in the union section since the unions want to vote for Kerry why should we and not the lame excuse just because he is not Bush
I am not going to mention names, but some of you are absolute pieces of work. This thread was meant as a remembrance and you have turned it into politics! Neither the democrats nor republicans are to blame for what happened! Poverty and ignorance are the culprits here! Bush and Clinton both did what they thought was necessary prior to these attacks! This is a totally different mind set than we are used to in western culture!
I am ashamed that you are so ignorant to turn this into a free for all in blaming the different political parties and have forgotten that on 9/11 three years ago we lost our way of living! Shame on you!
The Dissident said:
If you want to go and vote for an appeaser then you go right ahead. Its your vote. I only stated you have a choice to make.I find it intresting that you blame OUR goverment under the Bush administration for 9/11 while it was the polocies of the Clinton adminstration that put in place the mechanism for 9/11. Dont forget that WTC was also attacked under the Clinton Admin in 93 and what was done. NOTHING!!!!!!! The USS Cole was attacked by the same people and what was done? NOTHING!!! How many attacks have occoured on american soil since we have gone after those murderous muslim child killers? None on american soil. I thank your son for serving his country.If you cannot see that these attacks were entirely political in nature and want to let Islamofacism continue to spread unchecked get ready to fight this war on our soil from the enemies within which are already here :shock:

So wait just a minute. The attack that happened over a year AFTER Bush the 2nd was put in office (by the Supreme Court) was Clintons fault because he was in office prior to that . But the first attack on the World TRade Center which took place shortly after Clinton replaced Bush the first, after 12 years of Republican control was also Clintoins fault? Seems to me there are two stadards here. If the first attack was Clintons fault then, using the same logic, the second attack must be Bush's fault.

What is this mechanism for 9-11 that you are talking about? The mechanism that Clinton put in place to enable terrorism?

Nothing was done in 93? What do you mean, like we didnt go and kill thousands of Muslims that had nothing to do with the attack? No, instead they found the conspirators, put them on trial and locked them up. Whereas Bush lets Osama live out his days as a free man and attacks Iraq.

Attacks on American soil? Well it was there was an eight year span between the last two. We have only gone three so far, and been on at least an "orange" alert ever since 2001.

Islamofascism? Do you mean the stuff that the Saudis (Bush's buddies) promote with oil $? At least your 'ism' is a little closer to the target and you are not calling them Socialists or Communists.

I won't dis-agree with you on what the Clinton administration let slip by. They had their failures to. But, 9/11 was on GWB's watch! GWB, the CIA, the FBI are all to blame for not seeing all the clues coming together. There are other US Presidents to blame for not putting a clamp down on the number of people that come into this country un-checked. :down:

Bing us your tired, my A$$! Personally I'd like to see the Statue of Liberty sent back to the French! :up: Bring home our troops form all around the world and line them up hand in hand on border patrol. :shock:
AAStew said:
I am not going to mention names, but some of you are absolute pieces of work. This thread was meant as a remembrance and you have turned it into politics! Neither the democrats nor republicans are to blame for what happened! Poverty and ignorance are the culprits here! Bush and Clinton both did what they thought was necessary prior to these attacks! This is a totally different mind set than we are used to in western culture!
I am ashamed that you are so ignorant to turn this into a free for all in blaming the different political parties and have forgotten that on 9/11 three years ago we lost our way of living! Shame on you!

Well I thought that debate and Democracy were our way of living!

Remember what Mother Jones said; "Mourn for the dead, fight for the living!"

I guess that you have never been to an Irish wake!

No disrespect was intended and maybe you should have chimed in sooner as to your intent for the thread.
Bob Owens said:
Well I thought that debate and Democracy were our way of living!

Remember what Mother Jones said; "Mourn for the dead, fight for the living!"

I guess that you have never been to an Irish wake!

No disrespect was intended and maybe you should have chimed in sooner as to your intent for the thread.

You can tell by my original post what the nature of this thread was. I respect your opinions, but for alot of us this has been a hard day! I may or may not agree with some of the posts on this thread but Live in A Hotel and Coop and a few other perfectly understood the nature of this thread, I just figured most would follow. All is not politics.
Best to you.

I feel for you. I will not turn this into a political issue. I did OK today. CNN-24 did not seem to go overboard but then I worried they had forgotten. Or is a more muted response appropriate?

Jean Roger should have never been on AA11. She was on standby. She never worked it before. I flew 11 all the time as did our "3rd musketeer (who was from LA)". You NEVER flew on S/B out of BOS.

The survivor's guilt has been brutal. I don't think you can fault the company (on one level) because we were so arrogant (as a country). If our training had been different, they would have never gotten past Bobbi Arestegui (and probably Karen Martin, who I never flew with). Bobbi was quite the firecracker. I had also flown with Betty Ong and I am so glad she was vindicated when they released her tapes with RES. She was the definition of calm, cool, and collected even when she found out her buddy bidder (the #5, Bobbi) had been stabbed.

The only politic I will turn this into is that the TSA may disappear mid-November. If Bush is the only one that will protect this country, I shudder-to-think how this can be allowed to happen.

Yeah, I really want Argenbright and Globe back. The TSA is consistent system-wide. They always seem to target my SonicCare toothbrush despite my 4 background checks and fingerprints. Pilots cannot seem to get over this. I'm OK with it, they (TSA) are paying attention.



Fly said:
I'm with you, Flydcoop. I absolutely cannot watch TV today. Thank goodness for all the hurricanes, they've kept me busy. I lost my very best friend that day, and many others who I had worked with from time to time, met with downstairs for a cocktail, did the city tours with, etc. I don't want to remember, but I still do. How terribly sad that everyone says to 'Never Forget' when that is the only thing I want to do.

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