Repub. Gov. Mark Sanford admits affair


Are you going to be more surprised/disappointed if a sailor curses or if a nun drops the F bomb?

Dems don't really care if people have affairs. So many people do it and they realize it's someones personal life and don't care. Repub's on the other hand seem to think peoples private life is public domain. Ginrich was banging his aid while going after Clinton. The fact that he is on wife 3 (cheated on wife 1 and 2) but still in the public lime light show how hypocritical he is. Then you have Haggard, Ensign, Vittor, Sanford, Folley .... I mean come on people. How do you live in the public eye and think you can get away with this.

Apparently Sanfords wife has known about this for a while. BTW, who here believes that Sanford's staff did not know he was banging some chick in Argentina?

The sooner the RN kicks the religious nut jobs out and gets back to the idea of small government and fiscal responsibility the sooner they can have a voice in the future of this country. Don't tell me not to do something that you are doing on the sly.

Whats the difference......the left panders to pedophiles and GLBT and the right fornicate....
Both parties defile religious tenets and will face the music.

Source please.
What, you didn't get the memo from the DNC? The one that says all democrats must protect pedophiles, commit treason against the US, convert at least 2 people to homosexuality every week, and kill at least 5 babies every month.
What, you didn't get the memo from the DNC? The one that says all democrats must protect pedophiles, commit treason against the US, convert at least 2 people to homosexuality every week, and kill at least 5 babies every month.

Dam, I missed the part about killing babies. I guess I need to make up for lost time...... now where did I put the base ball bat.....
What, you didn't get the memo from the DNC? The one that says all democrats must protect pedophiles, commit treason against the US, convert at least 2 people to homosexuality every week, and kill at least 5 babies every month.
Well, whether tounge-in-cheek or truthful on your part, this post really does wrap it up in a nutshell!

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I was reading about him today in the news. He admits to more and the series of events and what he did just doesnt seem like something someone who is trying to hide something would do...

to me, and thinking about it... I believe he is just a troubled man who is very unhappy.

its almost as though he wanted people to find out.
Looks like the prick used tax payer money.

Facing questions over whether he used taxpayer funds to pay for trips to Argentina to see the woman with whom he admitted having an extramarital affair, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford said Thursday that he would repay the state for a 2008 business trip to Buenos Aires.
And ask yourself why did he come clean?

Cause he was about to be outed. I loved it when Larry Flynt outed all them after they went after Clinton.
Looks like the prick used tax payer money.

Like he's the only government official to use tax-payer money for personal gains ! Just add him to the list of hundreds and please Garf, don't believe he is the first or else people might think you've had your head up your _ _ _, for quite awhile ! :shock:
Never implied or stated he was the first nor do I believe he will be the last. I do find it hilarious that another bible thumping holier than thou got caught with his pants down and doing it on the tax payers dime.

Give the number of people who have been busted doing this Sanford has got to be the dumbest pin head or the most arrogant to think he would not get caught dipping his wick. Wonder who will be next to fall from grace.