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Rumor mill turns

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Hmm....does anyone think a merger could be on the horizon with these changes in management? I know, we are in a recession, but stranger things have happened!

Not a chance right now. No Airline merger could get any financing.
We are at least a year away with no prospects of even serious talks.
Keep in mind GE and the other big Aircraft Financiers now do not even have the ability to finance new Aircraft purchases that are already on order, much less throw in any additional capital for a merger.
I wonder why she is gone?? Last week or so, it was her husband, Mike Shamblin, who was gone from the ranks. He was a Regional Director for the West stations. Kinda begs the question of if the two dismissals were related or one fueled the other, etc... hmmm?
Not sure we will ever know. The official company news stream will say she has left to pursue other endeavors.

That's always code, for "we sacked the guy"
Not a chance right now. No Airline merger could get any financing.
We are at least a year away with no prospects of even serious talks.
Keep in mind GE and the other big Aircraft Financiers now do not even have the ability to finance new Aircraft purchases that are already on order, much less throw in any additional capital for a merger.
Exactly! Isn't ILFC (International Lease Finance Corp) owned by AIG ?
Like she was responsible for that? Hardly. Actually, I miss it.
I miss it too. Now we're back to people wanting 3 drinks and alot of wasted product. Anyway back to the point.. Why would Mrs. Shamblin be blamed for charging for drinks?! As we've all noticed Marketing seems to make the goofy decisions and everyone else is responsible for making it happen.
Pulease. Parker has a job because of US. US saved AW, not the other way around.
Well I'm sorry but you are certainly not residing in reality if you believe that. While we certainly brought alot to the table that AW didn't have and probably never would've on their own (ie. Carrib. and Trans Atlantic), we certainly did NOT save them (AW)!! Good lord, we couldn't even save ourselves and while AW was not the force that some believe they certainly they weren't ready for Ch. 7. Parker resides over such a large airline because of the merger and we (former AW and US) have a great potential that we otherwise would not have had without the merger. This merger saved 2 of the smaller majors from the rut they were in and we're still getting paid.. So let's move on!!
I miss it too. Now we're back to people wanting 3 drinks and alot of wasted product. Anyway back to the point.. Why would Mrs. Shamblin be blamed for charging for drinks?! As we've all noticed Marketing seems to make the goofy decisions and everyone else is responsible for making it happen.
I agree with you about missing the beverage sales. Never thought I'd say it. The passengers are just gluttons asking for 2-3 things. It's crazy. I don't see that when I fly other carriers...it's crazy and SO wasteful. Now...on to Ms. Shamblin. I shudder to think of who might replace her--at least she was predictable. Anyone know if Rob Fuhr is available ????
OR---even better. Offer the job to a present F/A. Don't laugh. I am serious. How many F/As here have MBAs PLUS the years of service/experience to take her position? Why not hire from within for once ???? Same thing with Finn's job. Hire from within amoungst the ranks who live this job daily and have done so for many years.....I guess though that would make too much sense huh ??
I think it's safe to say you'll see Rob Fuhr's name come up shortly. He held both positions that are now open. He was always fair to the f/a's and always was behind them. He may not have always said what you wanted to hear but was a fair man. I think he'd be a good candidate for Finn's old job or Shamblins.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

There will be no more discussion of who saved whom on this thread. It is irrelevant to the topic herein, and serves no purpose other than to stir things up.

When flame bait like this is posted, please do NOT respond, but please forward the offending post to moderators using the "report to moderator" button. Answering such nonsense just perpetuates the problem.

And now back to our regularly scheduled discussion...............
All I can say is:

THANK GOD!!!!!!!
(The following is JUST my opinion)
Miss Shambles was one of the most condescending, arrogant, and clueless managers that I have ever met in my 25 years in the airline industry. She was in WAAAAYY over her head. She was unresponsive, refused to hold any East Coast meetings(even canelled one in PHL just minutes before it was to begin) and had lower level managers do her dirty work. I speak from esperience on this one. She truly had contempt IMHO for flight attendants in general and especially experienced, front liners who questioned ANY of her decisions or offered suggestions.

Hopefully this will dawn a new day for flight attendants and customer service at US Airways!!

This was long overdue and IMO only bodes well for US.

( I TOLD her I was here before she got here, and I'd be here long after she was gone....<G>)

The little sister has left the frat house....... :up: :up:
Well I'm sorry but you are certainly not residing in reality if you believe that. While we certainly brought alot to the table that AW didn't have and probably never would've on their own (ie. Carrib. and Trans Atlantic), we certainly did NOT save them (AW)!! Good lord, we couldn't even save ourselves and while AW was not the force that some believe they certainly they weren't ready for Ch. 7. Parker resides over such a large airline because of the merger and we (former AW and US) have a great potential that we otherwise would not have had without the merger. This merger saved 2 of the smaller majors from the rut they were in and we're still getting paid.. So let's move on!!

Very well said, full of facts not emotions! Kuddos USstew23!
Well I'm sorry but you are certainly not residing in reality if you believe that. While we certainly brought alot to the table that AW didn't have and probably never would've on their own (ie. Carrib. and Trans Atlantic), we certainly did NOT save them (AW)!! Good lord, we couldn't even save ourselves and while AW was not the force that some believe they certainly they weren't ready for Ch. 7. Parker resides over such a large airline because of the merger and we (former AW and US) have a great potential that we otherwise would not have had without the merger. This merger saved 2 of the smaller majors from the rut they were in and we're still getting paid.. So let's move on!!

I agree.
She didn't ride one of her horses off into the sunset?

OMG! I totally forgot about the horses and I usually try not to miss an opportunity to drag them in to any Sherri topic. :shock: Well, I guess now she'll have more time to ride. What are you going to do about your avatar now that she has left?

BTW, as previously alluded to by someone else on this thread. I could be wrong (and it wouldn't be the first time), but I'm fairly certain Sherri did not have an MBA.

What management needs to realize is that more often than not, we out live them. They come, they go, but here we all sit waiting for someone to get a clue. I'm wondering who in the sandcastle actually got a clue and made the decision to give these folks the big send off, surely it had to be more than posted losses.
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