Only in a liberal universe perhaps.Yes, I believe she did hurt McCain. Had McCain been able to choose a more viable candidate (Snowe or Hutchison. come to mind) he would have received the same bump and in my opinion kept it. When Palin started to talk and go off topic and then go on to make a complete fool of her self in subsequent interviews and statements it was all over for her and the independents/undecided. That is where elections are won/lost.
Which by what you just said about as left as left can get. Its ok to be a liberal, even if its embarrassing in our current times.Not my party. I'm an independent who tends to side with liberal ideals more than conservative ones in the social arena and conservative ideals more than liberal ones when it comes to the financial arena.
It always amazes me that people actually think like this.As I said before. McCain was a serious consideration for me even though he flipped on a few issues. I did/still don't believe he actually thinks that way (torture issue for example) but that he did it for votes. I liked him more than I like(d) Obama but McCain let someone chose Palin for him (I do not believe that was his idea) and when she started to talk, I an a lot of other people got turned off. McCain was a centrist on most of his platform issues. He seemed to be socially more liberal than most conservatives and just enough of a fiscal conservative to appeal to independents like my self. I think his links to Bush hurt him but I also believe a good VP candidate could have separated him from that luggage. Live and learn .... may be.