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I tried to Google Sherri Shamblin, and all the links to Usairways have been disabled. That was fast. Too bad our IT department isn't that fast. Or payroll :up:
Because the employee has an Airport Badge/Company ID that has to be displayed on their person at all times while they are on Airport property in secured areas, as the employee leaves for the last time, they must wear the Badge/ID displayed on their person out of the secured areas, then retrieved.
Lying about something you know better about is pretty cowardly, in my book.

Anyone can be "escorted" anywhere in a "secure area" by any qualified person.(From any security tape) something even you should have reviewed. The "tempe" procedure is a demeaning and pathetic procedure, intent on enforcing an elite "secure" facade than actual security. It is all show and no go. Like the Beach Boys song, it is about perception rather than reality and actually increases the reality of any "terrorist threat".

Me? I would turn in my badge well within secure area, forcing them to "escort" me. To say US management is/are total and complete idiots is to be kind to them.
Enter the "Spin"!!! Or better known as Stan Herman Uniform Model #3? I know that and have been then many times. I clutch my purse and walk along the walls so they don't give me a "sunshine enema". Metaphor must me lost on you totally?
I never met the woman, but for what it's worth, I do not hold any one individual responsible for the messy transition. I DO hold the cheap cheap cheaper culture that seemed to prevail at AWA responsible for a lot.

As a group, the takeover people that are now being shed as we speak were an awfully arrogant bunch. I'm all for innovation and ideas, but as many have said, these people tripped over a dime to pick up a penny.

The prevailing wind at US east when the merger happened was that we thought anybody would be better than who we had. That we were proven wrong just speaks to how bad this company fell in the aftermath. US East had/ has a LOT of issues, you flew and waited longer for your bags in PHL than the flight you disembarked, but we did one thing right, we treated our FFs well. To watch that frittered away has been stunningly painful.

I agree with ETOPs that change is in the wind. I just hope that in pursuance of accountability and product consistency they start with a feather before they use the hammer. Most f/as do a good job, but there is a lot of inconsistency and cutting of corners out there, and most often the underlying excuse is the abysmal contract that we labor under. Until they settle these contracts and demonstrate respect and value to the employees, US will remain at the bottom of the heap.

What I don't get is why this is such hard stuff for them. Didn't ANY of them attend a decent MBA program? Or go to kindergarten?

You get what you give. End of story.

I wish SS the best, I wouldn't wish unemployment on anyone in this economy.
galley- High Five! That broke it all right down and so very true. Get us a contract and then set standards. Until then shut it. They are pissing in the wind. Sherri, if you are reading this, you are a survivor and move on. This company used you in the end and played you to be the inflight court jester. I would have told them go to H E double hockey sticks long ago!
The prevailing wind at US east when the merger happened was that we thought anybody would be better than who we had. That we were proven wrong just speaks to how bad this company fell in the aftermath. US East had/ has a LOT of issues, you flew and waited longer for your bags in PHL than the flight you disembarked, but we did one thing right, we treated our FFs well. To watch that frittered away has been stunningly painful.
and even that understates the incompetency of the west.

4.5 hours of submitting flight plans, all to be rejected by European ATC. The cockpit crew could not stand it any more and called dispatch and asked if they had called to find out why European ATC kept rejecting their flight plans. No. West dispatchers finally got the idea that, maybe, they should ask what the problem is, after 4.5 hours. Idiots.

This because tempe decided to eliminate the over-ride for international dispatchers, no transition or training. So, we end up with the end of consumption result of a vertebrate. Next time, I am going to a hotel at the first sign of incompetence. I mean, why waste four hours at the airport trying to get the tempe freaks to actually behave like adults when I could spend that same time at a nude beach?

What is wrong with this company?
and even that understates the incompetency of the west.

4.5 hours of submitting flight plans, all to be rejected by European ATC. The cockpit crew could not stand it any more and called dispatch and asked if they had called to find out why European ATC kept rejecting their flight plans. No. West dispatchers finally got the idea that, maybe, they should ask what the problem is, after 4.5 hours. Idiots.

This because tempe decided to eliminate the over-ride for international dispatchers, no transition or training. So, we end up with the end of consumption result of a vertebrate. Next time, I am going to a hotel at the first sign of incompetence. I mean, why waste four hours at the airport trying to get the tempe freaks to actually behave like adults when I could spend that same time at a nude beach?

What is wrong with this company?

Let me guess.....BCN!!!????? If so..I was there...wasted a whole day at the airport while Tempe tried to gets it act together..
total incompetence..
.... of which I believe IMO that SHAMBLES was a major contributor to......

They want you to believe "We got everything under control and we don't want your help"...and then proceed to screw this company up royally......<SIGH>
you know very well. that is not true. peeps here at airways do what they want when they want. procedure and accountability? those words don't exist here. and that starts from the top down. this whole airline is a joke compared to other airlines out there.

That is exactly the point Etops.....

If the VP can't clean things up... they need to go.

And the "couching" programs are a complete joke!!! A fellow flight attendant is NOT going to get respect nor taken seriously when they come on the aircraft to couch on something that we all know how to do.

They need to develope a service, implement it, and stick with it. Why reinvent the wheel every f#@*ing other month.
Put supervisors on the plane NOT COUCHES and hold accountability.............................
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