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If she is not forced to think on her feet she will probably do fine. Watching some of her previous debates she is quite adept and deflecting questions and snappy come-backs. If she is forced to think or go off the reservation my guess is she will turn into a lawn dart.

I am trying to figure out why everyone thinks this debate is so important. We have seen both candidates in the 'wild' already and that is far more telling about who they are. Personally, I am far more comfortable with someone who speaks their mind and screws up as opposed to someone who speaks their mind and reveals their utter lack of understanding.

Assuming Palin does well in the debate, it only means that her trainers were able to accomplish their goal in a few days. It does nothing to change her grasp of world affairs or her understanding of world politics. She has had 4 weeks of world affairs experience and no amount of training can change that.
If she is not forced to think on her feet she will probably do fine. Watching some of her previous debates she is quite adept and deflecting questions and snappy come-backs. If she is forced to think or go off the reservation my guess is she will turn into a lawn dart.
I am trying to figure out why everyone thinks this debate is so important. We have seen both candidates in the 'wild' already and that is far more telling about who they are. "

I agree 100% , sadly however, most Americans would rather watch Dancing with the Stars than their local news. This being the only vice presidential debate means they may actually sit and watch. Most will make their decisions based on what they'll see and hear this evening.
For as long as I have been voting (since Carter) I have never watched a debate. I have read transcripts, seen sound bites and such but I have never been able to compel (force) my self to sit through one. I believe they are fairly worthless. I prefer to see them in the wild. In there native habitat. For the same reason that I like seeing an Orca in the ocean as opposed to at Sea World. I do nt want to see a candidate perform on a stage. I would rather see them out with people having to think on their feet (a little and yes I know politicians are always performing to a degree).

There was no 'vast right wing conspiracy' 10 years ago and there is no 'got ya' journalism now.

Having said that, my wife wants to watch the debate and I must admit I secretly want to watch it just in case Palin gets her ass shot out of the sky like a German Junker over Europe.

I predict Palins answers will be short and sweet. I am guessing her trainers have told her that when she starts to try and expand on an explanation it tends to blow up in her face so "answer the question and only the question and then STFU".

I would also guess Biden got most of the same advice. I guess we will see who can be trained the best. Kind of like watching Westminster but the contestants are not as cute.
I don't think she's any worse at interviews and speaking than George W. Bush. There's plenty of video out there of Obama looking stupid coming from the other side of the aisle. You edit a video right, you can make it look like she's for or against anything.
Are you saying the Couric interview was edited and Palin did not say what was shown?
McCain/Palin already have my vote !

As far as Palin goes, shes getting my vote for what she believes in , NOT what she knows! Why do you think ALL politians surround themselves with advisors ? 😱
I guess I am old fashioned in that I think what one 'believes' in should be based on what one 'knows'. What one 'knows' should be based on facts, reason and logic.

Bush believed that we would be welcomed as liberators and that Iraq would be a cake walk because that is what he was told by his advisers. Unfortunately, he did not 'know' anything about the history of the area or the situation on the ground.

Just because I believe the wold is flat and that the earth is the center of the universe does not make it so.

I do not care what a person believes, I want to hear what they know and what their knowledge is based on.
Are you saying the Couric interview was edited and Palin did not say what was shown?

I already answered that question...YES it was edited. YES she said it. My point is that you can cut and snip whatever you want in any interview to create the desired effect.
I already answered that question...YES it was edited. YES she said it. My point is that you can cut and snip whatever you want in any interview to create the desired effect.

How was it edited? You would have thought the McCain folks would have picked up on that. You might want to let them know about the info you have.
How was it edited? You would have thought the McCain folks would have picked up on that. You might want to let them know about the info you have.


If any of the TV footage had been edited to give the wrong impression, they would be crying "FOUL" all over the place. All we hear is crickets chirping.

That speaks volumes.
The slow, sad meltdown of Sarah Palin Biden

In what has now become a disturbing pattern, the Alaska governor seems either unable or unwilling to avoid embarrassing statements that are often as untrue as they are outrageous. Recently, for example, in an exclusive interview with news anchor Katie Couric, Palin gushed, “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.’ â€￾ Apparently the former Alaskan beauty queen failed to realize that in 1929 there was neither widespread television nor was Franklin Roosevelt even President.

Sometimes the Idaho-native Palin seems to confuse and embarrass her own running mate. Shortly after her nomination, she introduced a “John McAmerica;â€￾ then she referred to the Republican ticket as the “Palin-McCain administration;â€￾ and finished by calling Sen. Obama, “Senator George Obama.â€￾ The Palin gaffes seem to be endless: on her way to Washington to meet the national press corps, Palin, the mother of five, once again stumbled — this time characterizing Senator Biden as “Congressman Joe Biden,â€￾ who, she chuckled, was “good looking.â€￾

But then Palin only compounded that growing image of shallowness when introducing her own snow-mobiling husband Todd, “as drop-dead gorgeous!â€￾ And when asked about the controversial McCain ad suggesting that Barack Obama had introduced explicit sex education classes to pre-teenagers, the Christian fundamentalist Palin scoffed that it was “terribleâ€￾ and that she would have never had allowed such an unfair clip to run — before retracting that apology under pressure from the now exasperated McCain campaign staff. But then, according to press reports, wild Sarah only made things worse still by announcing that paying higher taxes was the “patrioticâ€￾ thing for Americans to do.

This week, the gun-owning, moose-hunting Palin also promised blue-collar Virginians that she would protect their firearm rights — even, if need be, from her own running-mate: “I guarantee you, John McCain ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey. Don’t buy that malarkey. They’re going to start peddling that to you. I got two. If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem. I like that little over and under, you know? I’m not bad with it. So give me a break. Give me a break.â€￾

“Mitt Romney is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Quite frankly he might have been a better pick than me.â€￾

Neal Kinnock’s stump speech," forced downâ€￾ in Afghanistan . . .MORE

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