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Retro Pay for Local 591 ASAP Coordinators

Maybe you all need to push the Association to get rid of 591 and get locals through the system once again.
Overspeed said:
Attack the messenger not the message when you don't want to answer the question. Or maybe the answer would expose more scams and deals.
Hopefully apathy doesn't continue and we see other within in the ranks give us some real choices next 591 election.
It looks like some of the scams here have been squashed with poof and richie going back to work and Russ gone.  Some crazy numbers have been thrown around on what they and napp made last year and rarely seen.  Over $200k from the company I hear all over the floor. Every time someone asks them what they made, they run away.  Poof I hear drives an escalade. I never see him to verify.  I see the pres, vp, george and bob more than I see the guys here.
who the f@@k is "poof and richie" and why do i care what they made?
Bob Owens said:
The topic is should these guys who work hard for their fellow mechanics get a stipend for their efforts? Forget all the conspiracies, there aren't any. In most Locals it would not even go to a vote.
The vote affects two people, the result will tell these two guys whether or not the membership appreciates their efforts. It will not raise the members dues or have any negative financial impact on them whatsoever. A "no" vote tells me that after these two guys put in their 8 hours they should turn off the phones and not answer emails and tell management that they want to punch in and out and put their names on the OT list. 
So do you have a problem with the ASAP guys getting the stipend or not?
I would hope AA AMTs realize the value an ASAP program has, and the effort it takes to be a coordinator...
Kev3188 said:
I would hope AA AMTs realize the value an ASAP program has, and the effort it takes to be a coordinator...
I'm sure they do Kev...I don't believe that's their complaint.
Overspeed said:
Gotta call BS on this. You deal with twenty state governments, the DOL filings, and the IRS? Really? I've talked to Hatfield and Kilbane about running for treasurer at 565. The local pays a payroll service to handle all tax issues having to do with payroll so all you do is point and click on who gets paid and they do the rest and the CPA does all the annual tax forms for the local and the LM2 prep. Another point and click plus maybe a signature or too. Enough with the excuses as to how you are so overworked and underpaid.
What stations were in 565? Denver, AUS and DFW, thats two states. 567 only ever had to deal with one state. 591 has guys on Payroll that live in in NH, MA, NJ, NY, PA, VA, MD, NC, GA, FL, SJU, IN, IL, WI, TX, CO, WA, CA and NV. So each state has their own set of rules. Yes we use Intuit for payroll as well but the set up was all mine, and the followup of closing out the accounts from the former Locals plus whatever issues pop up. Especially with the IRS. Never said I was underpaid but as usual you like to add stuff to try and make your point make sense. 
Way too much work? HA! I see you have a second job as a comedian.
Maybe Glenn will run for treasurer since he's doing the job. He should get paid the right rate. 
Maybe he will, better yet why don't you run? 
Overspeed said:
That's Bob's way. Latch on to a piece of something you say, make it an issue (in his mind), attack you on it, you defend yourself on the part he attacked, get led way off the original issue, and by that time real point has been lost.
Disregard his antics. Stay on your point and ignore his attempts to pivot the argument. He is the obfuscation master far and away.
Must have learned that from you! Haven't gotten to the point where I add things you didn't ever say yet though. 
700UW said:
Maybe you all need to push the Association to get rid of 591 and get locals through the system once again.
Why because Local 591 is bigger than the IAM at AA? 
Kev3188 said:
I would hope AA AMTs realize the value an ASAP program has, and the effort it takes to be a coordinator...
Thanks Kev, I hope so too. 
DallasConehead said:
who the f@@k is "poof and richie" and why do i care what they made?
Yes, what is a poof and richie? I assume they are union reps.
Its sad that the only people that want 591 are the people that are on the board or one of there flunkies that they pay to be on there side. 
Bob stop crying about how much work you have. Either learn to do it or quit and let glen do it. 
Poof is one of the Boards Hand picked guys that work in Miami. The call him Poof because he use to disappear when ever there was trouble. Richie is also another one of the board boys. 
The Truth Will Set U Free said:
Its sad that the only people that want 591 are the people that are on the board or one of there flunkies that they pay to be on there side. 
Bob stop crying about how much work you have. Either learn to do it or quit and let glen do it. 
The question was asked why Glenn was brought on, I explained why using fairer comparisons and facts, no crying, only in your challenged little mind.
So do you have a problem with paying the ASAP guys and if so, why? 
What do you mean by "People that want 591"? Are you suggesting that we become non-union? 
The Truth Will Set U Free said:
Poof is one of the Boards Hand picked guys that work in Miami. The call him Poof because he use to disappear when ever there was trouble. Richie is also another one of the board boys. 
My bet is your reputation amongst your peers requires that you stay hidden and cast your criticism from behind an alias. Sad how you fail to see the hypocrisy of your chosen alias. 
Richie was elected by the members in MIA, not sure who poof is but odds are he was elected as well. We also have recall in our bylaws. Votes are done online and can be cast 24 hours a day during the voting period. Its about as Democratic as it can possibly be. Don't like the results? Maybe you should run? But you would actually have to come out of the closet and cant run under an alias.  
Bob Owens said:
My bet is your reputation amongst your peers requires that you stay hidden and cast your criticism from behind an alias. Sad how you fail to see the hypocrisy of your chosen alias. 
Richie was elected by the members in MIA, not sure who poof is but odds are he was elected as well. We also have recall in our bylaws. Votes are done online and can be cast 24 hours a day during the voting period. Its about as Democratic as it can possibly be. Don't like the results? Maybe you should run? But you would actually have to come out of the closet and cant run under an alias.  
Bob some of Miami knows who truth is.
It is True these guy's were elected the first time to rid MIA of the previous regime.
This last go around no ran against him and the guy who did ran against the other did not put to much effort. Being a Union rep is a thankless Job. But being part of the Scamming TWU most don't want anything to do with it. I bet if you had a pole on your web site asking if the Officers of the TWU were scammers and it didn't matter who is there you would get an eye opening result. 
You at one time felt that change from within was the way to go well how has that worked out for us. Same Ole BS just with different players. Now with higher salaries. Even more positions than with more locals.  The Failure of the TWU has soured the members.
You have been here in MIA, correct?  and for you to say you Don't know poof, "come on".
He has had that nick name for many yrs. Changing things within the TWU is almost impossible and you KNOW it. When the Locals scammers support it they win. Not The Members.
Some feel we were better off with our own Local but You supported the One big Local.
"YES" the IBT at UPS is that way and look at their pay structure for it's members. NOT tied to the IBT International either. AMFA has fewer Locals fewer members as well.
The TWU is huge and is corrupt. So why get involved attempting to change from with in unless you just want to get Yours and get out? The IGM mentality here at AA which is promoted by the TWU is sickening.
TWU officers find loop holes or say that has NO merit if something comes up that puts them in bad light. We have seen it too many times.

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