It's not the compesation that is a problem it's the process in which the Local and TWU want or have delt with this. To say they have not gotten paid in 7-8 months and now we the members are just finding out and now they want retro pay to be provided by the Local.
Ok, so what is the big deal? This is an exclusively Local issue, the International has nothing to do with this issue or vote or the way we handled it.
The Local did not tell us what the pay was or is going to be and just what the amount of retro was going to be provided. Bobs answer just go to the LM2. Many don't even vote or log on to the web site.
The notice clearly states that the pay would be the same as the Benefits and EAP coordinators pay which is also stated in the bylaws, available off the Financial Report and on the LM2.
1. Local 591 ASAP Coordinator Salary Online Vote Start Date/Time:
09/09/2015 07:00:00
[SIZE=11pt]Vote Subject: I agree “yes” or decline “no” to pay the two Local 591 ASAP Coordinators, as recommended by the Local 591 Executive Board, at the same rate as the Benefits & EAP Coordinator’s. [/SIZE]
Here is the notice.
ASAP Coordinator Compensation Online Vote Post

[SIZE=11pt]September 3, 2015[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]RE: Local 591 ASAP Coordinator Salary Online Vote.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Local 591 Executive Board has reviewed the responsibilities and beneficial impact of the services provided by our Local 591 ASAP Coordinator’s for the membership. Having considered the time and effort the ASAP Coordinator’s contribute the Executive Board recommended that the Local compensate the Local 591 ASAP Coordinators with pay parity equal to the Local 591 Benefits and EAP Coordinator’s. Some of the former ASAP Coordinators were provided added hourly compensation, paid to them, above 40-hours by American Airlines. A disparate-treatment grievance was filed on behalf of the membership, for the non-contractual practice of providing some union members compensation not provided for by the Agreement, and the practice was stopped. If approved by the TWU Local 591 membership, the compensation would be retroactive to Jan 2015. In accordance with the TWU Local 591 Bylaws, Article X, P: which reads “[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Any future [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]c[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]ha[/SIZE]nges in salaries, not contained in these bylaws, will be posted on the Local 591 website as part of the meeting agenda for discussion, prior to an affirmation vote of those members present at the meeting”.
[SIZE=11pt]After completing the required discussions, during the last round of General Membership Meetings, this matter will now be placed before the TWU Local 591 membership a vote of “yes” or “no”, to establish the pay rate for the two Local 591 ASAP Coordinators. Upon closure of the vote, if approved by the membership, an amendment will be made to add the “two ASAP Coordinator’s” to the Local 591 Bylaws pay chart. The Online vote will commence September 9, 2015 0700 Central Standard Time and close September 23, 2015 0700 Central Standard Time.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]In order to vote on this matter you must be an active TWU Local 591 Member in good standing. If you have not already done so you may register on the Local 591 website by clicking on [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] or on the registration tab found on the upper right hand side of the Local 591 home page. If you encounter any problems registering please contact me by phone or e mail at 305-717-8988, [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] .[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Vote Subject: I agree “yes” or decline “no” to pay the two Local 591 ASAP Coordinators, as recommended by the Local 591 Executive Board, at the same rate as the Benefits & EAP Coordinator’s. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Jorge Rojas[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]TWU Local 591[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Recording Secretary[/SIZE]
Many don't even vote or log on to the web site.
In other words if we had put every detail that you wished for in that already long post they would not have read it anyhow. I'm sure you would have desperately tried to find something to complain about, oh look, there it is:
So you are saying is that every time there is a posting that Rojas should go around to every Bulletin Board in every station and physically post it? The fact is every Chairman and every steward was sent the notice via email. If you need to have a hard copy ask them for it.The Union Paper hangers/aka/recsec. should be getting info out but that is not happening either it's all virtual.
I can say that when Round Robin comes up for Votes the majority does Log on and vote.
I explained what happened, it was missed the last two Quarterly sessions. No great conspiracy. You seem to forget that we were elected by your peers and every three years there is another election and if at any time you don't like the job we are doing you can remove us. Just like with AMFA. So don't confuse us with what has happened at the International level, note that this is going to a vote. If you want a change in representation in this Local, or in your region the barriers are lower than ever before, but then again that would take work, a real commitment and an argument that your peers agree with.
You want papers all over the place? Wasteful and ineffective. Whats wrong with Virtual info? Its more secure than a BB for its intended target. Plus with virtual you know the source, anyone can print up whatever they want nowadays. On line is accessible to every member either with computers or smart phones, it doesn't take much more effort to read it electronically than it does hard copy and in order to vote you have to log on anyway. Now are you going to complain about that too?