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Real Hope & Change - Ron Paul 2012

I'll NEVER be the Poet Laureate of MN but here goes anyway.

behold the Dark Horse and aged rider
traveling through the night
armed only with the might
that comes from being right

he predicted the real estate bubble
how for the worker it spelled trouble
of course Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
led by the big banks attacked

then the government stepped in
gave them 700 billion on a whim
with chance of repayment slim
thanks to Obama things are quite grim

Ron fights to get our Liberties back
get the economy on track
Give us our confiscated wages back
wants to repeal the Patriot Act

Now is our time to speak out
not stay home and pout
show them the people have the clout
send the parasites home without a doubt

that freedom is popular.
God bless the US and Dr. Ron Paul.

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Of course, the American Electorate loves intellectuals.

Combine intellectual purity with a soulless old crank.

You get a candidate only the self-absorbed can love.

AND about 25% of the voters in New Hampshire. I'd imagine most of them are not self absorbed. Face it, Freedom is Popular.
Sure do! Google will take you right to it. Find it the same way I did. Have fun. Just keep in mind if Paul wins the Republican Nomination and faces Obama in a tight race as 2 or three percentage point swing to Paul from the minority base and we have President Paul.

Ron Paul's single biggest hurdle to being POTUS is the GOP, not Barack Obama. He get's the nomination and even lukewarm support from the East Coast Elites and Obama is in a horse race. For the first time since I can recall we would have a clear cut difference and Obama would have to defend himself like he would no other candidate.

Currently Ron Paul is running a solid second in NH. Behold the Dark Horse and it's aged jockey
Ron Paul will never be able to have the stellar record of accomplishment in the Presidency that he has had in the house.

He will never be able to pass the one bill that he has passed in all his congressional time. He is running on his accomplishment of never voting yes for anything while in the house. Kind of like Sparrow saying, "don't blame me, I voted no."

He will be shredded once he has a sole opponent. I hope he runs as a Ralph Nader Libertarian/Independent.
Ron Paul will never be able to have the stellar record of accomplishment in the Presidency that he has had in the house.

He will never be able to pass the one bill that he has passed in all his congressional time. He is running on his accomplishment of never voting yes for anything while in the house. Kind of like Sparrow saying, "don't blame me, I voted no."

He will be shredded once he has a sole opponent. I hope he runs as a Ralph Nader Libertarian/Independent.

Polls to date say otherwise. Head to Head against the Empty Suit he stands an excellent chance.

MSM, East Coast Elitists and virtually every member of the Political Parasite Class has written him off. Everyone except those who ultimately count. They would be the voters, You know "We The People" the ones that Government is there to serve, not the other way 'round.

Imagine if, We the People rise up in righteous indignation against the current Parasite Political Class?

Imagine if, We demand a Balanced Budget

Imagine if, We demand an audit of the Fed?

Imagine if, We voted out those in mid term who did not follow our instructions?

Imafine if..................
Ron Paul will never be able to have the stellar record of accomplishment in the Presidency that he has had in the house.

He will never be able to pass the one bill that he has passed in all his congressional time. He is running on his accomplishment of never voting yes for anything while in the house. Kind of like Sparrow saying, "don't blame me, I voted no."

He will be shredded once he has a sole opponent. I hope he runs as a Ralph Nader Libertarian/Independent.

He wants to outsource some gov't dept's I saw.....eliminate a bunch of dept's too. You want to talk about change you can believe in?
How's he going to do that?

How does any politician do it? Negotiation and compromise. Anyone with half a Brain knows that Ron Paul's entire platform/agenda will not see the light of day in the first 100 days. Say what you will, Ron Paul is a plodder. He just keeps nicking away at things until more and more people come to his way of thinking.

I think he actually could pull off the Trillion Dollar Savings first year and balanced in three.

I also think the Iran is deliberately ratcheting up the war propaganda because they see Ron Paul catching on.They can't use the Great Satan as Bogeyman to control their own populace if the Great Satan essentially says, "We're out of here, work it out amongst yourselves"

Remember a Non-Interventionist policy means we turn Israel loose to act in their best interests. Think Ahmadinepoophead wants to deal with being nuked into oblivion by a pissed off Israel free to defend itself as it sees fit? Think that bomb might not ever be built?

If we intervene under Ron Paul, I would NOT want to be the country he unloads on. He will go to Congress and get a formal Declaration of War, Go over Kick assets and leave in the manner defined by the Founding Fathers. IMO, there won't be any peace negotiated with a Ron Paul Presidency that doesn't involve the words "Unconditional Surrender" which to me is the Gold Standard when putting our Military in harm's way.
How does any politician do it? Negotiation and compromise. Anyone with half a Brain knows that Ron Paul's entire platform/agenda will not see the light of day in the first 100 days. Say what you will, Ron Paul is a plodder. He just keeps nicking away at things until more and more people come to his way of thinking.
Is that how he has managed to have such a stellar record of accomplishment in congress?

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