Retro Pay for Local 591 ASAP Coordinators

It passed. 575 total votes casted. 3,820 registered members. 15% participation. How many members does local 591 have? These numbers are worrisome.
1AA said:
It passed. 575 total votes casted. 3,820 registered members. 15% participation. How many members does local 591 have? These numbers are worrisome.
Horrible participation because most people only care about themselves and what goes in their pockets. But personally I'm glad it passed. 

Any clue how many voted yes?
WeAAsles said:
Horrible participation because most people only care about themselves and what goes in their pockets. But personally I'm glad it passed. 
Any clue how many voted yes?
355 YES
220 NO
WeAAsles said:
Horrible participation because most people only care about themselves and what goes in their pockets. But personally I'm glad it passed. 

Any clue how many voted yes?
The numbers are out on the 591 web site "YES" vers "NO".
It is true that most mechanics here at AA only care about themselves and that in My opinion is because over the last 25 or so yrs this is something the TWU breeds. IGM attitude.
The lack of trust we the mechanics have for the TWU is at an ALL Time LOW..
It was not about the ASAP guys it was about the TWU. The local put it up on the net about the vote, But Did the Local Miami reps come to the floor and say anything and answer questions put it out there I for one did not see it. Just like the "NO" Vote for this contract. Passed by 48 votes we were told but here in MIA we had 173 that voted "YES" or did not even vote out of the 300 or so mechanics here at that time.
Since moving to the virtual Local information method, it gives the reps less participation on the floor than they had before. Which was minimal to say the least. The scamming got even bigger.
Not sure what happens over at fleet with the union since it does not effect us. We don't care about the TWU and when you guy's talk about us being uppity that comes from fleet/ramp/stores/nonemployees taking what we say out of context causing a rif then it does become a personal thing. The INTL. has screwed the line AMT's for so long, catering to the companies wants and needs. Even causing animosity between the Line and O/H.
The ASAP guys were going to get paid no matter how the vote went,
I do agree somewhat for me it's the back door twu deals that get done. The former local 567 bubba club sweet heart arrangements. These negotiations are a prime example there is no transparency no accountability and minimal if any information.
The twu I'm convinced as an organization just does not care about the memberships concerns and what we want. It's a lot like our government there will never be any real change until it's to late.
What disgusts me is the weak participation with regards to the number of people who voted.. This is sickening. How friggin hard is it to go to a website to vote?????? Geez, you can vote from your phone.......
And to those who voted NO.....I have advice for you.......When you get your ass in the ringer and need that ASAP coordinator.....maybe call him in the middle of the night or when he is on vacation or days off, make sure you tell him you voted NO on his compensation.......And you know what will happen?    HE WILL STILL DO HIS JOB TO HELP YOU!

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