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Rules For The Ramp..Title Edited

32. When you are out in public in your uniform people will often stop and ask "Do you work for USAirways? What do you do?". The best response is not always the truth. The next time someone ask you this question be prepared. Try this and watch their reaction. "I supervise the machine that tears all the handles off the luggage. If the machine ever breaks down it is my responsibility to tear all the handles off manually".
31. Occasionally an airline employee will host a party. If you recieve an invitation by all means try to attend. You will enjoy yourself and have a good time. These parties are always a lot of fun. The only problem is when you combine airline personal, alcohol, and water (pool, lake, etc.) someone seems to think its a good idea to get naked. The chances are very good it will be someone you don't want to see naked. Consider yourself forewarned.


Is that where the name "Moon June" came from?
33. The term "dragon a$$" does not mean the rear end of a large lizzard. The correct usage is "I can't wait to get out of here. I worked three doubles this week and I sure am draggin' a$$.
anybody have any "ramp candy" in dire need.. "I'll give you my run line for some"

the ramp has it own little commerce going on.. As the former AWA refers to us as "under the wing"

Dvd's anyone//
34. All stupid acts on the ramp must be witnessed by at least one person. (OJI's included) Often it is witnessed by numerous people. All witnesses are required to reveal what they saw and repeat it often so we all can enjoy. You may actually hear a few "been there, done that".
35. If some one asks you 'Do you want to be cool like me?' and leans against a wall. The spot on the wall next to him is a door that is not latched.
-bags that weigh more than 60 pounds should be kicked, slammed, runned over by tugs and thrown around, especially in the eyes of the passengers. this sends them a message not to pack so heavily and in the long run ramp rats wont mess up their backs.
-bags that weigh more than 60 pounds should be kicked, slammed, runned over by tugs and thrown around, especially in the eyes of the passengers. this sends them a message not to pack so heavily and in the long run ramp rats wont mess up their backs.

You are on the wrong thread. Start one on what corporate stooges think of people who work for a living.
36. Do Not Piss Off The Ramp Rat

You don't mess with the people in the late night drive up window. They are alone with your food...... WE are alone with your luggage in a 30 to 50 foot metal tube and no one can see US. Just because you can't lift that 60lb. bag don't mean WE can't. Remember we do this for a living. Point of impact may be as much as 20 feet away. BTW...Fragile stickers DO NOT help the matter see Rule # 28.
not a rule...

but wheres CONEMAN have seen hide nor hare of him in long time .. miss his view on things.
rule #37: Get off your high horse.

Next time a F/A or Pilot talk down to a Ramp Rat, you're ass will be served with a beatdown--and then they'll go to work on you.
37. Ramp gremlins may strike at any time you are on the ramp. These attacks are rarely witnesses (yea right) but their aftermath is usually quite obvious. Ramp Rats traveling non-rev while on vacation are not immune. There are reports of unexpected and unexplainable additions to their luggage. Management has sworn to exterminate these gremlins but so far the attacks have continued. You must maintain your sense of humor.
-bags that weigh more than 60 pounds should be kicked, slammed, runned over by tugs and thrown around, especially in the eyes of the passengers. this sends them a message not to pack so heavily and in the long run ramp rats wont mess up their backs.

Actually, if a bag has both heavy and fragile tags on it, heavy cancels fragile.
rule number whatever

When you have lost your rain gear and all else fails.. USE a TRASH BAG

where in any other job would someone consider wearing a trashbag

I guess only at Trashairways... I'm sorry USAIRWAYS
41. The minute you put on rain gear and step outside you will surely have to go to the bathroom.

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