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That is exactly the point Etops.....

If the VP can't clean things up... they need to go.

And the "couching" programs are a complete joke!!! A fellow flight attendant is NOT going to get respect nor taken seriously when they come on the aircraft to couch on something that we all know how to do.

They need to develope a service, implement it, and stick with it. Why reinvent the wheel every f#@*ing other month.
Put supervisors on the plane NOT COUCHES and hold accountability.............................

A couple of quick question......What is a "couching" program and how does it apply to a F/A?....What exactly does it mean to "couch on something"?.....When are the putting these "couches" on the planes and where are they putting them?

Sorry Twicebaked I know you meant coaching but when I read this it struck me as a little funny. :lol:
As for Shamblin leaving, I wouldn't wish unemployment in this economy on anyone. Good luck to you if your reading this. Did I agree with a lot of implemented jokes that had her signature on it? HELL NO. I do believe though that SHE was not the SOLE person responsible for the mistakes. Now, let's get on the "accountability is coming" issue. Let me just say that collectively as a group of f/a's management better think long and hard about that. They better get THEIR rears in gear and run the airline properly. Don't come on the a/c ready to write up a f/a because they didn't do a "pour" service. Screw off. Now if you took the time and talent (I just choked) and created an actual inflight PRODUCT that was system wide and well thought out maybe. F/a's are pissed and are juuuuuuuust about at the end of their ropes with managements lack of skill and inability to successfully sail this ship. Get a contract done and improve the moral of the f/a's. Ya know, the ones who spend the most time in that dusty, patched up, slip covered, hodge podge aircraft cabin. You will NOT get wholehearted compliance from f/a's nor will they stand behind anything you "demand" until and only UNTIL we see some results and damn respect. I'm so sick of the intimidation tactics and bozo's running around with clipboards.
Don't hold it in, Debbie. Tell us how you really feel. :lol:

If it's any consolation, we get the same stuff from Inflight at AA. People who are NEVER on an airplane except in F/C and who have never worked as f/as even on a "training" flight telling us how we should be doing our jobs.
I truly believe that any successful effort to get the F/As to return wholeheartedly to consistent service procedures has to be initiated AFTER a new contract. They'd have the morale boost, and more importantly, a semblance of credability to demand compliance. F/As would be more aware of what they had to lose. Inflight could then be more aggressive about enforcing service procedures, and it would be perceived as fair. Perceptions, employee and customer is something that Tempe just doesn't get.

When you perceive yourself as working for a hole in the wall, you act like it.

When nothing works, you stop trying to make it work.

When upper management treats customers like trailer park derivatives, you start thinking everybody pays $69 for their airfare, and frankly, one is not as keen to crawl under dirty seats to pick up visible trash, trash that will cue a passenger to start looking at the walls, the ripped seats, the dirty tray, and any passenger would say "GEEZ, WHAT A DIRTY AIRPLANE, WHAT KIND OF COMPANY DOESN'T CLEAN/TAKE CARE OF ITS STUFF?"

When management makes the most redneck, small minded errors, such as not recognizing that Spanish is not a substitute for the other 359 languages in the world, not to mention feels that BRUNCH, a wholly American concept would fly with people who never have more than a cafe au lait and croissant in the morning, and you wonder how in heaven's name could they be this obtuse? You just can't hide the fact that you're trapped in the vortex of mismanagement and there's not a darn thing you can do about it. So some stopped trying.

It's not much fun for those of us who draw from our own pride either. I make one attempt to initiate procedural service and when I am shot down, I yield. There is nothing I can do unless I am in the position that directs the service. I make it clear that it is not my decision to deviate. Trumping this mindset is going to require a simple thing: a new contract.
That is exactly the point Etops.....

If the VP can't clean things up... they need to go.

And the "couching" programs are a complete joke!!! A fellow flight attendant is NOT going to get respect nor taken seriously when they come on the aircraft to couch on something that we all know how to do.

They need to develope a service, implement it, and stick with it. Why reinvent the wheel every f#@*ing other month.
Put supervisors on the plane NOT COUCHES and hold accountability.............................
First of all ,your a good friend of mine andi respect your opinion but don't insult me while doing it cause your calling me a joke while your at it. second don't knock the program if you know nothing about it. third supervisors are going to be put on the a/c here soon. and that will be punitive . but i agree with galley princess . until we get a new contract it will be very hard to enforce anything.
AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA Supervisors will be on the aircraft and it will be punitive? They can't keep supervisors to stay with US. Hell another just announced his departure. How about keeping the supervisors in the offices and accessible to answer phones or to have a meeting. Watching f/a's "pour" a soda? This G'damn ragtag airline is a joke. As SOON as that "supervisor" is off the plane it's back to doing what needs to be done. Get the f/a's a contract and negotiate fairly and they will hop on your band wagon. Until then it WILL be a fight with many of those f/a's out there. It's simple really. 🙄
A couple of quick question......What is a "couching" program and how does it apply to a F/A?....What exactly does it mean to "couch on something"?.....When are the putting these "couches" on the planes and where are they putting them?

Isn't this the new crew rest for the A330-200 Aircraft? :lol:
Speaking of crew rest. This management that's gonna have supervisors onboard a/c with clipboards watching f/a's do their service is the same management that is playing hardball over giving them proper rest quarters on long haul flights. So again I say UP YOURS. The east group I assure you, and I can only speak for what I know, will NOT be assimilated. You'll get productive, rear end kissing f/a's that follow the rules to the T when management lives up to THEIR end of the bargain. It's one sided and it won't shall I say.....FLY :lol:
What would they be supervising? It's not like you have any type of service on your flights.
Let us tie the topics together shall we? Inflight was a joke along with the product while she was VP and it will continue to be a joke after she is gone. :lol: Until they (management) get to the root of the problem with this place (not the flight attendants) it will continue in the same direction. That's with or without Shamblin to blame. 😉

Nycbusdriver has a point. Let's keep this topic focused on the departure of the individual and the impact it may have -- not on other airlines or other labor issues.

Thank you.
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