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Seniority integration

MetalMover said:
Then NON-union might be the way to go.
For the current situation, it would seem the better of two bad choices.

I just don't hear ANY support for the "alliance".
CMH_GSE said:
For the current situation, it would seem the better of two bad choices.

I just don't hear ANY support for the "alliance".
Neither do I...Add in the die hard TWU supporters...This alliance might be DOA.
700UW said:
Let me just say you might be surprised by what the NMB does.
And if there is a vote, you will either be represented by the Alliance or be non-union.
Help me out here,both unions would simply walk away from their CBA's and the dues flow from both groups of represented employees should the alliance be voted down?

I really have a hard time believing that.Especially seeing as the IAM just had three contracts ratified.
JFK Fleet Service said:
Help me out here,both unions would simply walk away from their CBA's and the dues flow from both groups of represented employees should the alliance be voted down?

I really have a hard time believing that.Especially seeing as the IAM just had three contracts ratified.
Good point....This is the fear spewing coming from the TWU and IAM..Let's wait to see what the NMB does...At this point, NO ONE knows what the vote is going to state...NO ONE,, and that includes 700UW.
CMH_GSE said:
Ok, good explanation.
It would seem, Mr. Little had a bit of an oversight on this issue and I'm trying to be as charitable as I can, but this is indeed going to get interesting.
He is telling you how it works at US. There are approx 5000 mechanics at US and 11000 at AA which groups rules do you think will prevail in a vote?
Its also an IAM scare tactic to think that either the TWU or IAM would take the chance of loosing dues.
The choices 700uw quotes will not be real.
THink about it if you are a airline employee?
Auto/facilities/utility they are title 2 at AA. At us airways they are on one list of mechanics.
AA has two lists and we won't be combining the two title groups here at AA. 700UW is wrong.
Aircraft/parts washers/aircraft cleaners/welders/OSM's/O/H mechanics/shop all title 1.
The NMB dictates Class and craft as well not the unions.
700UW was a stock clerk and not a mechanic. so As far as the NMB is concerned he would not be part of our class and craft.
Stores has its own class and craft. At US they are considered part of M&R the same at AA but will not have a say or a vote. If it comes to one.
Unless AA contracts out the GSE/auto mechanic or facilities A&P's won't be able to bump you. That is a TWU/IAM scare tactic to attempt to put fear
in these guys to keep them from signing amfa cards.
Just ask the local 591 officers if this is not the case?  www.local591.com go to officers section and email them.
700UW said:
Actually the IAM is in charge of the Alliance for the first two years, so yes they will be running the show.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
You dont work for US nor the IAM, so using your own logic, you dont know whats going to happen.
The New AA is run by PMUS, not PMAA.
Get use to it.
So you are speaking for both PMUS and PMAA mechanic and related now?
You dont know whats going to happen and the IAM/US way is more fair than the AA way.
Sorry you wont be able to use your stapler.
So since you are so sure of what is going to happen, do you know the winning Powerball numbers for the next drawing?
700uw here are the numbers
12 7 34 59 23 49 (2)
play these see if you will.
You have not one fact of what will happen in JCBA talks.
No one at US is going to give up their seniority which both the IAM and TWU have already agreed upon Date of Hire into the Classification, that is a done deal already.
Prove me wrong otherwise, you arent a rep, you arent involved, and I have already talked to the man who wrote the Alliance Agreement and the Seniority Agreement, have you?
You are spewing your own opinion with not one fact to back it up.
At US a mechanic can bump any mechanic as long as they are qualified to work the bid area.
There you go again with the attack about classification.
I was Utility and Stores for over 20 years at US, stores was part of the class and craft until the HP/US merger, I worked, negotiated and represented Mechanics, Stock Clerks and Utility.  Stores is still part of the M&R CBA at US.
And once again, one's classification has NO bearing on their knowledge, education, and skills.
Go stick the Elitist attitude some where else.
Any chance of anybody answering a simpler question, how is the seniority going to be intigrated between AA mechs and US Airways mechs with just straight up mechanic seniority.
bigjets said:
Any chance of anybody answering a simpler question, how is the seniority going to be intigrated between AA mechs and US Airways mechs with just straight up mechanic seniority.
Well that's the thing, what is "straight up mechanic seniority"?

What if there are aircraft mechanics that were GSE mechanics first, does it all count?
It has been answered many time, date of hire into the classification. Its in the agreement in which I posted the link too already.
Question for AMFA , do,they allow aircraft mech's to bump GSE as the IAM at US does?
A mechanic is a mechanic in the agreement. Date of Hire into the Classification.
700UW said:
A mechanic is a mechanic in the agreement. Date of Hire into the Classification.
See 700, there's a problem with that, at AA, there's over 1500 guys on the Title II list and it's going to have to be defined when the "mechanics" went from aircraft to ground support, it just is.