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Real Hope & Change - Ron Paul 2012

Paul wants to outsource some gov't dept's I read.....eliminate a bunch of dept's too. I'd bet if that was pushed, he'd pick up a lot more support from those unhappy with big government.
Talk about cutting the budget....
Paul wants to outsource some gov't dept's I read.....eliminate a bunch of dept's too. I'd bet if that was pushed, he'd pick up a lot more support from those unhappy with big government.
Talk about cutting the budget....
Yea who needs gov't dept's like social security,medic care, health care,police, firemen,VA(oh your a vet, well you don't VA care),student loans(oh your a vet,well you don't need student loans your to smart allready) Crawl out of the MUD!
Yea who needs gov't dept's like social security,medic care, health care,police, firemen,VA(oh your a vet, well you don't VA care),student loans(oh your a vet,well you don't need student loans your to smart allready) Crawl out of the MUD!

So I guess you payout more than you make?
Yea who needs gov't dept's like social security,medic care, health care,police, firemen,VA(oh your a vet, well you don't VA care),student loans(oh your a vet,well you don't need student loans your to smart allready) Crawl out of the MUD!

Please show me where in the COTUS that Social Security is even discussed?

Secondly, IF (Apparently a huge "if") you were well read and knew what you were talking about when firing arrows then you know that Dr Paul has made numerous comments regarding keeping Social Security, MediCare, Medicaid intact. Of course admitting that would piss all over your argument.

Police, Firefighters, Student Loans and the like are not the responsibility of the Federal Government. Clearly you have learned little regarding Dr Paul and Libertarian concepts in general. Instead you seek to discredit and fear monger.

Ler's look at the damage student loans have done to our youth. Once there is a Guarantor that a debt will be paid it causes prices to rise. College tuition continues to explode, Loan debt the same spiral. Who denefits? Not kinds. Time was they could get a job and pay their way. Not any more. Reason? Government intervention into the free market and inflating the cost so that students NEED the government.

There are few things that Private enterprise can't do better than Government. Some of those things are, Wage War around the world, confiscate wages and redistribute the fruits of your labor, restrict your civil liberties are but three off the top of my head.
Paul wants to outsource some gov't dept's I read.....eliminate a bunch of dept's too. I'd bet if that was pushed, he'd pick up a lot more support from those unhappy with big government.
Talk about cutting the budget....

Until he starts taking aobut cutting something they like then theie attitude will change.
Until he starts taking aobut cutting something they like then theie attitude will change.

His idea is quite radical, I heard others saying cutting most dept's 20% would work better...

I saw he wants to outsource FAA.......lol

He out to outsource the Presidency.
His idea is quite radical, I heard others saying cutting most dept's 20% would work better...

I saw he wants to outsource FAA.......lol

He out to outsource the Presidency.

People love outsourcing until it's their job that's outsourced.
I want to see Congress vote for a budget that cuts $1 trillion off the top in one year and then see any of them get elected next cycle. Then I want to see Paul run for a second term. Has there ever been a recall on a presidential election?
Sure do! Google will take you right to it. Find it the same way I did. Have fun. Just keep in mind if Paul wins the Republican Nomination and faces Obama in a tight race as 2 or three percentage point swing to Paul from the minority base and we have President Paul.

Ron Paul's single biggest hurdle to being POTUS is the GOP, not Barack Obama. He get's the nomination and even lukewarm support from the East Coast Elites and Obama is in a horse race. For the first time since I can recall we would have a clear cut difference and Obama would have to defend himself like he would no other candidate.

Currently Ron Paul is running a solid second in NH. Behold the Dark Horse and it's aged jockey
Check this out!!! It's even from a Liberal/Progressive leaning publication.

Dr. Ron Paul: 6 Reasons He Is Electable and Will Win

Contrary to the false propaganda proclaiming that Dr. Ron Paul is "not electable", his numbers are rising,

6. Dr. Paul not an "isolationist". He is a veteran who believes in only going to war when it has been formally declared per the U.S. Constitution. "We shouldn't have so many injured and in our hospitals because we shouldn't go to war unless it's declared. If it's declared, we should go win it and get it over with." If he were an isolationist, what reason would he be the candidate who gets the most donations from people in the military? Dr. Paul wants to withdraw from the United Nations, which would be the Constitutional thing to do. Thomas Jefferson, founding father and an author of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution stated, "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." Regarding Israel, Dr. Paul said "Two of the tenets of a true Zionist are 'self-determination' and 'self-reliance...We give $3 billion to Israel and $12 billion to her avowed enemies. How does that help Israel? And in return, we act like her master and demand veto power over her foreign policy." Ron Paul states, "Any kind of racism or anti-Semitism is incompatible with my philosophy." He is against foreign aid period. "I believe that federal foreign aid is absurd. We're broke!... It is ridiculous for us to be borrowing money from China and giving it to Pakistan. I have described foreign aid as taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries. I know that many in other nations are hurting, but I also know that the American people are a generous people. While we should end the unconstitutional federal foreign aid program, I would encourage Americans to continue to voluntarily contribute to the needs of other nations."

The rest of the story