Repub. Gov. Mark Sanford admits affair

John Weaver, a longtime GOP strategist, said: "The voters have chosen new management [in the White House] for a reason, and this just reinforces it. It just makes the hill a little steeper for us." Looking toward 2012, Weaver joked, "At this rate, if you're a junior Jaycees president in Memphis, you could be in line for the nomination."
FOX screws up again. Big surprise there. Seems they are in the habit of getting party affiliation wrong.

Oh? And, I suppose Gov. Sanford was put into office by Sacred Decree? Where infidelity occurs matters not one whit. Oh, and his trips to Argentina to see the chippy were charged to the taxpayers of South Carolina. But, I guess that's ok because he "took it out of the country."

you know what would concern me the most.. regarding taking off like that would simply be,
who was in charge the whole time he was gone in the event of a emergency?

I dont know if he charged the state or not for his 'trips' (I would tend to think that would not be the smartest move he could have made)

is that how they found out?
I bet there is a move by DNC to take out any GOP possibles early out. I just bet.

In an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live," State reporter John O'Connor said the newspaper was sent the messages from the governor's personal e-mail account by an anonymous person.

I bet there is a move by DNC to take out any GOP possibles early out. I just bet.
anonymous person using a personal email address?

to me, that would appear someone who is relatively close to someone, in the same household, in the same office...

could be someone who is pissed to the max, sort of like a wife who finds out her husband is cheating..

you know?
he deserved to be called out like that..


to me, it was worse what he did because it was in the oval office, the same office where the people put him. it was beyond disgrace..having that type of "personal business" in the people's office you know?

(not that it helps the situation at all) at least this guy in question took it out of the country..

And came forward with the truth...................of course all of this depends on what your definition of "is"............."is" !
GOTCHA! You're as predictable as sunrise. Have you ever had an original thought? When your were ranting about "Obama's" deficit and it was pointed out that the great majority of the deficit was created by Bush, you're answer was "old news. We're not talking about Bush. He's no longer President."

But, when someone points out a Repub shortcoming, you reach back 20-40 years to mention Kennedy and Clinton. Rush will be so proud.

Ok..................back on topic..............lets talk about the Nobama deficit................"Gotcha back"!.................and we haven't even added in his "Socialized Healthcare" yet!.................double "Gotcha"! :shock:
you know what would concern me the most.. regarding taking off like that would simply be,
who was in charge the whole time he was gone in the event of a emergency?

I dont know if he charged the state or not for his 'trips' (I would tend to think that would not be the smartest move he could have made)

is that how they found out?

So politicians never get time off or vacations?......................Brahahaw........................................
.. :unsure:
probably it doesn't matter what letter it is (because people will forget and then it will be dug up later down the road, you know around election time!)..

to me, the idea they are in decision making roles at Leadership levels making bad bad choices in one area shows they are prone to make them in others, by just not thinking things through in the first place!


its irrelevant the party..but the party will suffer for it..

I still cannot believe some actually think get away with those kinds of stunts.


the 'D's' will probably use every possible means to keep this remembered to stay in control. (that is a given)

however the R's arent helping matters much by .."going hiking"..

Are you going to be more surprised/disappointed if a sailor curses or if a nun drops the F bomb?

Dems don't really care if people have affairs. So many people do it and they realize it's someones personal life and don't care. Repub's on the other hand seem to think peoples private life is public domain. Ginrich was banging his aid while going after Clinton. The fact that he is on wife 3 (cheated on wife 1 and 2) but still in the public lime light show how hypocritical he is. Then you have Haggard, Ensign, Vittor, Sanford, Folley .... I mean come on people. How do you live in the public eye and think you can get away with this.

Apparently Sanfords wife has known about this for a while. BTW, who here believes that Sanford's staff did not know he was banging some chick in Argentina?

The sooner the RN kicks the religious nut jobs out and gets back to the idea of small government and fiscal responsibility the sooner they can have a voice in the future of this country. Don't tell me not to do something that you are doing on the sly.