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A Large Quandry for the GOP in 2012

Yes, I believe she did hurt McCain. Had McCain been able to choose a more viable candidate (Snowe or Hutchison. come to mind) he would have received the same bump and in my opinion kept it. When Palin started to talk and go off topic and then go on to make a complete fool of her self in subsequent interviews and statements it was all over for her and the independents/undecided. That is where elections are won/lost.
Only in a liberal universe perhaps.

Not my party. I'm an independent who tends to side with liberal ideals more than conservative ones in the social arena and conservative ideals more than liberal ones when it comes to the financial arena.
Which by what you just said about as left as left can get. Its ok to be a liberal, even if its embarrassing in our current times.

As I said before. McCain was a serious consideration for me even though he flipped on a few issues. I did/still don't believe he actually thinks that way (torture issue for example) but that he did it for votes. I liked him more than I like(d) Obama but McCain let someone chose Palin for him (I do not believe that was his idea) and when she started to talk, I an a lot of other people got turned off. McCain was a centrist on most of his platform issues. He seemed to be socially more liberal than most conservatives and just enough of a fiscal conservative to appeal to independents like my self. I think his links to Bush hurt him but I also believe a good VP candidate could have separated him from that luggage. Live and learn .... may be.
It always amazes me that people actually think like this. No wonder we are in the situation we are. lol
Though it's a less than 1% chance of happening, maybe that "looney tunes" nut job from alaska could run against Hillary.

Imagine her trying to get "cute" with HC in a national debate, like trying to put a "no answer" spin on a legitimate question !

I'd give a Years pay to see that !! (maybe 2 years)
I am not so sure the dems will want to see HC on the ticket. I for one do not want to see another dynasty thing going on in the WH. Had 12 yrs worth of Bush and 8 of BC, not interested in more of the same. I would love to see a moderate without party ties but with the electoral college and unlimited corporate financing available, that will never happen.

It's 2 years away. The political land scape we see now will be a far off memory by then. Who knows who will make a name for them selves by then. Might be a Jr Sen or Rep as yet unheard of. Who knows. Not even sure it makes a difference anymore give how far corporations have their hands in pockets and up a$$'s it's not like we have much of a say any more anyway.
Though it's a less than 1% chance of happening, maybe that "looney tunes" nut job from alaska could run against Hillary.

Imagine her trying to get "cute" with HC in a national debate, like trying to put a "no answer" spin on a legitimate question !

I'd give a Years pay to see that !! (maybe 2 years)

Well well we've certainly fallen off that high horse and resorted to name calling!

Which is exactly the point I was making. You have to discredit the messenger with insults like "Nut Job" because like it or don't it's just like I said, she resonates with a great many voters in the US. Of course it remains to be seen if her shortcomings keep voters from voting for her.

You might be surprised but to some losing a debate to Hillary Clinton might just garner her more votes than if according to the media she "Won" a debate. Intelligence is NOT a guarantee of victory or of great leadership. HC found that out this last election cycle.

NowI'm sorry but I have to clean my Sig Saur and finish up the Last chapter of Corinthians II so I will leave you to your name calling and insulting of those who think differently. I wonder if Sarah Palin carries a Lady Baretta when she speaks in public?

I keep having this little vision of an asassination attempt on Palin where she ducks turns and pulls her Lady Baretta out from between her cleavage draws down on her assailant and empties the clip into him, blows the smoke from the barrel and replaces the weapon, turns and heads back to the podium and says "Pardon the interruption" and continues her speech.
I am not so sure the dems will want to see HC on the ticket. I for one do not want to see another dynasty thing going on in the WH. Had 12 yrs worth of Bush and 8 of BC, not interested in more of the same. I would love to see a moderate without party ties but with the electoral college and unlimited corporate financing available, that will never happen.

It's 2 years away. The political land scape we see now will be a far off memory by then. Who knows who will make a name for them selves by then. Might be a Jr Sen or Rep as yet unheard of. Who knows. Not even sure it makes a difference anymore give how far corporations have their hands in pockets and up a$$'s it's not like we have much of a say any more anyway.

Hillary is all over the media chirping "I'm a Progressive". The Dems already are repeating history and running away from the term. Anything tied to 'Progressive' will be soiled goods and unwanted/unusable to America come 2012. Thank Glenny for that.

There is no such creature as a moderate Dem....BTW.
NowI'm sorry but I have to clean my Sig Saur and finish up the Last chapter of Corinthians II so I will leave you to your name calling and insulting of those who think differently. I wonder if Sarah Palin carries a Lady Baretta when she speaks in public?

Praise the Lord and pass the amunition......

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