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Regional Affiliates -- Quality Control

On 1/12/2003 12:04:25 PM will fix for food wrote:

On 1/12/2003 9:01:54 AM Ride The Lighting wrote:

You people amaze me, Mesa and Air Midwest have not had a Fetal accident ever. Mesa has been around for 22 years Air Midwest 37. So how many accidents has main line had, a few to say the least. So before you start pointing fingers do some research?

I make it a rule not to pick on people's spelling but that is just hilarious! Does that mean that Mesa and Air Midwest always wear a rubber?

You might want to double check your screen name too, I/m not sure that was what you meant it to be.....[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/2.gif']

Again, sorry, I don/t mean to put you down, but that was just killing me!

On second thought, maybe you like to swing from chandeliers....anything is possible these days![img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/1.gif']

Your reply is equally as drole,and clever.(of course not referring to the incident)
On 1/12/2003 3:43:08 PM Severed-N-Happy wrote:

Your reply is equally as drole,and clever.(of course not referring to the incident)

Thank you......I/ll be here all week.....Don/t forget to tip your waitress....
320 Driver, I'll get over it when you get a clue. How are we expanding with pilots on furlough? This is a perfect example of ML arrogance. Mesa and every other contract carrier are expanding because of your MEC, the WO's are not!
On 1/12/2003 3:55:22 PM fr8tmastr wrote:

320 Driver, I'll get over it when you get a clue. How are we expanding with pilots on furlough? This is a perfect example of ML arrogance. Mesa and every other contract carrier are expanding because of your MEC, the WO's are not!

Arrogance my eye! Starting in 1991 we started giving up flying to the WOs. Thats about the time we started with OUR furloughs. ISO, CHA, CHO, LYH, ROA, TYS, TRI, Charlie West, Huntington, Tallahasse, Evansville, Erie, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, FAY, and on and on. I personally flew 737s into these stations and MANY MORE. I even flew 727s into some of them. Our shrinking started in 1990. Yours more recently...but not because of us.

Get over it already

A320 Driver
On 1/12/2003 6:09:15 PM W:EXCH:INVOL wrote:

MesatauquaPiedagheny. Hilarious!


I agree. I motion that the term MesataquaPiedagheny be officially incorporated by reference as the official word by which one refers to any/all Express carriers flying as US Airways Express.

Do I have a second?
I agree. I motion that the term MesataquaPiedagheny be officially incorporated by reference as the official word by which one refers to any/all Express carriers flying as US Airways Express.

Do I have a second?
I motion that the term Headstoofaruptheiras#estoseereality be the official reference of the employees that work for U ML. I also motion that U be renamed to Itseverybodysfaultexceptmainlineair. Seconds?
Arrogance my eye! Starting in 1991 we started giving up flying to the WOs. Thats about the time we started with OUR furloughs. ISO, CHA, CHO, LYH, ROA, TYS, TRI, Charlie West, Huntington, Tallahasse, Evansville, Erie, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, FAY, and on and on. I personally flew 737s into these stations and MANY MORE. I even flew 727s into some of them. Our shrinking started in 1990. Yours more recently...but not because of us.

You forgot ITH to ELM, ABE to PHL, BWI to PHL these are TRULY ML U flights. Maybe 15 minutes in a Dash.
Perhaps, we should refer to separate contract carriers as Mesatauqua and any wholly owned as Piedagheny.
On 1/12/2003 11:23:08 PM Light Years wrote:

I really wish U would move towards having one wholly-owned express carrier- [/blockquote]

They will.Before this is over ,Mid-Atlantic will be the only express operator.Whether Mid-Atlantic absorbs the wholly owned or they are cut loose,MDA will eventually be the only express carrier US Airways operates.That's why the latest restructuring proposals were set up with MDA wages and benefits mirroring American Eagle.
Well. Years back, had the ML had the foresight and respect to welcome their WO brethren into the fold and not been so territorial about how big or little the airplanes were, right now there would be one mainline where newhires started in BE 1900's and ended in A330's. There would be proper payscales and advancement and there would be no Boeing/Airbus (senior) pilots on the street while Beech/Saab/Dash/Embraer pilots continued to work. There would not be ANY regional airlines, just ML routes. Proper airplanes, properly staffed, would be on proper routes as properly dictated by the market. There would be no Metsatauquameriganway (who am I missing?) or Psalemontic and no J4J because there would be no market and therefore no need. This is true of all the ML airlines, not just U.

The ML's are reaping the benefits of the artificial barriers they themselves erected.

Who is John Galt?
On 1/13/2003 8:44:44 AM ITRADE wrote:

Perhaps, we should refer to separate contract carriers as Mesatauqua and any wholly owned as Piedagheny.
This is classic stuff! I'm in tears. For you guys taking this thread really seriously, sorry for the interruption. Please continue.


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