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nwa getting rid of outhouse scabs

Ya, whatever....
Like you know what your talking about.

Yep. I do. I left my first airline job rather than work for Frank Lorenzo.

Providing for my wife and kids comes above all else, so if you are going to walk out of your job for ethical reasons (i.e. honoring a picket line), you'd better have your crap together to make sure that they're not put at risk.
Yep. I do. I left my first airline job rather than work for Frank Lorenzo.

Providing for my wife and kids comes above all else, so if you are going to walk out of your job for ethical reasons (i.e. honoring a picket line), you'd better have your crap together to make sure that they're not put at risk.

I've said all along that the one's who were being truly responsible to their families were the one who decided to leave NWA. From what I have heard so far the one's that have do not regret their decision. On the flip side the one that decided to take positions as "replacement workers" are the ones who put their families in a bad spot.
Yep. I do. I left my first airline job rather than work for Frank Lorenzo.

Providing for my wife and kids comes above all else, so if you are going to walk out of your job for ethical reasons (i.e. honoring a picket line), you'd better have your crap together to make sure that they're not put at risk.
I'd rather die SCAB free thank you :lol: 😛
This Labor Day please take the time to thank a family member or friend who has gone on strike for the greater good and betterment of their fellow workers. This is also a great opportunity to talk to your children and grandchildren about the importance of workers joining together and fighting together for the good of our middle-class.
Hmmmm.....You know this sounds alot like something that might have been said just before the Bolshevik revolt. Could be wrong but I thought that we lived in a capitalistic society, not a socialist one.
Hmmmm.....You know this sounds alot like something that might have been said just before the Bolshevik revolt. Could be wrong but I thought that we lived in a capitalistic society, not a socialist one.
Not in the airline industry.
Seems (the industry) is government controlled when the corporation desires it to be.
And this is why the rich get richer and the middle class is dwindeling.
Hmmmm.....You know this sounds alot like something that might have been said just before the Bolshevik revolt. Could be wrong but I thought that we lived in a capitalistic society, not a socialist one.

According to the media propaganda, we are a ‘Democracy’. However, we are really an oligarchy with ‘professional’ politicians running the country. Pure ‘capitalism’ does not work any more than a pure socialistic society. I would agree that our economy base is moving more to the capitalistic side as we outsource industrial jobs and move to a ‘service’ 😛 economy. When there is nothing produced or manufactured in the USA then we will be on a level playing field with Saudi Arabia (minus the oil).

I do not see this as an improvement as others do.

Regardless, if we are a capitalistic society or not, you will always be a scab! :stupid:
You would like to blame AMFA, fact is I'd have my job back by now had you not taken liberties to it....This is why I loath SCABS.

Two responses: 1) Why concern yourself with the above 2 questions and 2) The answers don't have anything to do with the fact that had you not back stabbed your "fellow countrymen", I'd still have my career.
Again, if you weren't an opportunist and/or pirate, I'd be working at the career I started 24 years ago.

Again, had you and yours not pirated our jobs, the goal would have been attained. I have no pity for you as you are the make up of our society and you are a disgrace.
I think you can grasp where my thinking is on all your responses, so you will also grasp the fact that I do not want no stinking SCAB even calling be a fellow countryman. You are a pirate...a Benedict Arnold, a pawn for the man. You took my wife, my kids, the very reason I'd get out of bed each day. You want to call this a misunderstanding? Dude you are the worthless, loathsome, back stabbing part of society that needs to be stamped out.

Good Post!!! :up:
When there is nothing produced or manufactured in the USA then we will be on a level playing field with Saudi Arabia (minus the oil).

Yet we continue to give it all away!

Half the failures in life arise from pulling in one's horse as he is leaping.

Hmmmm.....You know this sounds alot like something that might have been said just before the Bolshevik revolt. Could be wrong but I thought that we lived in a capitalistic society, not a socialist one.
No scab. Just honorable union workers taking a stand against greedy corporate thugs who enrich themselves while their employees suffer. Save the communist and socialist barbs for someone like yourself who will sell himself to the man for thirty pieces of silver, no matter who he has to betray.

You stated that AMFA should have allowed a vote on the last worthless Scab Air offer. This is the same excuse the IAM scabs state when asked why they crossed the picket line and went back for another beating, albeit at much reduced wages and benefits. I'm sure that's where you heard it.

Here is a vote the AMFA strikers took to remain on strike against Scab Air:


LACONIA, N. Hampshire, June 14, 2006 – The National Executive Council of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Associations (AMFA), the nation's largest union representing aircraft mechanics and related employees, announced today that their locals throughout the U.S. have voted unanimously to provide financial support indefinitely for AMFA's ongoing strike against Northwest Airlines (Nasdaq: NWACQ.PK).

"The mechanics and related employees at our other airlines recognize that Northwest is attempting to implement a very risky and reckless business model by shifting most of their aircraft maintenance to foreign repair facilities and utilizing unlicensed labor to perform mechanics' work in this country," said AMFA Assistant National Director Steve MacFarlane.

AMFA represents over 12,000 members at carriers including Alaska Airlines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Northwest Airlines, ATA, Horizon and Mesaba Airlines.

"Northwest still has a legal obligation to negotiate with AMFA in good faith and will not have a competent and reliable maintenance department until they settle with their striking employees," MacFarlane said. "This airline was mismanaged into bankruptcy, has the oldest fleet in the industry and came in dead last in 2005 for customer satisfaction. At some point, Northwest will need to become competitive again by improving quality, service and safety. As part of that effort, they'll need to upgrade their maintenance capabilities to match the rest of the industry. We'll be ready to talk when that time comes."

AMFA’s credo is “Safety in the air begins with Quality Maintenance on the Ground”. To learn more about AMFA, visit: www.amfanatl.org.

No scab. Just honorable union workers taking a stand against greedy corporate thugs who enrich themselves while their employees suffer.
Its intresting that you should say that considering that your beloved Union is nothing more than a "greedy corporation" in itself. This point can be proven by examining just how much of your Union dues were used to provide you with an adequate strike fund. Meanwhile ol' Del :up: is probably pushing around a new BMW or something equaly extravigant. I really don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for setting me straight on that one.
Its intresting that you should say that considering that your beloved Union is nothing more than a "greedy corporation" in itself. This point can be proven by examining just how much of your Union dues were used to provide you with an adequate strike fund. Meanwhile ol' Del :up: is probably pushing around a new BMW or something equaly extravigant. I really don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for setting me straight on that one.

Wow! Spoken like a true IAM scab. When NWA tells you how much you are worth, you will bow to your scab master. You belong with the the group who volunteered to go to pushback training while our negotiations were ongoing. Good for you. I only hope your station was one of the 40 or so out of 119 that stays open ..... for now.
Its intresting that you should say that considering that your beloved Union is nothing more than a "greedy corporation" in itself. This point can be proven by examining just how much of your Union dues were used to provide you with an adequate strike fund. Meanwhile ol' Del :up: is probably pushing around a new BMW or something equaly extravigant. I really don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for setting me straight on that one.

Another fine post of more scab idiocy Jet Wreck. Like I have stated over and over with scabs like yourself, at least do some research before your run your mouth. I surmise among their many disfunctions, scabs don't hear very well either. AMFA members at the former NWA voted to not have a strike fund, and instead use the money for the locals and other purposes the local deemed fit. Under Article VI in the AMFA constitution Section 5, the strike fund guidelines are explained. It is up the the airline locals to decide on if or how a strike fund will be established.

If you want to witness extravagant union officials living it up off the members, look for the twu or iam logos. They have millions upon millions that the membership will never see. Including strike funds. :down:

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