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Seniority integration

Your seniority at AA will not change, so you come to the merger with where you are at AA.
700UW said:
Better off being non-union?
You really are stupid, kiss your jobs goodbye if that happens.
You will be an employee at will and will have no protections.
You will be on the unemployment line.
Overhaul will be gone, shops will be gone and you will have minimal line maintenance.
The IAM and TWU will kiss how much in dues goodbye  every month?
Again, explain to us how not one but two unions got together and decided they would simply abandon the CBA's at their respective carriers should this alliance vote fail?
Doesn't that fly in the face of the whole concept of industrial unionism that you espouse? Both unions have a history at these airlines that spans half a century or more,the whole idea they would willingly author a document that intentionally withdraws their services and opts to forgo dues income is laughable.
Had they simply said M&R goes with X and ramp goes with Y there wouldn't be this all or nothing corner they've painted themselves into.
The president of the AFL-CIO voiced his concern about a representational election at the merged carrier and this alliance magically appears.
I have yet to speak to anyone at AA in favor of this dues harvesting alliance.
JFK Fleet Service said:
The IAM and TWU will kiss how much in dues goodbye  every month?
Again, explain to us how not one but two unions got together and decided they would simply abandon the CBA's at their respective carriers should this alliance vote fail?
Doesn't that fly in the face of the whole concept of industrial unionism that you espouse? Both unions have a history at these airlines that spans half a century or more,the whole idea they would willingly author a document that intentionally withdraws their services and opts to forgo dues income is laughable.
Had they simply said M&R goes with X and ramp goes with Y there wouldn't be this all or nothing corner they've painted themselves into.
The president of the AFL-CIO voiced his concern about a representational election at the merged carrier and this alliance magically appears.
I have yet to speak to anyone at AA in favor of this dues harvesting alliance.
Agree with you JFK, I haven't heard one person say , yeah, that alliance thing, association or whatever, is the shitznit.

It's going down in flames and the international knows it.
What happens if you have two mechanics hired the same day, and they both have 0001 as the last 4 digits of their SSN? I realize that this is probably not going to happen, but it could. The last 4 digits are assigned in order from 0001 to 9999 as the 3 numbers in the middle set change. The only number that really means anything is the first number of your SSN. It specifies what SS District your number was assigned in. For instance, all SSNs given out in the Southern district start with a 4. New England district numbers start with a 1 (I think. Could be a zero). Two employees hired the same day could have the same last 4 digits if their SSNs were assigned in different districts.
CMH_GSE said:
Question for AMFA , do,they allow aircraft mech's to bump GSE as the IAM at US does?
It has nothing to do with which union is in place. We have a cba that has two separate title groups. As I said before a aircraft mechanic can't bump a gse in a lower classification unless he has time in that classification. So a mechanic is NOT a mechanic as 700UW says here at AA.
The longer you stay out of one classification you loose time as well.
There will be those who come here and say well what happened at NWA, they had an IAM cba, the IAM sets it up so everyone is on one list. Unless there is a vote to change that it remains. The IBT is the same way. At SWA they were IBT  so they have one list still I believe, but don't quote me.
At AA we have two and although I CAN'T guarantee it will stay that way, more than likely it will, we will have two lists. There are 11000 TWU mechanics and 5000 IAM which do you think will rule if a vote comes? If we switch to AMFA this will not change because it would have to be a change in the contract and how it is set up.
YOU won't get bumped so don't worry or let the IAM tell you different.
As I said go to www.local591.com email the prez and ask him he will tell you the same thing.
Lose time?
Not at US.
If you bid up to a higher classification or bid down, you dont lose time.
iluvaa said:
They will soon
Care to make a wager on that?
So how many Negotiating Committee's have you been on?
How long were you a shop steward, committeeman or any other rep for the TWU at AA?
Oh so you think the only language that will hold up in the joint agreement is us airs. Our language is 2 separate groups and list.
For all of the fleet guy's here asking questions about what happens with mechanics does it really make a difference to any of you?
We the mechanics have told many how it works at AA. with the numbers we have vers the IAM guys we can't be out voted. simple math.
There will be some good things taken from each unions CBA, but if any of you think the number of TWU leads, mechanics are going to vote to do it the way that 700UW or any other IAM guy say you are sadly mistaken. really.
Each company has a separate cba, nothing will happen until a JCBA is agreed too.
They will also have to agree which way they are/will integrate the employees.
So you will know here at AA if you bid a insp/lead/crew chief job which are bid jobs,
the selection is done by seniority first then, there is an interview and test procedure.
Once he passes that he moves into his bid job, he then bids shift/days off by his occupational seniority or as it is referred to at US time in class.
If he has more occupational time he gets the best shift and days off no matter if he is a new insp/lead. he bids his vacation by company time.  
If an ramp guy gets his A&P he comes into the occupation as the jr guy. He get what ever he can bid by his occupational time. But if he has lots of company time he could bid the best vacation time.
This is how its done at AA, I can only assume it will remain that way. Just like the flying perks are going to be done the AA way.
No matter what the IAM puts out and says at this point until there is one union, or the association, and a vote of some kind what is in place will remain. That is just the facts.
I would guess that this will be a long draw out process and its going to be at least 3-4 yrs before it all gets worked out.
Instead of getting speculation from all here ask the IAM chairs and the TWU these questions.
most of what is being put out is to keep the mechanics from signing AMFA cards.
This is being done so that neither the IAM/TWU will loose any dues money.
Simple scare tactics, telling GSE/Facilities guys they will get bumped and so forth. 
For all of the fleet guy's here asking questions about what happens with mechanics does it really make a difference to any of you?
Seriously? Thread is titled "Seniority Integration" is it not? 
The questions I asked were not mechanic specific,nevermind the fact fleet will be voting on this dues harvesting alliance as well.
Dont you know everyone is scum unless you are an A&P? (Sarcasm).
700UW said:
Dont you know everyone is scum unless you are an A&P? (Sarcasm).
I believe you just crossed the line, sarcasm or not.
Lets see how many times do you, AMFAinMIA or others criticise non-a&ps?
All the time.
Go back and read your posts and others and you will see exactly what I am talking about.
AMFAinMIAMI, on 21 Jul 2014 - 10:53 AM, said:
For all of the fleet guy's here asking questions about what happens with mechanics does it really make a difference to any of you?