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Baumert Report - Fact Check


May 2, 2003
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The Baumert Report April 25, 2003

The More Things Change. . .

Gerald Arpey is the new CEO of AMR. Amid all the pronouncements,
including words of welcome from labor leaders, something seems not
quite right. To many, the selection of Arpey was obvious: if Robert
Crandall was not going to be invited back, then the second-in-command should take over for the disposed CEO. Yet, the question that rises from the ashes of Don Carty''s resignation is: As Chief Operating Officer and President, how far removed could Arpey have been from AMR''s horrendous business decisions, deteriorating labor relations and the special trust and bonus scandal?

Gerald Arpey became Chief Financial Officer under Crandall in 1995.
He was named COO in 2000, and then added the title of president in
2002. He was obviously heavily involved in major decisions and the
running of the company.

Given his responsibilities at the time, he was clearly in on the
decision to purchase TWA. Aside from the cost of the acquisition,
TWA continues to drain cash from AMR. As UBS Warburg''s Sam
Buttrick said not so long ago, American wouldn''t be in this
mess if it hadn''t bought TWA. He added that the disastrous
acquisition has exacerbated American''s cash loss by more than a
billion dollars.

As the former CFO of the company, Arpey must have known what
unrealistic pension return assumptions would do to the funded status
of the employees'' pension in a bear market. Yet, since the bear
market began AMR has barely changed their aggressive assumption, just lowering it from 9.5% to 9.0%. Such improbable rates contributed mightily to the $250 million pension contribution AMR made last year, the $1 billion charge they took against shareholders equity and the several hundred million dollars they will likely have to contribute this year.

Lest we forget, Arpey was not absent from the special trust and bonus scandal. As COO and President, he was and is a beneficiary of the special trust. Despite employee and public outrage, AMR and Arpey apparently plan on keeping this homage to unrelenting greed. He was also one of the executives slated to receive million dollar
retention bonuses (retention? Do they actually believe there''s a
strong market for airline executives?). Arpey''s keeping of the special trust continues to mean there is no shared sacrifice between labor and executives.

While were on the subject of money, there is the matter of the
phantom salary cuts of senior executives. Here''s how they operated
this scam. For instance, take Gerald Arpey. In 2002, he received a
17% raise on his salary. Then they turned around and made a big
announcement about how senior executives would be taking pay cuts in 2003. Arpey''s cut would be 14%. So, they raised his salary by 17% so they could lower it by 14%, which made him look good, all the while Arpey''s base salary would have been above his 2001 salary after the cut.

This goes on while pay rates for labor are slashed back more than a
decade. Furthermore, nowhere on the cuts for senior executives are
the words for five years.

As the president of American Airlines, he was obviously in on the
hardball, bare-knuckle, take it or leave it negotiating tactics the
company used to seize concessions that were more than they required and would last longer than needed, as well as the shameless company interference during the APFA''s re-vote. I find it dubious that Mr. Arpey has changed overnight. Recall, that Carty made similar pronouncements about improving labor relations shortly after he became CEO.

So, in the perverse world of corporate America, Don Carty is
deservedly forced to resign, but his right hand man, who participated
in the poor business decisions and was a party to a compensation
scandal, is given a promotion and the pay raise that goes with it.

And if that isn''t bizarre enough for you, Edward Brennan, a member of the compensation committee that approved the disgraceful special
trust and retention bonuses, is named Chairman of AMR.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Steven Baumert

I don''t know who Mr. Baumert is, but I often see his report cited as fact. There is a significant error in his report. According to the 2003 AMR Proxy Statement on page 29, Upon his election as President and Chief Operating Officer of the Corporation and American, Mr. Arpey''s base salary was increased in consideration of his additional responsibilities. Otherwise, there were no increases in the base salaries of any of the named executive officers in 2002. The last increase in base salaries of the named executive officers occurred in July 2001. Effective April 1, 2003, the salaries for the named executive officers were decreased.

Mr. Baumert refers to phantom salary cuts and a scam. The facts don''t support these accusations.

Also, it''s Gerard, not Gerald.

Mr. Baumert is free to have opinions and express them, but he should not misrepresent the facts.
On 5/2/2003 4:41:29 PM buzzkill wrote:

I don''t know who Mr. Baumert is, but I often see his "report" cited as fact.

Mr. Baumert is a Miami based American Airlines flight attendant.
The more I look into the Baumert "report", the more loose usage of information I find. Mr. Baumert frequently quotes Sam Buttrick of UBS Warburg as saying, "American wouldn''t be in this mess if it hadn''t bought TWA."

Mr. Baumert fails to mention the full quote from Sam Buttrick, which is, "American wouldn’t be in this mess today if it hadn’t bought TWA,â€￾ says Sam Buttrick, airline analyst at UBS Warburg. “It would still be in a mess, just not as big a mess. TWA has exacerbated American’s cash losses by more than $1 billion, he says."

It is a subtle distinction, but it is a little misleading to leave out the portion of the quote where Mr. Buttrick says that AA "would still be in a mess".

Furthermore, Mr. Baumert fails to mention that Sam Buttrick thought the TWA purchase was a good idea at the time. Following is a quote from Sam Buttrick just before the TWA acquistion from Forbes.com, "''When your competitors get 30% bigger, there is a network imperative that you respond,'' says Buttrick, referring to the pending mergers of United Airlines and US Airways, and American Airlines and TWA."

Or how about this quote from Buttrick in the St. Louis Business Journal on 2/9/01, "To the extent that St. Louis is a classic fortress hub it held appeal to American and offers a relatively turnkey solution to American''s need to grow in a consolidating industry, as opposed to having to re-establish a fortress hub," said Sam Buttrick, an analyst with UBS Warburg in New York."

It seems that the Baumert "report" often either plainly misrepresents the facts, or uses quotes in such a way to mislead the reader.
The fact that Baumert still doesn''t disclose his association with the airline discredits him far more than his loose use of other people''s quotes.
Buzzkill writes swiftly and well enough to have a career as a spin-doctor or corporate PR flack.

"Methinks he doth protest too much"
"The fact that Baumert still doesn''t disclose his association with the airline discredits him far more than his loose use of other people''s quotes."



Another good point about the "Baumert Report". Also, when Baumert does decide to cite his sources, his citations are often vague. For instance, in one report, he cited "The Wall Street Journal". What date, who was the author, what page? He says that he was a journalism major in college, but he fails to follow basic tenets of journalism.
Buzzkill writes swiftly and well enough to have a career as a spin-doctor or corporate PR flack.

"Methinks he doth protest too much"


I''ve simply stated facts, not opinions. Would you like to debate facts, or engage in personal attacks? I may be new to this forum, but I have read enough posts to know that when the facts hurt, it is easier to post personal attacks.
On 5/6/2003 12:28:29 PM buzzkill wrote:

Buzzkill writes swiftly and well enough to have a career as a spin-doctor or corporate PR flack.

"Methinks he doth protest too much"


I''ve simply stated facts, not opinions. Would you like to debate facts, or engage in personal attacks? I may be new to this forum, but I have read enough posts to know that when the facts hurt, it is easier to post personal attacks.


Someday when I grow up I hope to be as quick and accurate every time just like you! My previous post wasn''t a personal attack (unless of course you are a spin doctor and resent being categorized) so relax and don''t cry foul so easily.

Your facts don''t hurt and I don''t work at AA. Keep posting!
Someday when I grow up I hope to be as quick and accurate every time just like you! My previous post wasn''t a personal attack (unless of course you are a spin doctor and resent being categorized) so relax and don''t cry foul so easily.

Your facts don''t hurt and I don''t work at AA. Keep posting!


The terms "spin doctor" and "flack" don''t exactly carry a positive connotation to me. Sorry if I was defensive.

Also, I don''t claim that I am perfectly accurate in my posts. I try to be as accurate as possible. However, if I were writing something called the "Buzzkill Report" and publishing it on the TWU and PFAA websites, I would certainly check and double check my facts and cite my sources correctly.

It really only takes a few minutes to find major errors in virtually every "Baumert Report". I found some more errors in another report just a few minutes ago. I won''t bore you with more examples, because I think my point has been made. I hope that those who have read this thread will learn to question the "Baumert Report" whenever the next "report" is posted.