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Recall John Ward

Will you sign a petition to recall John Ward?

  • 1. Yeah

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  • 2. No

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mjk said:
You just had a chance to "recall" him, and you lost.

IMO everyone on both sides of the issue should just suck it up and try to move forward.

However, if you still choose to be ticked off, channel your anger to the thousands of f/a's that didn't bother to vote at all.
A, Bloody, AMEN, those that DIDN"T vote are the ones to blame
SHAME. on those that did not vote--don't dare to make an issue of the TW
vote who "continues" to be "consistent" and UNIFIED
woztwa said:
mjk said:
You just had a chance to "recall" him, and you lost.

IMO everyone on both sides of the issue should just suck it up and try to move forward.

However, if you still choose to be ticked off, channel your anger to the thousands of f/a's that didn't bother to vote at all.
A, Bloody, AMEN, those that DIDN"T vote are the ones to blame
SHAME. on those that did not vote--don't dare to make an issue of the TW
vote who "continues" to be "consistent" and UNIFIED
Unified with WHO though? Sounds like you are forgetting that there is no more TWA. Even with half of the APFA members no bothering to vote, your unification still did nothing for the main goal you were trying to achieve.
Keep trying though. B)
It really doesnt matter who our President is, our mission should be the same. We as the membership have the final say when and if we chose to vote. If the next contract group does not come up with something we like then we can turn it down and make them start over again. I think there is a lot of wasted time over this presidential debate. Fact is a little over half voted for John and 1/2 voted for Tommie. John won! Why waste money and energy on this any longer? Lets use that energy and money on more important things that will benefit us all.
MiAAmi said:
If the next contract group does not come up with something we like then we can turn it down and make them start over again.
I thought this is what we did before however, if you remember they illegally extended the vote to make the vote that gave it all to the company.

Why would you think that JW would change his "ways" now - are you saying he is now going to stand up against the company and fight for the f/a's. If so - he can start with "extending recalls rights!"
Letter from Tommie Hutto-Blake:
Hello All! On today's date the letter below is being forwarded to my APFA colleagues. You may also forwarded it to your lists if you wish. It is my hope that the members will read it and stay involved in our union's many challenges. In my opinion as long as we are outspoken active AA FAs we must try be a part of the solution. THB

April 1, 2004
TO: My APFA Colleagues
FROM: Tommie Hutto-Blake, LGA FA

RE: 2004 APFA National Officers Run-off Election

Most of my APFA colleagues, friends and supporters know that I am rather long winded" and this statement will without a doubt follow my normal pattern. I have over 34 years of history as an AA Flight Attendant (FA). Thus, I have very strong feelings and opinions about this history and the job that we, together, have turned into a career. A career with a representative voice - our union, the APFA.

Foremost, I want to state that in our most recent history I gave it my all to become the president of our union. Losing this challenge by 5 votes has been one of the most difficult chapters in my life's journey. I made this decision to run for national office during the summer of 2003 and remained steadily focused on the team, our campaign approach, & platform for a solid eight months.

It is my hope that when you voted during the runoff election you felt that you were an informed voter. If you took the time to visit the two campaign websites and watched the two presidential candidates debate the issues during the February 19, 2004 debate - you were informed and I compliment your efforts. Of all the events surrounding this election, I am most proud of this candidate debate. I have lobbied for live debates between candidates for decades. We now have a standard for our future. Please remember this precedent and demand union policy to require this in the elections to come.

Many of you stepped forward to assist us during the "Back on the Right Track campaign efforts and we have been successful in electing APFA's Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. On this very date Brett Durkin, Cathy Hermann Lukensmeyer, and Greg Hildreth assume their new duties as national leaders of our union. I congratulate them and urge them to remain focused on the overall challenge of their job - representing the best interest of the AA FAs. Without a doubt they will need our help.

Before I move on to the subject of how you and I can help with the many challenges ahead for our workgroup, I need to inform you that I have filed an election complaint with the APFA National Ballot Committee regarding this March 12, 2004 election certification. My purpose in filing this complaint is twofold. First, to make certain that every valid FA ballot cast in this runoff election is rightfully counted. Second, to urge our leadership to make institutional changes to the current guidelines and safeguards concerning APFA's election process, as established in the APFA Constitution. The internal results of this complaint should be determined within sixty (60) days following the above date.

Once the final remedy has been rendered by the APFA there is also the possibility of a candidate seeking relief from the U.S. Department of Labor. Please understand that these mechanisms are long standing democratic practices established to safeguard membership elections within certified employee-representing unions. Every union member who chooses to cast a valid ballot should have that ballot counted. During our most recent balloting process that lasted from March 10 through March 12, 2004 it was discovered that some valid ballots had been voided. With a five-vote difference between two presidential candidates my request for a thorough review of the 412 voided ballots is certainly warranted.

Hopefully one of the lessons learned in this APFA election process is the importance of each and every FA vote. I urge you to remember this experience not only for future union representation elections but also for the important upcoming elections in your own communities regarding local, state and federal offices. Our individual votes do indeed have impact!

Currently, our APFA membership has elected national leaders who have very different approaches to leadership. To make a comparison using the political system of our wider community, we, the APFA members, have elected a new administration made up of both "Republicans and Democrats." As rank and file members we must urge our national leaders to properly share the balance of power and responsibilities given them by the APFA Constitution. The trust of the APFA membership is at stake. The future gains or loses of the AA FA careers are at stake. We are at a turning point and the path we choose to take as an organization will have lasting impact on our work lives

Three distinct governing groups within APFA's structure hold the reins of our union. The APFA National Officers (along with those they appoint to various full time union positions), the nine members of the APFA Executive Committee, and the twenty-two members of the APFA Board of Directors. Each of these bodies have specific constitutional responsibilities to oversee and safeguard the "rules" of the union in the best interest of the AA FAs. Our union is not a monarchy (like a corporation to a certain degree) but a democracy, and the APFA membership is ultimately responsible for making certain this system is working as such.

When nineteen candidates step forward to run for four national union positions, as in the primary of our most recent election, the assumption could be made that there was a need for a leadership shift. Effective today the members have authorized this shift. As members we must continue to keep a watchful eye on this shift and balance of power.

The last time our union had a blending of slates elected into national office (1984) we had two years of intensive political battles within the leadership structure of the APFA. Our membership funds were spent on lawsuits and a complex and lengthy internal arbitration to settle our differences. Today, we do not have the time nor can we afford to repeat this part of our history. If a blockade for progress becomes apparent in the coming months, the need for further leadership reform may also become apparent.

Toward the end of this year the APFA base election process will begin. The ultimate Governing Body of our union is the APFA Board of Directors. The 18-voting members on this Board are the 18 Base Chairs. I urge all APFA members to be alert to this fact and ultimately to become engaged in these upcoming elections. [Many times there are no elections because no opposition candidate comes forward and thus the standing chair becomes "duly elected."] Today, consider opening up direct dialogue with your Base Chair. Come to Board Meetings to observe the process. Leaders become better leaders if their constituency become involved in the process.

Without a doubt, running an organization with democratic standards is a challenge. Every elected leader gets their turn to speak and be heard. All representatives within this process should be treated with respect. Parliamentary law and rules of order should be honored when official meetings are called. Members should be given the opportunity to observe this process and indeed be given a voice in the debate. We, as the membership of APFA, have an obligation to speak out if our organization's rules are not being honored.

Another important task on our horizon will be the constitutional formation of the next-in-order APFA negotiating team. APFA will need strong, experienced, talented members to step forward for this job. Many months of preparation and research needs to be done long before any future collective bargaining takes place concerning our current Working Agreement with AA management.

This time last year our contract was gutted without proper preparation, historical review, agreed to values, or appropriate outside labor experts representing the FA interest during the concessionary bargaining. And the results speak the truth. Currently as working line FAs we don't even have a printed copy of this "restructured participation agreement" in its ever changing form.

Today, there are members who still feel disenfranchised from this time in our collective history and their disputes need to be heard and resolved. Our union currently has numerous outstanding disputes and complaints (lawsuits, unfair labor practices, and internal charges) regarding a wide range of issues - solutions need to be found so that we as a collective force can move forward with common purpose. Systems of injustice are inherently unstable. The AA FAs need stability in our representative voice - the APFA, in the years ahead. The APFA Board must be urged to resolve these outstanding complaints with due process.

I am not sharing all of this information with the idea of walking away from this collective challenge. As long as I am an active AA FA I will continue to observe and speak out. I urge you to do the same. One of the finest aspects about living in this country of ours and being a union member - is the right to speak out and to make a difference.

Again, I urge you to get to know your Base Chair. If your interests are not being represented offer your time and counsel. Watch and observe and ultimately consider being a part of the solution. Currently there is erosion afoot regarding our career choice and we all need to be alert as to who has the reins in this next leg of our collective journey. APFA needs more field activist.

I have written these words with the best of intent. It is my hope that your involvement will continue! With strength and support toward our collective cause,

Ah....A leader with class. The greatest loss is to APFA members. Too bad the Ward scare factor about the TWAers re-elected him. I really think THB would have protected the nAAtive seniority as well or perhaps better than JW. Ward cannot come close to her abilities.
L1011Ret said:
Ah....A leader with class. The greatest loss is to APFA members. Too bad the Ward scare factor about the TWAers re-elected him. I really think THB would have protected the nAAtive seniority as well or perhaps better than JW. Ward cannot come close to her abilities.
L1011 - I thought the same thing - she certainly does have leadership class.
This is John Ward, President of APFA with an update for Wednesday, March 31.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of my second term as APFA President. Representing such an outstanding group of professional women and men remains as much an honor today as it was the day I began my first term as APFA president four years ago.

As you know, today was the last official day on the job for APFA Vice President Jeff Bott, Secretary Linda Lanning and Treasurer Juan Johnson. I'd like to express my gratitude to these three for all they've done in their respective departments these past four years in support of the APFA and the membership. It's been anything but easy, and all three of you are to be commended for doing such an outstanding job.

Please join me in wishing these three well as they return to the line and in all their future endeavors.

I'd also like to take the opportunity this evening to officially welcome the three new incoming officers, Brett Durkin, Greg Hildreth and Cathy Lukensmeyer. Here's hoping the next four years might be just a little bit smoother for all the APFA membership than the last.

I personally think that THB is a great communiicator too. Here's what JW said. Also a professional that for now is President and commands my respect. There's something to be said in the expression "live for the future and be in the present."
L1011Ret said:
Ah....A leader with class. The greatest loss is to APFA members. Too bad the Ward scare factor about the TWAers re-elected him. I really think THB would have protected the nAAtive seniority as well or perhaps better than JW. Ward cannot come close to her abilities.
Tommie is a true and honest person to her word. Someone you can trust, and will follow through, with what she says. Never one to make out landish promises. I do believe she had a plan and a way to protect the furloughees with a way to get unlimited recall rights. She is part of the old gaurd and a brain trust of knowldge of or contract its language. Her plan to help streghen the union by training people who want to be there over the idiots who just dont want to fly and work under the garbage the shoved down our throats. In case I am beating around the bush to much I mean the fools in office now.
So Mikey, why aren't you more part of the solution? Are you involved with the union? Or is it just easier to sit over here on this web site with all the disgruntled TW'ers and furloughees and piss and moan? Mikey you have always had valid opinions and complaints. Why don't you put some of your energy into some Union work? I would vote for you.
latreal said:
woztwa said:
mjk said:
You just had a chance to "recall" him, and you lost.

IMO everyone on both sides of the issue should just suck it up and try to move forward.

However, if you still choose to be ticked off, channel your anger to the thousands of f/a's that didn't bother to vote at all.
A, Bloody, AMEN, those that DIDN"T vote are the ones to blame
SHAME. on those that did not vote--don't dare to make an issue of the TW
vote who "continues" to be "consistent" and UNIFIED
Unified with WHO though? Sounds like you are forgetting that there is no more TWA. Even with half of the APFA members no bothering to vote, your unification still did nothing for the main goal you were trying to achieve.
Keep trying though. B)
Insulting,as usual, Deary.
"dues arrears challenge"--It ain't over til the F/A sings. The bottom line is, "TW" people are strong unionists and VOTE. THB is a leader, JW is now the lame duck
in this new administration. You seem to forget that it was by 5 votes..and that
is being challenged.
MiAAmi said:
So Mikey, why aren't you more part of the solution? Are you involved with the union? Or is it just easier to sit over here on this web site with all the disgruntled TW'ers and furloughees and piss and moan? Mikey you have always had valid opinions and complaints. Why don't you put some of your energy into some Union work? I would vote for you.
Miami - you have real problems. You find fault when we acknowledge the gifts that an AA f/a has. I think that if we would praise anyone you would find fault just because that is your personality. The only one I hear moaning is YOU!

I think Thelma would have been a great President!
MiAAmi said:
So Mikey, why aren't you more part of the solution? Are you involved with the union? Or is it just easier to sit over here on this web site with all the disgruntled TW'ers and furloughees and piss and moan? Mikey you have always had valid opinions and complaints. Why don't you put some of your energy into some Union work? I would vote for you.
I did put in 3 years already. Its an incredibly thankless disheartening job. flight attendants are truly some of the most ungrateful people on earth.
jsn25911 said:
Miami - you have real problems. You find fault when we acknowledge the gifts that an AA f/a has. I think that if we would praise anyone you would find fault just because that is your personality. The only one I hear moaning is YOU!

I think Thelma would have been a great President!
I think you have a comprehension problem. My post was directed at Mikey. If you reread my post it I'm not knocking anyone. I think Mikey would do us a great service if he was more active in APFA.
jsn25911 said:
Miami - you have real problems. You find fault when we acknowledge the gifts that an AA f/a has. I think that if we would praise anyone you would find fault just because that is your personality. The only one I hear moaning is YOU!

I think Thelma would have been a great President!
A classic case of "i make myself feel better by belittling others," Syndrome....pissing and moaning TWAers and furloughees. What a huge threat we have always been to you, NOT.
I think you piss and moan more about us. Flipflopping between "can't wait till you're all back," to constantly downing us. Remember we're the ones that have a reason to piss and moan, not you You have a job. And it makes me ill to think that you're probably the type person that takes the attitude you show on here to onboard the aircraft. There are so many excellent professional people on the street because of your hero who should be working instead.
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