Well its really a question of do we simply honor seniority or do we do whats best for the company? Less moves means less moving expenses they have to reimburse, and less $12500 when we had it.
The Juniority process was put in place to save the company money, but we never got credit for it. They could give a rats ass about minimizing the disruptions to the workers, its the disruptions to the operations they are concerned about.
The way they are doing it is better for the company than truly honoring seniority, like we see at other carriers, not allowing the senior man whose job, through no fault of his own, is being eliminated to go wherever his seniority could get him, not necissarily the most junior man in the company, would be the best way to truly honor seniority but we have never had a true Union culture here, just individual silos. So we end up with Senior people sent to places where they would rather not be while Junior people occupy positions where the senior person would rather be. Sure this would be more disruptive than the way we are doing it but RIFS should be disruptive to the company, then they may be more inclined to avoid them. But as usual we aim to be accomodating. So senior people through no real fault of their own other than chosing the wrong place to go end up where they dont want to be while Junior people are where they would rather be.