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Let the games begin-The RNC & DNC move to protect the Banksters and Crony Capitalists


Told you,
Republican Party leaders in two critical GOP primary states are preparing to have candidates “pledge” their loyalty to the party or face the very real possibility of not being on the state’s primary ballot meaning if Donald Trump were still the front runner early next year, voters wouldn’t even see his name on the primary ballot!
Read more at http://dcwhispers.com/gop-power-brokers-prepare-plan-to-force-trump-to-swear-allegiance-to-republican-party/#K3rfXDjvdBDihoXT.99
I think this is the best argument for publicly funded campaigns and take the private money out of it.

The GOP is fielding their candidates and so is the DNC. Why would they let a spoiler in the mix?

Make the campaigns publicly funded, have X number of debates. No private funds used at all. The field will be a little more level.