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Rules For The Ramp..Title Edited

Rule Numbero 61. When nonrevving on Mainline equipment, do not put your rampie clothes in a plastic bag that's white...Revenue Passengers can see that it's tacky and embarrasses you as the Flight Attendants move you back to the last row and have a supervisor board the plane to pull you off for dress code violation.
You might want to join a tanning salon . to help rid you of your yellow. 😱 😀 :lol:
Or layoff the booze, jaundice is setting in!
You might want to join a tanning salon . to help rid you of your yellow. 😱 😀 :lol:

What Tanning Salon? Otto just nonrevved back from the Mayo clinic in Minneapolis to fix that jaundic-ion of booze he got from Costa Rica...Too much Tequila these days 🙂

BUT...Rule #61 actually happened on a DCA-PBI flight 🙁
60. Learn your city codes. There is no better way to signify the fact that you are a rookie than to pull up to the flight going to ALB and asking "Is this the flight to Alabama?" This has actually happened.
That's a good rule. BTW why are so many people traveling to Syria. I see
SYR bags almost daily.
62. We will often use a code for cities that you will not find in any training manual. PGV (Greenville NC) becomes Pigville to keep from confusing it with GSP (Greenville-Spartanburg SC). AVL (Asheville NC) becomes Hooterville to keep it from being confused with BNA(Nashville TN) or Music City, etc. Know this and when you are asked "Where is Charley West?" do not respond by saying "I think he went to eat lunch." This actually happened.
ooh ooh Joe pick me I know that one

from the great Lewis B... its BY God West Virginia.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
When crews were first encouraged to check bags during deadheads, there were blue logo plastic tags with the word “CREWâ€￾ on them. I often wondered if the W got snipped off, would the bags end up in CRE, wherever that was.

Our old long hotel in TPA had a life-size bronze statue of a business traveler, complete with bag, in the lobby. Yours truly was the one that was always putting the CREW tag on that bronze bag.
mods off topic I know . but will get back on soon

Vista jet. ? do miss flying the 9's . they seem like they were a simple plane to fly but you the boys up front had to actually

fly them. just thought I would ask..
63. If you work the ramp for long enough there will come a time when you will be required to "pull" someones luggage from the belly of a fully loaded aircraft. The reasons for this will vary greatly. If your lucky the bags will be among the last ones loaded and be just inside the door. If not it seems that 9 times out of 10 they will be some of the first loaded and be against the bulkhead, behind 150 other bags! "Bin surfing" skills will be required. Bin surfing is not recommended for those that suffer from claustrophobia.
Keep a friend nearby incase you get stuck and need someone to pull you out.
64. There might come a time when it becomes necessary to relocate to another city for one reason or another. In order to have a smooth transition into your new ramp environment it is recommended that you become familar with some oftentimes very unique local verbage. Those of you that have transfered into CLT the following may be of some help.

Toboggan: a knit cap. "Ma ears is cold I'm gonna go n git ma toboggan."

Hosepipe: a water or garden hose. "Go over yonder and git me that there hosepipe so I can worsh off this blue fluid."

Fishcamp: a restaurant that specializes in deep fried seafood. "Ya wanna go to the fishcamp tonight its salt n pepper catfish night."

Buggie: a grocery cart. "Bubby grab us a buggie. Piggly Wiggly is havin' a double coupon day and Bud is on sale."

Cooter: a large snapping turtle. "Didn't catch a thing today 'cept a big ole cooter. You and your momnem come by later for some soup."

With enough practice you may ultimately become ramp bilingual. Fluent in both northern and southern english.

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