Being a Scab has nothing to do with "INTEGRITY". It is simply a matter of choice. It is simply an issue with you guys because it goes against what unionism stands for as where unionism means nothing to me. It sorta follows the lines of a Muslim thinking I am an infidel because I could care less about allah. I would be willing to bet that the same Muslim dude thinks your “INTEGRITY†is shet. Do you agree with him or even care?icl, you do NOT comprehend the trait of INTEGRITY. Because if you did you would not be a SCAB.
AHHH, but that is where you are wrong Ken because I do. If I didn't I wouldn't be here to begin with. That is something you are going to have to learn to accept if you wish to continue to effectively promote "your craft".When I say, "My craft.", I am referring that YOU do not belong to it, nor do any other SCAB. If you feel "creepy" that is most likely the "cowardly" part of your alias speaking inside your head since you know you are a SCAB your concience is wakening.
Once again how I do miss the "View Members Post Button" Till then, I guess it's "I". <_<I never said I could care less about non-union mechanics. Post my quote where I have said this, otherwise you proove the "l" part of your alias.
Well you have had your first. I hope you get many more.I have yet to receive a complaint from any NON-SCAB about my outspoken point of view on outsourcing. I have yet to receive any complaints about the progress the AMTA has made in promoting "my craft" with the "Faces Behind Safety" link, the campaign to have AMT (damn, there's that title you hate) Day Resolutions, or the donating of bronze busts of Charles E. Taylor to museums.
My phone rings every week. "Hey PTO how is everything going for you?...We are looking for A&P Mechanics for...would you be interested in..."Don't worry about anyone ever calling you an AMT or A&P. You are neither. You are icl the proud SCAB who remains behind an alias while eroding "my craft".
I think you have your own "L" you need to address.