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Sarah's Greatest Hits

If she is not forced to think on her feet she will probably do fine. Watching some of her previous debates she is quite adept and deflecting questions and snappy come-backs. If she is forced to think or go off the reservation my guess is she will turn into a lawn dart.

I am trying to figure out why everyone thinks this debate is so important. We have seen both candidates in the 'wild' already and that is far more telling about who they are. Personally, I am far more comfortable with someone who speaks their mind and screws up as opposed to someone who speaks their mind and reveals their utter lack of understanding.

Assuming Palin does well in the debate, it only means that her trainers were able to accomplish their goal in a few days. It does nothing to change her grasp of world affairs or her understanding of world politics. She has had 4 weeks of world affairs experience and no amount of training can change that.
Explain oh wise one, why our founding Fathers set up this country to have FARMERS and everyday average workers with ZERO experience run the government, to take the task to heart. You are so bent thinking someone with years of experience are the ONLY ones who can accomplish anything.

Considering the state of affairs from the top to bottom, highly educated people with 40 years experience equals the mess we are in. DUH DUH Duh

Take a breathe and reason once and a while, and you may find yourself thinking a hell of a lot clearer. MAYBE.
So how well will Sarah Palin fare tonight during the vice presidential debates? If this clip is any indication..........

Sarah's Greatest Hits :huh:

Looks like better than Joe and Chucky thought.....


24% 21,168
74% 65,324
2% 1,744

Total Votes: 88,236

Where did I say experience was needed? Obama has very little government experience. He has been a senator for a few years. A state senator before that. At the time the nation was founded, no one had government experience. However, IIRC only white male land owners could vote and serve so it's notl ike anyone could be in government.

I differentiate between education and 'experience'. They can be mutually exclusive. I place a far greater value on education than experience.
I differentiate between education and 'experience'. They can be mutually exclusive. I place a far greater value on education than experience.
I don't...Bush is a Yale grad after all....
Education and knowledge goes far beyond a Ivy League diploma. I know very book smart people who have no 'knowledge' as well as very knowledgeable people who have no diploma.
Looks like better than Joe and Chucky thought.....


24% 21,168
74% 65,324
2% 1,744

Total Votes: 88,236


The Drudge Report is a conservative,[2][3] U.S.-based news aggregation website run by Matthew Nathan Drudge. The site consists mainly of links to stories from the US and international mainstream media about politics, entertainment, and current events as well as links to many columnists.

<_< yeah right.... a conservative based poll shows Palin won the debate. How unbiased. :shock:

My take: While Palin did better than I expected, she was no match for Senator Biden. We'll see what the national polls show during the next few days.
The Drudge Report is a conservative,[2][3] U.S.-based news aggregation website run by Matthew Nathan Drudge. The site consists mainly of links to stories from the US and international mainstream media about politics, entertainment, and current events as well as links to many columnists.

<_< yeah right.... a conservative based poll shows Palin won the debate. How unbiased. :shock:

My take: While Palin did better than I expected, she was no match for Senator Biden. We'll see what the national polls show during the next few days.

Say what you wish about Drudge.....but a quick check after the debate saw the wonks on NBC,CBS and ABC with the deer in the headlights look :lol:
They all gave praise to Palin much to my surprise.Even darling little Katie was stunned.
For the most part they also said this would be a nonissue in 24 hours.....looks like they're right in less than 12 hours.

As for Biden...what does one expect....some 35 years in the gov't he has to come off more polished than ANY state governor due to level of issues dealt with.
It was a stellar performance on her part. Worthy of a Emmy.


I especially enjoyed her beauty pagent answer on
"Nuclear Weaponry"
..notice how she changes the subject quickly to Afghanistan.. gotta get out those talking points crammed into her head before she forgets them.
It was a stellar performance on her part. Worthy of a Emmy.

She talks like Yoda:

"Ready are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained. A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless"

Except Yoda makes sense.

Did you see Tina Fey's impersonation? Priceless!
She talks like Yoda:

"Ready are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained. A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless"

Except Yoda makes sense.

Did you see Tina Fey's impersonation? Priceless!

A "HIGH" Yoda.. (too much swamp gas)

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