PineyBob said:
AOG-N-IT said:
Finally , Something that makes sense for a change,...OTOH this a set-up to make a MESA takeover of W/O Express easier? :blink:
Explain how it would make a Mesa takeover easier? Labor Cintracts? From the outsiders perch it looks like something that should have been done years ago.
The friendship between Dave S. & Johnathan O notwithstanding what does US gain from having Mesa operate all or a huge part of US Express? This is where I get confused.
Labor contracts not could make things easier for MESA by USAirways Group eating the actual cost of intergrating the two parties involved. Don't think for a moment that consolidation of two seperate companies is not going to come with a hefty upfront price tag. The savings will come over time..not overnight. Natural attrition will show a modest benefit within the management / salaried ranks by intregrating the two companies and paperwork trails.
The Aircraft and Crews can be moved at will...that's what they do afterall , but consolidating the actual business side , maintenance facilities and headquarters is going to cost some bucks initially. Mesa/JO would be much more eager to persue a ready-made organization as opposed to what he tried with the aquisition of CCAir.(dba) USairways Express.
JO loves a consolidated operation. They moved all their operations out of Farmington New Mexico to PHX a number of years back....and the cost savings alone on Communications costs was a contributing reason listed at the time.
JO's relationship with Siegel ...and U's long time ambition to rid itself of the W/O's only lends more credence to this posibility...JO will be more excited to do so...if Siegel is eating the cost and headaches of getting under one roof for him in advance.
I still do not rule out JO's ambition to seek more than just wholesale dominance of the USAirways Express end of the eqaution....he is in fact a person to be watched and feared. Having seen what he did to my friends that remained with CCAir until the bitter end , only compounds my concerns for his real desires and motives in life.
JO is a classic example of the old story of "He who dies with the most toys wins" ..and JO is not going to be simply satisfied with the most Regional toys..he's seeking self and industry respect and validation , those are his words paraphrased from articles I've read about the man himself.