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Recall John Ward

Will you sign a petition to recall John Ward?

  • 1. Yeah

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  • 2. No

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Fly4ALiving said:
How do you feel that she is any different from JW? She would have done the same, and worse.
For those of us who know Tommie. She is articulate, intelligent, insightful, she is always prepared for several outcomes of a single problem. Willing to look at both sides of a situation. She is someone who would lead not follow, someone who would have done their homework and been prepared for Don Carty's bs. At the very least, she wouldn't have been like jw rushing over to CP5 minutes after the illegally extended vote to sign off on it.

Speculation at best. You can only guess and assume what would have happened, with Tommie in office. With jw we know. He dropped the ball. Never prepared for the eventuality of cuts. He didn't lead he followed. He didn't represent he sold out the membership.
FA Mikey said:
Fly4ALiving said:
How do you feel that she is any different from JW? She would have done the same, and worse.
For those of us who know Tommie. She is articulate, intelligent, insightful, she is always prepared for several outcomes of a single problem. Willing to look at both sides of a situation. She is someone who would lead not follow, someone who would have done their homework and been prepared for Don Carty's bs. At the very least, she wouldn't have been like jw rushing over to CP5 minutes after the illegally extended vote to sign off on it.

Speculation at best. You can only guess and assume what would have happened, with Tommie in office. With jw we know. He dropped the ball. Never prepared for the eventuality of cuts. He didn't lead he followed. He didn't represent he sold out the membership.
Tommie's track record is one of conciliation with the company. It was Tommie who held meetings at LGA, in a COMPANY-PROVIDED room, telling flight attendants to vote YES on the RPA. IF she thought that the RPA was as objectionable as she now claims it is, she should never have tried to cram it down the membership's throat.

FAMikey, your version of events is flawed. JW did not rush "over to CP5 minutes
after the illegally extended vote to sign off on it." He went before the vote was extended, to have his meeting with Carty. JW is certainly not blameless here as he never objected to the violation of the union by-laws, and was involved in both the extension of the balloting and the final cram-down.

Quite frankly, I can't stand either of them for the stance they took on the RPA. He is no angel, but Tommie is far worse.
Comes down to this, we all know what a low level, no class slimy, piece of ___ (fill in your own adjective here) john ward is and continues to be. The simple fact that there was no plan to counter the cuts we all knew and expected AA to ask for. The fact that no one planned or prepared for it shows, his true lack of leadership, when we needed a leader most.

In your mind you can try to convince your self Tommie would be worse. That's only your speculation. john wards performance is on record and it sucks!
FA Mikey said:
Comes down to this, we all know what a low level, no class slimy, piece of ___ (fill in your own adjective here) john ward is and continues to be. The simple fact that there was no plan to counter the cuts we all knew and expected AA to ask for. The fact that no one planned or prepared for it shows, his true lack of leadership, when we needed a leader most.

In your mind you can try to convince your self Tommie would be worse. That's only your speculation. john wards performance is on record and it sucks!
The first sentence in your reply has nothing to do with the rest of the paragraph. How does your allegations of JW being a poor leader make him a "low level, no class blah blah blah?"

I don't have to convince myself that THB would be worse. I know she would be worse.

Also, it seems to me that the base chairs, except for a select few, along with THB (who held meetings at LGA, in company-provided facilities, to convince flight attendants to vote YES) were right there with JW putting the screws to our contract.
Fly4ALiving said:
I thought you were kicked off this board, and told not to come back.

In actuality, it is you who is on furlough.
Kicked off this board??? That's a good one. I will admit I have been warned regarding some of my posts.

Furloughed with 26 years of seniority? That would be completely amazing if that happened. AA has f/a's from TWA on furlough who had 20 plus years at TWA, but not any nAAtives.

It just goes to show, how immature you really are! I hope when you return that you can be a true professional in the air and not a child like you have shown us here.


rectal cranium inversion is not the only thing! 😉
LiveInAHotel said:
Fly4ALiving said:
I thought you were kicked off this board, and told not to come back.

In actuality, it is you who is on furlough.
Kicked off this board??? That's a good one. I will admit I have been warned regarding some of my posts.

Furloughed with 26 years of seniority? That would be completely amazing if that happened. AA has f/a's from TWA on furlough who had 20 plus years at TWA, but not any nAAtives.

It just goes to show, how immature you really are! I hope when you return that you can be a true professional in the air and not a child like you have shown us here.


rectal cranium inversion is not the only thing! 😉

You only CLAIM to have 26 years seniority. Just like you claimed that you had some kind of family emergency while on a trip to NRT, then later claimed you never said that.

T----- P------, get your story straight.
MiAAmi said:
TransWorldONE said:
I'm just stating that you defintely didn't want us to get anything from YOUR company because YOU had to start over when your company went out of buisness/ceased/stopped operating/failed to survive. We were aqquired remember. Just be honest about your motives and limited idea of cohesion.
I could begrudge all my Ozark friends for going ahead of me on the seniority list or begrudge that I would not have been furloughed in '91 during the gulf war had we stapled/screwed them, like you did us. I don't begrudge them one bit, and I don't know anybody that does. It's the luck of the draw and we all benefitted from that marriage in some way. People like you just can't see beyond what is going to benefit you! And unfortunatly that is representative of alot of you. I wish it were'nt, it could have been nice.
If you think you got screwed then why not move on? Why continue to vent your frustrations with APFA and AA? Your not working here, wouldn't it be easier for you to start somewhere fresh where you don't have bad feelings? Would you come back if AA recalled you?
If I start over at another airline I loose all recall rights and I'm not ready to take that chance. I would probably come back if recalled to AA because I was at the top of the pay scale and the chance that I would occationally fly with my friends from Ozark and TWA.
I don't hate AA, or anyone who works for them (even JW) I do think that the whole acquisition could have been handled much, much better by using the strengths of all the combined workforces. The union made that impossible and probably unrepairable. We are strong and unified and that's been proven time and again. Had that been recognized and respected things would be different. The apfa set the tone for the anger, not us. You only resent us because we have the cojones to stand up to you. Even If we are ever recalled there will still be AA'rs that hate us...unfortunatly. Oh well....
Every other airline person I've talked to from USAirways to NW recognize how badly and unfairly this whole acquisition was handled.
Fly4ALiving said:
You only CLAIM to have 26 years seniority. Just like you claimed that you had some kind of family emergency while on a trip to NRT, then later claimed you never said that.

T----- P------, get your story straight.
We did kind of catch him with his shorts around his ankles on that one huh?

heh heh heh.
FA Mikey said:
Comes down to this, we all know what a low level, no class slimy, piece of ___ (fill in your own adjective here) john ward is and continues to be. The simple fact that there was no plan to counter the cuts we all knew and expected AA to ask for. The fact that no one planned or prepared for it shows, his true lack of leadership, when we needed a leader most.

In your mind you can try to convince your self Tommie would be worse. That's only your speculation. john wards performance is on record and it sucks!

at the time APFA had to convince the membership that AA was serious about declaring BK. Alot of f/as at the time thought we would be better off if AA did declare BK. Do you really think anyone would have backed the union if they came up with cuts in advance to offer to the company? its time to move on and put the bad stuff behind us. Hindsight is 20/20.
Fly4ALiving said:

You only CLAIM to have 26 years seniority. Just like you claimed that you had some kind of family emergency while on a trip to NRT, then later claimed you never said that.

T----- P------, get your story straight.
You truly have some serious issues my friend. I think you have been hanging around your little kitty friend Garfield1966 to much.

I have only flown the NRT 1 time and will never do it again. To long of a trip and not worth the time or effort. I also never had any family emergencies while on any of my trips.

It seems you're really mad about being on furlough. Maybe you and you kitty friend Garfield1966 should look for a job together. The both of you lack to important things in life:

1. Class
2. Maturity

This entire board laughs at the both of you for your pitty comments and lack of education when it comes to talking about American Airlines. Do us all a favor and take a hike!

My offer is still open for you to come to NYC and get educated on labor and unity!

twasiulverbullet, I think these two clowns have a serious case of rectal cranium inversion! 😉
LiveInAHotel said:
Fly4ALiving said:

You only CLAIM to have 26 years seniority. Just like you claimed that you had some kind of family emergency while on a trip to NRT, then later claimed you never said that.

T----- P------, get your story straight.
You truly have some serious issues my friend. I think you have been hanging around your little kitty friend Garfield1966 to much.

I have only flown the NRT 1 time and will never do it again. To long of a trip and not worth the time or effort. I also never had any family emergencies while on any of my trips.

It seems you're really mad about being on furlough. Maybe you and you kitty friend Garfield1966 should look for a job together. The both of you lack to important things in life:

1. Class
2. Maturity

This entire board laughs at the both of you for your pitty comments and lack of education when it comes to talking about American Airlines. Do us all a favor and take a hike!

My offer is still open for you to come to NYC and get educated on labor and unity!

twasiulverbullet, I think these two clowns have a serious case of rectal cranium inversion! 😉
Nah, several of us know what you said and we know you lied. One of your problems is that you say this stuff to people who can prove you wrong. Kind of like you saying I was fired. Anyone can call Crew skd and ask what ever scheduler they are talking too who was fired and when. We just had a guy let go this past Friday in fact but prior to that, it has been Sept or Oct since any one was canned and in that case last year he was a level 4 or 5, not a scheduler. But, like I said, anyone can find out that you are lying if they choose to. While I may say things that people do not agree with, I have never lied like you obviously have.

Opps and I remember looking for through the entire month you said you went to NRT on your "short lay over" which does not exist. We looked for any PO/PE .. etc removal and saw none. Then you said it was not really a short lay over because you went home on an OA blah blah blah ... Any of this ring a bell?

I do not remember what thread it was in and I have no interest in looking for it. I know what your said, Fly remembers what you said, Ops does as well and I am sure this story rings a bell with a few others on the board a well.

Learning about labor and unity from you would be like learning dinning etiquette from Jeffery Dalmer.
Ok, here it goes: Hotel joined this board on 3 nov 03, I just read all her/his posts since that day. No where those Hotel says s/he had a NRT short layover. The only time Hotel mentions NRT is just a recent post here and nothing about a short layover or family emergency, unless they were deleted or I missed them.
I must confess I've said 'OUCH!' to some of the posts but 'am also able to see her/his witt and humor. Yes, we do disagree on some major points(ouch!! again), but Hotel knows as well as we do that it is out of our hands. 🙂
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