On 4/16/2003 11:12:14 AM eolesen wrote:
I guess being financially prudent doesn''t count for much anymore. Would you prefer that the company be able to pull money out at will from retirement funds to support day-to-day needs?...
This trust is just like the supplementary plans that exist for the pilots, and needed the same protection that existed for other retirement obligations.
Does the definition of "financially prudent" in your mind include paying management to use company computers and time to post on and read internet bulletin boards?On 4/16/2003 11:12:14 AM eolesen wrote:
I guess being financially prudent doesn''t count for much anymore. Would you prefer that the company be able to pull money out at will from retirement funds to support day-to-day needs?...
This trust is just like the supplementary plans that exist for the pilots, and needed the same protection that existed for other retirement obligations.