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Release Us!

Thanks, but I was looking for a link on the labor costs. SAI, the source for the figures, appears to be a consultancy firm that employs 8 people and promotes outsourcing to MROs. I looked over the site and did not see the info that was posted.

To me the rates seem unreasonably low, lower than General Aviation rates which carry a fraction of the liability and full up costs.
Thanks, but I was looking for a link on the labor costs. SAI, the source for the figures, appears to be a consultancy firm that employs 8 people and promotes outsourcing to MROs. I looked over the site and did not see the info that was posted.

To me the rates seem unreasonably low, lower than General Aviation rates which carry a fraction of the liability and full up costs.

Another source that you cannot label as promoting outsourcing.

One of the biggest areas airlines can cut costs is maintenance. Consider this: If an airline fixes its own planes in the U.S., it spends up to $100 per hour for every union mechanic, including overhead and other expenses, according to industry analysts. The airline spends roughly half as much at an independent, nonunion shop in America. And it spends only a third as much in a developing country, such as El Salvador.


Oh, the story also quotes only the TWU and AA as working to keep AMT work in the US. Not AMFA, not AMP, not IBT, not IAM, etc...the TWU. The union that apparently sucks. Almost all those others have done what? Fight the old fashioned way and lost in BK court or through giving in. Once the work is gone, it's gone. Should the TWU tell AA to shove it up their tails will see you on the picket line or BK court like these other guys?

But the complaint now coming from both American Airlines and the president of the Transport Workers Union is that the FAA needs to give maintenance facilities south of the border the same aggressive inspections they endure in the U.S.

Luis, the union president, says the FAA is looking over American mechanics' shoulders all the time in Tulsa. He wants it to be the same way for their competitors.

Maintenance facilities overseas should "have to go through ... the same scrutiny as a maintenance base in the United States," he says. "[That includes] drug testing, alcohol testing and all the compliance that we have to follow."

American Airlines' executives say that keeping their maintenance in-house is a smarter and safer strategy.

But both the union and American's management say that if other airlines are allowed to escape strict federal oversight of their maintenance operations overseas and pay lower wages, what's left of the domestic repair industry will slowly die.
Gilboy ran unapposed as I remember, where were YOU?
I've been there and done that in 1999 to 2001, as an executive board member. I was a witness to the BS from the INTL, and I made a decision back then that I didn't want any part of the THE WORTHLESS UNION. The question ought to be...Where were YOU back then and where are YOU now??? Maybe I'll write you in as a candidate for November's election? Go ahead and run......put up or shut up!!!!!!

You truly are a union stool.

"Such as? I've broadcast what I think Don will try and do, because I dont trust him."


I do not know ANYONE who trusts people who are appointed, make more than three times what an AMT makes, never takes pay cuts and is NOT elected by those they represent. Except people who are appointed and hide behind an alais while defending "themselves".


Name calling again? Really?

How can anyone trust someone who consistently changes their affiliations? Yes, you Ken. You are a flavor of the month follower and who knows who you will be backing next month. You throw out grand diatribes that have no substance and then when someone counters you attack them personally. Very immature and unprofessional.
Here's how i am going to leave this tiresome and useless debate..

I do not see the mediator releasing us.....PERIOD..
IF he does, you will see the TWU international influence a settlement under threats, fear and intimidation...

Is it really necessary for every mechanic to write Jim little and demand he demand a release?
Does Little NOT know whats going on in negotiation?

They know damn well we need to get released and instead Donnie boy and Bobby boy are telling us to lower our expectations because the company is threateneing this and threatening that....

Do you really think allllllllllllllllll these release requests are going to get past Little's six-figure earning secetary?


Does he not feel or anger and frustration, let alone PAIN?

Save your stamps!
I've been there and done that in 1999 to 2001, as an executive board member. I was a witness to the BS from the INTL, and I made a decision back then that I didn't want any part of the THE WORTHLESS UNION. The question ought to be...Where were YOU back then and where are YOU now??? Maybe I'll write you in as a candidate for November's election? Go ahead and run......put up or shut up!!!!!!


"If Local 563 re-elects Gilboy, and the rest of the board members.......you deserve more concessions"

That is what you wrote, I for one think Gilboy and all the other preisdents are in a tough spot. I don't think I could do better, and never said I could do better. Nor do I say they are corrupt.

But I believe the current negotiators should step down, Bob has made youtube videos saying we should vote NO on the last TA, saying he could do better then the TA, as of now we each have lost $6k and counting, while giving AA another year of cheap labor. He has not done better and AA is actually offering less then before. I fear the current negotiators ego's will cause further delay and finacial harm to all of us.

I do appreciate the work and effort, and I don't think I could do better, but fresh blood might be what we need.

"If Local 563 re-elects Gilboy, and the rest of the board members.......you deserve more concessions"

That is what you wrote, I for one think Gilboy and all the other preisdents are in a tough spot. I don't think I could do better, and never said I could do better. Nor do I say they are corrupt.

But I believe the current negotiators should step down, Bob has made youtube videos saying we should vote NO on the last TA, saying he could do better then the TA, as of now we each have lost $6k and counting, while giving AA another year of cheap labor. He has not done better and AA is actually offering less then before. I fear the current negotiators ego's will cause further delay and finacial harm to all of us.

I do appreciate the work and effort, and I don't think I could do better, but fresh blood might be what we need.
<_< ------ "Fresh blood" hell!!!!------- You need a fresh Union!!!
Another source that you cannot label as promoting outsourcing.

One of the biggest areas airlines can cut costs is maintenance. Consider this: If an airline fixes its own planes in the U.S., it spends up to $100 per hour for every union mechanic, including overhead and other expenses, according to industry analysts. The airline spends roughly half as much at an independent, nonunion shop in America. And it spends only a third as much in a developing country, such as El Salvador.


Oh, the story also quotes only the TWU and AA as working to keep AMT work in the US. Not AMFA, not AMP, not IBT, not IAM, etc...the TWU. The union that apparently sucks. Almost all those others have done what? Fight the old fashioned way and lost in BK court or through giving in. Once the work is gone, it's gone. Should the TWU tell AA to shove it up their tails will see you on the picket line or BK court like these other guys?

But the complaint now coming from both American Airlines and the president of the Transport Workers Union is that the FAA needs to give maintenance facilities south of the border the same aggressive inspections they endure in the U.S.

Luis, the union president, says the FAA is looking over American mechanics' shoulders all the time in Tulsa. He wants it to be the same way for their competitors.

Maintenance facilities overseas should "have to go through ... the same scrutiny as a maintenance base in the United States," he says. "[That includes] drug testing, alcohol testing and all the compliance that we have to follow."

American Airlines' executives say that keeping their maintenance in-house is a smarter and safer strategy.

But both the union and American's management say that if other airlines are allowed to escape strict federal oversight of their maintenance operations overseas and pay lower wages, what's left of the domestic repair industry will slowly die.
A link to those numbers you quoted will do fine if you please.

"If Local 563 re-elects Gilboy, and the rest of the board members.......you deserve more concessions"

That is what you wrote, I for one think Gilboy and all the other preisdents are in a tough spot. I don't think I could do better, and never said I could do better. Nor do I say they are corrupt.

But I believe the current negotiators should step down, Bob has made youtube videos saying we should vote NO on the last TA, saying he could do better then the TA, as of now we each have lost $6k and counting, while giving AA another year of cheap labor. He has not done better and AA is actually offering less then before. I fear the current negotiators ego's will cause further delay and finacial harm to all of us.

I do appreciate the work and effort, and I don't think I could do better, but fresh blood might be what we need.

"He has not done better and AA is actually offering less then before. I fear the current negotiators ego's will cause further delay and finacial harm to all of us."

AA isn't offering any more money because they're punishing there toy union(TWU) for not selling the contract to it's members and punishing labor for not taking it.
"He has not done better and AA is actually offering less then before. I fear the current negotiators ego's will cause further delay and finacial harm to all of us."

AA isn't offering any more money because they're punishing there toy union wholly owned subsidiary? (TWU) for not selling the contract to it's members and punishing labor for not taking it.

I wonder who the darlings of Centrepork think is losing the most money because of their being stubborn?

Stock quoted (last trade 7-7-2001) at $5.39/share, +1.7%.

As Ben Stein would say, wow.
From: rjowens@optonline.net [mailto:rjowens@optonline.net]
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 8:28 AM
Subject: Release Letter

Brothers and sisters.

I'm requesting that everyone send the attached letter to President Little.
You can cut and paste to E-mail or as an edited attachment is fine, you
just need to add your name, dept, and station. There has been some concern
that the members may not be raedy to engage in self help in order to move
the process forward to a fair contract. Please feel free to forward this to
any member under the MR and Stores agreements and ask them to include which
department and Station they are from under their name.

Here are the E-Mail addresses to send it to;

James Little javascript: J-Little@twu.org

CC RJOwens@optonline.net


June 2011
Dear President Little;
In November of 2007 we presented the company with Section 6 openers per the RLA, we did not exercise our right to do so a year earlier. We entered into this process in good faith yet despite our sacrifices the company has steadfastly refused to come back to the Union with a reasonable proposal that we can accept. After two years of fruitless negotiations we asked for Federal Mediation, a year later we asked to be released from Mediation, we were told to continue negotiations by the NMB. In the Summer of 2010 we rejected the company's take it or leave it offer. It has now nearly been one year since that offer was rejected and still no meaningful progress has been made on the economic proposals, in fact the company's latest proposals are regressive. The additional Holidays were more than paid for by the change from May 5 2010 to DOS. The company's continued refusal to recognize that we are negotiating an agreement with an effective date beginning May 1, 2008 is insulting and unacceptable. In light of this I'm requesting that the TWU petition the NMB to release us from Mediation and start the clock to self help with the full awareness of the potential risks and benefits this step presents.
Fraternally ;

Member in good Standing Cc; Bob Owens


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