Repub. Gov. Mark Sanford admits affair


Jun 28, 2003
Dallas, TX
Lied to his staff and the public about his whereabouts, but I'm sure some of you Dittoheads can discover a justification that explains away Sanford's infidelity while at the same time re-condemning Clinton for his tryst almost 20 years ago. A two for one! :lol:

Now playing at a near you

Of course, I guess this is preferable to the Appalachian Trail lie once it came out that the day he was supposedly hiking alone was Hike the Trail Nude Day! :shock:
Not that I really give a rat's ### about either one of them , the difference is Clinton was doing the nasty , in the Oval office, with one hand holding a cigar and the other poised over "THE BUTTON" ! :shock:

Big difference !
Infidelity is infidelity. How is one different from the other? Neither is the business of the public. Seems to me that the main reason the republicans have such a hard time with this is because the republicans have such a hard time with this. They pretend to stand for 'family values' (what ever that is) and every time one of them gets caught with their pants down around their ankles it is viewed as poetic justice. At least that is the way I view it. If the republicans would just shut up about the family values BS and go back to governing then crap like this would not make a difference.
Not that I really give a rat's ### about either one of them , the difference is Clinton was doing the nasty , in the Oval office, with one hand holding a cigar and the other poised over "THE BUTTON" ! :shock:

Big difference !

Nope, not one bit of difference.

If anything, this guy's actions are worse, becuase it points to the hypocrisy of the republican party. This guy has probably campaigned against gay marriage, saying it ruins the "sanctity of marriage".
Looks Dem's are assassinating to best their chances in 2012.......this guy and that Nevada Senator now.... :lol:

Probably find out the Argentinian cutie is a Dem staffer....LOL
So another politician is guilty of extra marital affair. Whoopty doopty. :rolleyes:

Seems like its standard practice amongst even the legends Kennedy, (the whole clan it seems) Clinton, etc.
I just recall while watching a news clip.. the part of him saying he was basically...'hiking in the woods to clear his mind'

he just didnt say what country he was hiking in. :lol:
I just recall while watching a news clip.. the part of him saying he was basically...'hiking in the woods to clear his mind'

he just didnt say what country he was hiking in. :lol:

Well "wood" was involved as well! :lol:
I wasn't real happy with the lynch mob style attack on Bill Clinton's personal business.

he deserved to be called out like that..


to me, it was worse what he did because it was in the oval office, the same office where the people put him. it was beyond disgrace..having that type of "personal business" in the people's office you know?

(not that it helps the situation at all) at least this guy in question took it out of the country..
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So another politician is guilty of extra marital affair. Whoopty doopty. :rolleyes:

Seems like its standard practice amongst even the legends Kennedy, (the whole clan it seems) Clinton, etc.

GOTCHA! You're as predictable as sunrise. Have you ever had an original thought? When your were ranting about "Obama's" deficit and it was pointed out that the great majority of the deficit was created by Bush, you're answer was "old news. We're not talking about Bush. He's no longer President."

But, when someone points out a Repub shortcoming, you reach back 20-40 years to mention Kennedy and Clinton. Rush will be so proud.
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he deserved to be called out like that..


to me, it was worse what he did because it was in the oval office, the same office where the people put him. it was beyond disgrace..having that type of "personal business" in the people's office you know?

(not that it helps the situation at all) at least this guy in question took it out of the country..

Oh? And, I suppose Gov. Sanford was put into office by Sacred Decree? Where infidelity occurs matters not one whit. Oh, and his trips to Argentina to see the chippy were charged to the taxpayers of South Carolina. But, I guess that's ok because he "took it out of the country."
GOTCHA! You're as predictable as sunrise. Have you ever had an original thought? When your were ranting about "Obama's" deficit and it was pointed out that the great majority of the deficit was created by Bush, you're answer was "old news. We're not talking about Bush. He's no longer President."

But, when someone points out a Repub shortcoming, you reach back 20-40 years to mention Kennedy and Clinton. Rush will be so proud.

Wow, you really liked that one didn't you? Do I care that a politician, any politician, dem or repub is caught up in an Did I care about Clinton's affair?...Not in the least.

In the grand scheme of things, I am less concerned about their personal relationships, sex etc, then I am with how they represent their constituants and how they can can affect change. Real change.
Wow, you really liked that one didn't you? Do I care that a politician, any politician, dem or repub is caught up in an Did I care about Clinton's affair?...Not in the least.

In the grand scheme of things, I am less concerned about their personal relationships, sex etc, then I am with how they represent their constituants and how they can can affect change. Real change.

You do care, but you choose to not admit it in the above post.

You do care, but you choose to not admit it in the above post.
Prove it. :lol:

Feel free to look up any of my previous rantings and you will find no references to politicians and their extra marital affairs. There's more important things that concern me then who they choose to sleep around with.
GOTCHA! You're as predictable as sunrise. Have you ever had an original thought? When your were ranting about "Obama's" deficit and it was pointed out that the great majority of the deficit was created by Bush, you're answer was "old news. We're not talking about Bush. He's no longer President."

But, when someone points out a Repub shortcoming, you reach back 20-40 years to mention Kennedy and Clinton. Rush will be so proud.

So you find pleasure in Obama's constant claim of inheriting this problem instead of accepting the reality of after 1/20/2009 anything He's done is His input and to this day His actions have done nothing to stimulate the economy......but of course......Bush screwed him..... :lol: