There is no benefit for us to hold trips. Not like we get commision on them depending on who gets them. If trips "pop" after 12n it is just coincidence. Sick calls, PO's, PE's, etc. Before we were told not to do it anymore most of us would go through the sick seq and look at the clear date. If it was a future date, we would go ahead and clear the trip early. AVBL will always be a crap shoot. People bomb in sick when ever. A trip might come open right after you plot, or one might never open. There is no way of knowing.
Rest assured, there is no conspiracy. We don’t hold back trips. We have too much going on to give a crap who gets what trip. As long as there is a warm body, we could not give a rats ass who flys what. Besides, the more trips that go prior to 12n, the shorter our MU list is and the happier we are.