No offence, but honestly a ball player has to use his skills and scences the entire time he is on the field. There is no autoplayer mode, and no one bring him his meal to second base. The mechanics are the most under paid and appreciated work group on the property. Not pilots, flight attendants rampers or agent's.
Thanks for the plug Mike but I dont see how any of the banter back and forth helps any of us.
The fact is pilots went and invested in their careers with certain reasonable expectations, as we all did. The pilots invest more and they get more, but from what I've seen I dont think its a great deal. Thats one reason why I never took it up. Their progressions are very long, they are away from home a lot(like you), its a high risk job(like yours), an illness that would not stop anyone else could end their careers, they only have until 60 to make their money and everything, to a far greater degree than ours, is tied to a single employer.
The pilots are fighting to fulfill their reasonable expectations, they want to live like Airline Pilots typically lived. They, like all of us make sacrifices and they expect compensation to reflect that. They have a lot at stake here and their success wont harm us. If they lose their jobs, due to the way pilots across the industry have structured their contracts, they probably will never see the wages and benifits they expect, but if they dont fight they wont see them either.
I dont begrudge the pilots for taking this to the brink, and over, if need be. In fact I support them in their efforts because enough is enough. We have all suffered while our greedy executives have rewarded themselves with bonuses. I'm sick of managements threats, pay us or shut it down and I'll try it again somewhere else, somewhere where I dont have to put in 20 years before I work normal hours, see a weekend off or spend a holiday at home.