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No point in me repeating what they say better than I could.

The ~50% pay no tax is just http More sound bite propoganda... Literally true, but why?

The analysis above is enlightening... The policy questions and answers do not fit on a bumper sticker.

My MIL raised 5 kids on a very modest blue collar husband's pay. Then she worked full time at a department store until she was 80. She has a very small savings from that retirement,a d social security. She pays no federal income tax.

How much should she pay?

Those are tax policy questions that are not solved here, on some blog, a tea partiers sign, or msnbcfoxnewsertainment

Nor by either romney or obama.

The only hope is to get big money out of congress, and out of party politics. Until/if that happens... All the rest is n
Just noise
Personally I would like to see everyone with a little skin in the game even if only a few percent. Perhaps something along the lines of under $25k a year you pay 2%-4% or so and then have it go up from there with no exemptions or deductions. Everyone pays it. The poor pay and the rich pay and no more non-profit/tax exempt. Everyone pays.

I used to be in favor of a flat tax but the more reading I do the more I realize that it adversely affects the poor far more than the rich. Instead of exempting the first $xxx of money I would rather see a proportional tax like we have now but with out all the exemptions. Income is income whether it be W2 or capital gains. It all gets taxed the same. I know that will never happen because the people like Gates, Trump, Romney and Edwards would never let it happen. They have the money and the power to fund the lobbies who have Congress by the short and curlies.
is 48% of them, don't pay taxes

Not true... Check your facts, when you post such obviously inaccurate info, it makes it seem that you may be resorting to parroting sound bites

*WARNING* Grammar Police on Duty! *WARNING*
Since you obviously know the facts, what percentage of U.S. citizens, pay no "Federal" income taxes ? No, extra credit given, for grammar check.....sorry !

Well maybe they don't pay federal income tax.. Like Romney.

Taxes on food, fuel, and anything else they buy don't count.
A. Romney's playing by the rules, just like the peeps, who pay no "Federal" income tax !
B. Now you want to pay for their gas and food taxes ? ( please see taxes levied, on basics of living, in the "Fair Tax") Last time I checked, they still receive all the benefits, as someone who pays "Federal" income taxes !



No point in me repeating what they say better than I could.

The ~50% pay no tax is just http More sound bite propoganda... Literally true, but why?

The analysis above is enlightening... The policy questions and answers do not fit on a bumper sticker.

My MIL raised 5 kids on a very modest blue collar husband's pay. Then she worked full time at a department store until she was 80. She has a very small savings from that retirement,a d social security. She pays no federal income tax.

How much should she pay?

Those are tax policy questions that are not solved here, on some blog, a tea partiers sign, or msnbcfoxnewsertainment

Nor by either romney or obama.

The only hope is to get big money out of congress, and out of party politics. Until/if that happens... All the rest is n
Just noise

While I commend your relative raising 5 children on a modest budget, who forced them to have 5 children?
Until it's an issue at our level, i.e. Tea Partier's, Blogs and news, it will never be addressed at the levels it needs to be !
Please see "Fair Tax", Federal taxes paid on "NEW" goods only, all citizens receive vouchers, based on their income level, to help pay taxes on basic of living, i.e. clothes, food, etc. "NO" Federal taxes are paid on used goods, i.e. cars, boats, etc.

Personally I would like to see everyone with a little skin in the game even if only a few percent. Perhaps something along the lines of under $25k a year you pay 2%-4% or so and then have it go up from there with no exemptions or deductions. Everyone pays it. The poor pay and the rich pay and no more non-profit/tax exempt. Everyone pays.

First and I'm sure the last time, you and I will agree on something !
Explain how they will accomplish this Kev.

They won't. Luckily, there's still enough common sense among the American populace to see what a suicide move carrying out the tea Party agenda would be.

The problem with the 99 percenter's is 48% of them, don't pay taxes.......................

The fact that this soundbite has gone so viral is testament to the both the power of messaging, and the fact that the right has no qualms about deliberately attempting to deceive.

As others have noted, it makes for a great soundbite, but conveniently omits several facts. How much of that "48% of Americans" are children? Elderly? Destitute? Specifically for the latter, what's the right's plan to either get them back to work, get a living wage on the table, or revamp the tax code? Why is the right content with pitting Americans against one another?

Well maybe they don't pay federal income tax.. Like Romney.

Taxes on food, fuel, and anything else they buy don't count.

Also true, but adding that would make a convenient talking point unwieldy.

Personally I would like to see everyone with a little skin in the game even if only a few percent. Perhaps something along the lines of under $25k a year you pay 2%-4% or so and then have it go up from there with no exemptions or deductions. Everyone pays it. The poor pay and the rich pay and no more non-profit/tax exempt. Everyone pays.

I used to be in favor of a flat tax but the more reading I do the more I realize that it adversely affects the poor far more than the rich. Instead of exempting the first $xxx of money I would rather see a proportional tax like we have now but with out all the exemptions. Income is income whether it be W2 or capital gains. It all gets taxed the same. I know that will never happen because the people like Gates, Trump, Romney and Edwards would never let it happen. They have the money and the power to fund the lobbies who have Congress by the short and curlies.

I'm for everyone paying their fair share. Whether you do that by switching to a flat tax, a consumption tax, or some hybrid is up for debate. What's interesting is the right constantly talks about "shared sacrifice," "everyone paying their fair share," and so on, but in reality, they fight it tooth and nail. If they were half as serious as they claim to be, we'd see a real push for something like the above, a repeal of the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy, and a removal on the income cap for SSI withholding on the table.

Until then, it's just another example of them preaching do as I say, not as I do.
Romney's playing by the rules, just like the peeps, who pay no "Federal" income tax !

Romney plays by a different set of rules.

Your whining about the '48%' never references shell corporations in the Cayman Islands.
They won't. Luckily, there's still enough common sense among the American populace to see what a suicide move carrying out the tea Party agenda would be.

Well let's back up your claims with some fact Kevin?
Personally I would like to see everyone with a little skin in the game even if only a few percent. Perhaps something along the lines of under $25k a year you pay 2%-4% or so and then have it go up from there with no exemptions or deductions. Everyone pays it. The poor pay and the rich pay and no more non-profit/tax exempt. Everyone pays.

I agree, we all benefit so we should all pay something on our income. And how about getting rid of the Earned Income Credit while we're at it.
A. Romney's playing by the rules, just like the peeps, who pay no "Federal" income tax !
B. Now you want to pay for their gas and food taxes ? ( please see taxes levied, on basics of living, in the "Fair Tax") Last time I checked, they still receive all the benefits, as someone who pays "Federal" income taxes !

How much of a percentage of your income goes to federal taxes? If it's more than Romney are you going to tell me that you are okay with that? If you do it means you are either a liar or a fool. If you pay less then I guess you are one of those people who mooch off the rest of us.
How much of a percentage of your income goes to federal taxes? If it's more than Romney are you going to tell me that you are okay with that? If you do it means you are either a liar or a fool. If you pay less then I guess you are one of those people who mooch off the rest of us.

Is Romney following current tax law?
How can anyone tell if he won't release his returns?
Who gives a rip if he releases them or not. If he is not following the tax law then the IRS will let him know. This is just a diversion from the pathetic person in the White House. How many years of tax returns did we see from John Kerry?
Who gives a rip if he releases them or not. If he is not following the tax law then the IRS will let him know. This is just a diversion from the pathetic person in the White House. How many years of tax returns did we see from John Kerry?

Are you sure you want to use Kerry as your benchmark? I assume you are talking about his wife's tax returns that were not released.

By the way, Kerry release 20 years of returns.
I think the bigger issue of the tax returns is that Romneys tax returns make him and Ryan the poster boys for tax reform. Ryan who declared about $215k paid more taxes (18%) as a percentage of income than Romney did (15%) on a declared income of over $20 million.

The republicans keep saying the 35% tax rate on millionaires is too high. May be so may be not. Before we can determine that I want to find a millionaire who actually paid 35% in taxes. So far , all the ones who have released their taxes have paid less in taxes than I have and the amount they are paying in taxes is more than the combined yearly salary of my wife and I by a huge amount.

If we go with Ryans tax plan Romney would pay less than 1%.

If the democrats cannot beat these two clowns they are idiots. Well they are idiots anyway but this is just plain stupid.