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Hmm....does anyone think a merger could be on the horizon with these changes in management? I know, we are in a recession, but stranger things have happened!
Hmm....does anyone think a merger could be on the horizon with these changes in management? I know, we are in a recession, but stranger things have happened!

It's no surprise that Parker's the among the largest pro-consolidation cheerleaders in the industry (Parker in a skirt with pom poms, how's that for a mental picture?). If anything, the recession provides a convenient crisis to justify a merger. I know the US/UA chatter died down some after last summer but I'm starting to hear things again.
Somehow I am just aghast at the idea of a VP being walked off the property.
It's no surprise that Parker's the among the largest pro-consolidation cheerleaders in the industry (Parker in a skirt with pom poms, how's that for a mental picture?). If anything, the recession provides a convenient crisis to justify a merger. I know the US/UA chatter died down some after last summer but I'm starting to hear things again.

Why, oh why, can I never remember to not drink water or coffee while reading this board? 🙄

At least this time it was only water that ended up all over my keyboard. :lol:
Somehow I am just aghast at the idea of a VP being walked off the property.

Why? This happens at my company all the time. Normally the higher up they are on the food chain, the greater the likelihood that Security will escort them off the premises.
Just the indignity of it. I can understand someone watching them pack their personal belongings and making sure no phone calls are made elsewhere while they still have company documents nearby, but let them walk out on their own and perhaps follow at a discreet distance.

That said I was never a fan of Sherri.
Ya genius? And who are you going to get to replace them?

You have a job because of Parker.

Get a clue.
uhhhh No step away from the kool aid and be aware that another poster already has the job mowing Doug s lawn
OK everyone. Put down your rocks and torches for a second. Sherri was a 24 year veteran of AW/NewUS. No one wants to see anyone out of a job but they walk everyone off the property. It's so America West. No one has dignity period. You give two week notice your are bye bye on the spot walked out by guards. Let this be notice to the rest of inflight. No one is safe even the boot lickers that have spent 10 years plus floating along on the skirts of Cheryl Lendvay, Sherry Groff and the likes. Here today gone tomorrow and some of you need to go sooner than later!
Get that resume on Monster.com...you know who you are.
Add on that note I will also say this! Whomever is in charge of Labor Relations- get people in there that RELATE TO LABOR. Duuuh the title says it all. Not a former hostess at the Moon township Eat N' Park. :huh: ^_^
It is VERY common for employees to be walked off property. When I worked for a pretty big bank it was not uncommon to see it. The worst was a friend of mine that was in the cubicle next to me. They didn't even let you pack your belongings. They packed them FOR you as they went through everything first. Sherri is a bit smarter than many give her credit for. Like her or hate her the question remains...."What dandy will take her place". I'm almost scared to find out.
What if Bob. What if I had blue eyes and a prince charming? In the words of my late Great Aunt. If wishes were fishes this place would be stinking. Nothing would please me more to see the latter climbing, skirt sniffing no loads from the former CCY/PIT shown the door. It's amazing how they just blend in and make themselves indispensable without performing.
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