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Release Us!

Why is information so taboo from the members? I called other stations and their own members tell me that their President does not tell them anything! If the President does not tell the membership anything how do we know if the president is acting in our best interests? I know our President Bob Owens has explained his position on what he pushes for through a letter or in person. We are clear on it. How many Presidents do that with their memberships? I have heard before from the committee "let the membership decide" well first you have to inform them and see what they want before you vote on it.
there are no secrets with the company, only from our members. Why not allow observers at negotiations and publish all votes this will help the members decide on what they want if they are informed.
Asking members their take on being "Released" is another tool to informand and can give them a chance to voice their wishes and guide the Presidents.
Chris, are you not an arbitrator anymore for 514? And are their any machinist openings in JFK?

Damn odie, I guess you are right. There are no Machinist openings in JFK.... Dammit, I'm #### out of luck! Glad you're so smart to pick up on that. Maybe you should run for smartest idiot south of the Red River....I'll vote for ya 😀
Can't everyone just see the UNITY and STRENGTH within this Union and amongst us as individuals?
Satire of Course

Does anyone really believe an NMB release is going to help us?
Why is information so taboo from the members? I called other stations and their own members tell me that their President does not tell them anything! If the President does not tell the membership anything how do we know if the president is acting in our best interests? I know our President Bob Owens has explained his position on what he pushes for through a letter or in person. We are clear on it. How many Presidents do that with their memberships? I have heard before from the committee "let the membership decide" well first you have to inform them and see what they want before you vote on it.
there are no secrets with the company, only from our members. Why not allow observers at negotiations and publish all votes this will help the members decide on what they want if they are informed.
Asking members their take on being "Released" is another tool to informand and can give them a chance to voice their wishes and guide the Presidents.

I see, playing the part of the "Cooler".....Looks like you're a little too late 😛
Why not allow observers at negotiations and publish all votes this will help the members decide on what they want if they are informed.

The open negotiations concept always reminds me of AMFA at NW in 2000. Their daily flow of information from within was the envy of the other union members who were being kept in the dark during their own negotiations. At the same time the TWU made a lame attempt to inform their members with I-men hats and beepers, perhaps explaining the animosity towards Bob now for his efforts to inform the members beyond what the secret society at the top feels comfortable with.
They are not going to get rid of Bob. They are going to blame him.

Isn't that what Bob wants? Then his gang of backers who knew what they were asking for can claim he is the martyr, the big bad Int'l are just what he always said they were, and he can continue to play his political game. Bob definitely has a job waiting for him at Fox News.

Spin, spin, oh you crafty spin doctors!

In reality what appears to be happening is Bob and his supporters are realizing that what they promised may not be possible. The realization that a variety of factors beyond Bob's fact twisting can't overcome and he is up against people that far out class him. Meanwhile, the AMP people (formerly the AMFA people) are using the memberships' disappointment with the pace of negotiations to move forward their agenda of bringing in an untested union that uses a failed ideology.

In the end the really winner...AA. They are getting de facto pay cuts and might even reap a greater windfall of control over labor with the possibility of a new unfunded union or better yet, an ill advised request for release exposing all of us at AA to have a worse contract imposed on us.

Meanwhile Bob and all his supporters will say it wasn't Bob's fault, it was the big bad Int'l. If the Int'l steps in Bob gets to say, "I told you they were running the show from behind the curtain." Bob, JR, Pike, and other so-called leaders who keep blaming the Int'l, mediator, and AA for stalling should really look at themselves. The members need some relief now. Getting it all in one sitting, yeah that'll happen. Of course, Bob has said we can get full retro back to the amendable date so don't worry, in 2015 we will all get a big fat retro check!
Why is information so taboo from the members? I called other stations and their own members tell me that their President does not tell them anything! If the President does not tell the membership anything how do we know if the president is acting in our best interests? I know our President Bob Owens has explained his position on what he pushes for through a letter or in person. We are clear on it. How many Presidents do that with their memberships? I have heard before from the committee "let the membership decide" well first you have to inform them and see what they want before you vote on it.
there are no secrets with the company, only from our members. Why not allow observers at negotiations and publish all votes this will help the members decide on what they want if they are informed.
Asking members their take on being "Released" is another tool to informant and can give them a chance to voice their wishes and guide the Presidents.
In TULE we get more information from Bob Owens than the TWU. It would seem that some of you are living in the past as far as unionism goes. Quoting history on this board, does not qualify anyone as a union historian. All of that history is fine except no one is listening. The young people today are more concerned about what is in their paycheck and what benefits they can obtain. It is not about unionism, for them. Its about what can "I" have and how soon can "I" have it.
Damn odie, I guess you are right. There are no Machinist openings in JFK.... Dammit, I'm #### out of luck! Glad you're so smart to pick up on that. Maybe you should run for smartest idiot south of the Red River....I'll vote for ya 😀
Plenty of Machinists openings in TULE!

Maybe you could transfer to TULE and straighten the members out?
In the end the really winner...AA.

AA has been the winner since I hired in. Of course I do not have a lot of time with the company, but I understand that in 1983 the TWU leadership conned the membership into a B-Scale?, it just got worse from there. C-Scale, SRP's and OSM's. Guards (farmed out) and Ladies from the Credit Union and the back offices switching over to SRP's. I believe there is a pattern in there somewhere. What happened to those that wanted to work on the aircraft, instead of chasing the money?

I do have a question(s) for you smart guys....

Why does a non-A&P receive the some compensation for his/her one license? If you have a A&P you should be compensated for it. If you have a Journeyman's tick you should be compensated for it. Not the same as someone who has two licenses, right?
Isn't that what Bob wants? Then his gang of backers who knew what they were asking for can claim he is the martyr, the big bad Int'l are just what he always said they were, and he can continue to play his political game. Bob definitely has a job waiting for him at Fox News.

Spin, spin, oh you crafty spin doctors!

In reality what appears to be happening is Bob and his supporters are realizing that what they promised may not be possible. The realization that a variety of factors beyond Bob's fact twisting can't overcome and he is up against people that far out class him. Meanwhile, the AMP people (formerly the AMFA people) are using the memberships' disappointment with the pace of negotiations to move forward their agenda of bringing in an untested union that uses a failed ideology.

In the end the really winner...AA. They are getting de facto pay cuts and might even reap a greater windfall of control over labor with the possibility of a new unfunded union or better yet, an ill advised request for release exposing all of us at AA to have a worse contract imposed on us.

Meanwhile Bob and all his supporters will say it wasn't Bob's fault, it was the big bad Int'l. If the Int'l steps in Bob gets to say, "I told you they were running the show from behind the curtain." Bob, JR, Pike, and other so-called leaders who keep blaming the Int'l, mediator, and AA for stalling should really look at themselves. The members need some relief now. Getting it all in one sitting, yeah that'll happen. Of course, Bob has said we can get full retro back to the amendable date so don't worry, in 2015 we will all get a big fat retro check!

You say AMP uses a failed ideology, the AMP constitution is almost identical to the APA our pilots. you think theirs is a failed ideology yet you support a truly failed ideology the TWU industrial union crap, You blame Bob JR and Larry for the current debacle yet our pilots and flight attendents have yet to gain a contract either. I suppose you support something the company has offered to this point if this is the case you are a fool because the givebacks far outweight any gains made.

The companies postion is simple lacking any threat of release they see no since in offering anything tangilble, their hope is that folks will think like you and take another concession just to get a contract, the truth is Bob JR and Larry are fighting the company and the international to try to get a contract if you where paying attention you would have seen this after the T/A failed the first thing out of little jims mouth is we are not looking for a release. You are correct on one thing you are not going to get it all back in one sitting but you cannot give up another concession you have to make gains or you are better off right where you are at.

One more thing the members spoke loud and clear on the last T/A if the company does not make substantial improvements to that offer then there is nothing to bring back for a vote and to my knowledge the companies postion is to rearrange the furniture of the last T/A and try again to sell it if this is the case what would you have them do differently.
When the company wanted their concessions in 2003 we were insisted byInternational Attorny Art Luby and the international reps to stay engaged with the company, around the clock negotiations, we must get this done! Now we want to be engaged and for 3 years or more we have been dragged along like not a care in the world.
In 2003, We were promised full section 6 reopeners in 2006 of our concessions and we were suppose to fight to get it all back. the negotiating committee bought into it and what happened....nothing, all it did was get votes for the concessions.
Then we participate in the PLI company campaign and the company obtains 500 million more in concessions in Tulsa and 95 million in the line stations. what did we get for that?
Then past President of Tulsa Dennis Burchette goes on national television to say how great management is with us and that we will help the company make money so "we can reach into their pockets full of money" what happened there? Nothing!
Now the company wants more concessions and we hear the same bullshit.
The company does not need the mediator to give us a a contract we can live with. Everyone is using the mediator to stall and hope that the members will eventually cave in and get past the summer.
This is why we support Bob Owens with his "Release" theory. Where else can we go with this? The next step is to putit all on the table and move the process to bring it to a head. Don't you think 8 years is long enough of games?
Our members are frustrated and angry about the lack of progress and blame both the company and the International for it. They want results after all they have sacrificed, no excuses!

Your are either part of a solution or part of the problem
Ask yourself, which one are you?

FYI: our local 562 recieves many messages from other local members thanking us for putting out information for them to be informed. Maybe we should listen to the members more and less to personal opinions.

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