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Seniority integration

I feel bad for all of you who might be stuck with this. Hopefully you will be able to have enough cards for an intervenor to file.
700UW said:
It has been answered many time, date of hire into the classification. Its in the agreement in which I posted the link too already.
So if my last 4 is 0001, my seniority will be higher then an AA mech and a US mech all hired on the same day?
bigjets said:
So if my last 4 is 0001, my seniority will be higher then an AA mech and a US mech all hired on the same day?
The ss# doesn't seem like the right way to do it. You shouldn't lose seniority because your ss# may be higher than others. They're going to have to figure something out between the two groups.
700UW said:


That's the way I see it, but I've heard a lot of different interpretations, or maybe wishful thinking for the guys who were older in each new higher class, if you go by age or SSN, someone will feel wronged. I'm in the middle of my new hire class and the young guys felt wronged who I hired on with, they had military time but were younger then the guys who had 2 years experience after college. The military guys had 4 and 6 years and felt seniority should have gone by experience.
Rogallo said:
Should be age.
A lot of guys think it should be SSN, but I guess it depends on how old you were when you started.

It's like those town hall meetings, I commute from Seattle and work at dfw, we need more flights dfw - sea or all the really senior people who say we should non rev by seniority, or the people that voted for our contract then took the money and left. It all depends how it effects you.
blue collar said:
What a mess.
How is it a mess?
You were around for the PI and PS mergers correct?
The IAM has always done it by dovetail DOH into DOC, and the tiebreakers have usually been the last four of the SS#.
Would you prefer how the TWU treated the former TW guys?
Where a five year guy at AA stayed while a 30 year guy at TW didnt?
Or how the APFA stapled the PMTW FAs to the bottom of the list?
Or how AMFA at WN gave all the PMWN Mechanics a four year bump in seniority over the PMAT Mechanics?
No one is ever going to be happy, but it is the most fair way to integrate.
700UW said:
How is it a mess?
You were around for the PI and PS mergers correct?
The IAM has always done it by dovetail DOH into DOC, and the tiebreakers have usually been the last four of the SS#.
Would you prefer how the TWU treated the former TW guys?
Where a five year guy at AA stayed while a 30 year guy at TW didnt?
Or how the APFA stapled the PMTW FAs to the bottom of the list?
Or how AMFA at WN gave all the PMWN Mechanics a four year bump in seniority over the PMAT Mechanics?
No one is ever going to be happy, but it is the most fair way to integrate.
What is pmtw pmwn mean