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Real Hope & Change - Ron Paul 2012

More like the truth Dude.

The black voting block in this country will support the Democrtic nominee, with few exceptions.

Just so happens that he is a mixed race dark-skinned male this time around.

Few are anything but these days.

I can tell you, there are quite a few who supported him before that are not this time. It may surprise you.

The entitlement crowd will give their support.
Few are anything but these days.

I can tell you, there are quite a few who supported him before that are not this time. It may surprise you.

The entitlement crowd will give their support.

Been hangin' in da hood?
I can tell you, there are quite a few who supported him before that are not this time. It may surprise you.
Show me a demographic black voting block that will vote Republican that will make a difference in this election cycle.
Show me a demographic black voting block that will vote Republican that will make a difference in this election cycle.

Ask and you shall receive:

CNN Poll: Ron Paul Most Popular Republican Amongst Non-Whites

So much for the “racist” smear

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, December 22, 2011
CNN Poll: Ron Paul Most Popular Republican Amongst Non Whites 110700 Ron Paul jt 10

While the establishment media continues to hype a 15-year-old story concerning decades old newsletters as part of a dirty tricks campaign to smear Ron Paul as a racist, the latest CNN poll shows that Paul has the most support from non-whites out of all the Republican candidates.

The latest CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday finds that Congressman Paul scores highest amongst minorities when matched up against Barack Obama in a hypothetical election head to head.

Paul scores 25% of the vote amongst non-whites, whereas Romney polls at 20% and Gingrich gets 15%.

Ron Paul is clearly the most popular GOP contender amongst non-whites out of the entire field, suggesting that the “racist” smear, which was heavily pushed back in 2008, has had very little impact whatsoever on the views of those who presumably would be the most likely to be offended by it.

Indeed, it’s a remarkable coincidence that those who seem to be most offended by the non-controversy are well to do, white, establishment Republican cheerleaders, Paul’s foremost political adversaries.

So once again it appears that Dr Paul's comment "Face it! Freedom is popular" resonates well with African Americans and other person's of color. Don't you have when facts get in the way of a perfectly well thought out Progressive talking point?
Show me a demographic black voting block that will vote Republican that will make a difference in this election cycle.

Make a difference? Obama needed the white indies worse than the black vote in '08.

He couldn't win on the black vote alone.
Make a difference? Obama needed the white indies worse than the black vote in '08.

He couldn't win on the black vote alone.

On a related note,This JUST IN:

Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection
January 9, 2012 RSS Feed Print

When it comes to how Americans view President Obama going into the new year, there appears to be very little spirit of Auld Lang Syne. Instead, according to the new Washington Whispers poll, many voters aren't forgetting what they dislike about Obama and want him out of office.

Whole Article

People are starting to catch onto the Ron Paul Revolution. Face it Freedom is Popular!

View attachment 9300
I know, I've been hiding out in the basement for sometime......


Iranian EMP threat you know.....not going to get me off the net.
The latest CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday finds that Congressman Paul scores highest amongst minorities when matched up against Barack Obama in a hypothetical election head to head.

Paul scores 25% of the vote amongst non-whites, whereas Romney polls at 20% and Gingrich gets 15%.
So he does better than the other Republican candidates?

That is not what I posted, or asked you to provide.

So the other 75% vote for Obama?

Do you have a link to the poll?
So he does better than the other Republican candidates?

That is not what I posted, or asked you to provide.

So the other 75% vote for Obama?

Do you have a link to the poll?

Sure do! Google will take you right to it. Find it the same way I did. Have fun. Just keep in mind if Paul wins the Republican Nomination and faces Obama in a tight race as 2 or three percentage point swing to Paul from the minority base and we have President Paul.

Ron Paul's single biggest hurdle to being POTUS is the GOP, not Barack Obama. He get's the nomination and even lukewarm support from the East Coast Elites and Obama is in a horse race. For the first time since I can recall we would have a clear cut difference and Obama would have to defend himself like he would no other candidate.

Currently Ron Paul is running a solid second in NH. Behold the Dark Horse and it's aged jockey

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