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Real Hope & Change - Ron Paul 2012

I wish someone would ask Ronnie about this.

No big deal. Just a minor hiccup. I am sure they would make a great trading partner.
I wish someone would ask Ronnie about this.


Allow me take a stab at this.

Based upon what I read here it seems to me that the Ron Paul approach of allowing sovereign nations to decide their own fate without fear of military intervention from the US will benefit both the US and the citizens of Iran. Iran is in the process of finding its place on/off the international stage. If we allow things to play out we can then deal with it. If we end up dealing with a hard line militant regime and military force is required we can act accordingly. Conversely we can also trade with them or just ignore them.

The point is that until they pose a clear & present danger to us, we have the luxury of making some popcorn and enjoying the show
Timely Article

This article despite its clear Neo-Con slant offers some interesting insight into Iran and to me points out exactly why we need to sit on our hands and wait until the dust settles. Let Europe, Russia, China attempt to back sides and when it's all said and done the USA says, "Hey want to be trading partners and maybe even friends?" Depending on who wins in the end they may just say, "Sure!"
Timely Article

This article despite its clear Neo-Con slant offers some interesting insight into Iran and to me points out exactly why we need to sit on our hands and wait until the dust settles. Let Europe, Russia, China attempt to back sides and when it's all said and done the USA says, "Hey want to be trading partners and maybe even friends?" Depending on who wins in the end they may just say, "Sure!"

Your no fun! I was getting ready to point out that either the mullahs are becoming more dangerous, i.e. storming of the UK embassy. Or they were losing control of the country, i.e. repeat of 1979. Then you more or less agree with me, I think.

With the storming of the British Embassy I hope Mr. Paul has seen the true nature of the regime and has a change of heart.

One thing I will say however if the mullahs prevail by bringing down an iron fist we should still not give them the time of day. Sure they might be able to hold on a little longer but as history has shown you can only keep people down for so long.
I said this quite some time ago. The general populace is not behind the Iranian leadership. Given the power of the internet and instant communication it is no longer as easy to keep people in the dark. Regardless of how hard the Iranian regime tries to keep western influences at bay, they are sticking a finger in a dike. I believe that if left alone, Iran will eventually fall. What replaces it is anyone guess but the current regime I believe has been on it's way out for some time now. It's a slow process right up to the point where the pressure builds up to far than then it will move fast. I think that the current leaders in Iran will use force to maintain their power and quite a few people will die, but in the end they will go the way of Mubarak, Gaddafi and soon Assad.
Well here's something I can agree with Mr. Paul on.

One thing I will say however if the mullahs prevail by bringing down an iron fist we should still not give them the time of day. Sure they might be able to hold on a little longer but as history has shown you can only keep people down for so long.

Well I firmly believe that combined our assessment of the current situation is accurate. Where we may part ways is on what to do as the nation unravels. The way I see it is we stays away from any sanctions and such. Anything that could be construed as an act of war. We have our diplomats reach out on the down down down low and let the opposition know that once the dust settles we will be eager to trade with them and help them achieve their goals.

For better or worse we are a society that wants to "Do Something". In this case the very best "Do Something" is to do very little or nothing at all. The use of our clandestine services (CIA) has backfired so many times and we haven't learned from these oft glaring miscues, one of which was installing the Shah in 1953, an event we pay for to this very day.
Poll: Romney, Paul Tie Obama

By Steven Shepard
Updated: January 9, 2012 | 7:02 p.m.
January 9, 2012 | 6:50 p.m.
From National Journal:

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, run neck-and-neck with President Obama in a general-election matchup, according to a new CBS News poll released late on Monday that shows the two front-runners in Tuesday's New Hampshire GOP primary running stronger against the president than their fellow Republicans.

Romney posts a two-point lead over Obama, 47 percent to 45 percent, within the poll's margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points. He leads Obama, 45 percent to 39 percent, among independent voters.

Obama's lead over Paul is just one point, 46 percent to 45 percent, as Paul leads among independents by 7 points.

The president posts more significant leads over the other GOP candidates, but against each he is below the critical 50-percent threshold: He leads former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, 49 percent to 41 percent; former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, 48 percent to 41 percent; Texas Gov. Rick Perry, 49 percent to 42 percent; and former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., 47 percent to 43 percent.

Among all adults, just 45 percent of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing as president, slightly worse than the 47-percent approval rating he posted last month. Among independents, 38 percent approve of Obama's job performance, while 49 percent disapprove.

Results released earlier Monday among Republicans who said they intend to vote in their state's presidential nominating contest showed Romney running slightly ahead of the rest of the field, but nearly a third of Republicans are undecided or seeking a candidate not currently in the race.Whole Article

Folks, Ron Paul CAN WIN!

I'd go so far as to argue that he represents our last best hope for a free and open society envisioned by The Founding Fathers. A society based upon Individual Freedom and Liberty at the expense of Government power over our daily lives.

Folks, Ron Paul CAN WIN!

I'd go so far as to argue that he represents our last best hope for a free and open society envisioned by The Founding Fathers. A society based upon Individual Freedom and Liberty at the expense of Government power over our daily lives.
That is not a good sign for the nominee if they are only tied at this point. The Obama machine has not even began warming up and these guys have been running for President since 2006 and earlier.
That is not a good sign for the nominee if they are only tied at this point. The Obama machine has not even began warming up and these guys have been running for President since 2006 and earlier.

O's polling across his previous support is way down........Carter ll
O's polling across his previous support is way down........Carter ll
I understand that. However, he has not started up his campaign machine yet. It will be far more effective than last time (if that is possible). Even though his previous supporters are polling low now, they will not vote for the any of the current republican candidates. Romney represents all that the OWS/99% crowd despises. And that is Obama's base.

I could see him add Rubio to the ticket to try and lock in the far right and the Cuban vote, however, the rest of the Hispanic vote will go to Obama in a big way. They will be the voting bloc that re-elects him as long as they turn out.

Blacks will not support anyone but Obama.
I understand that. However, he has not started up his campaign machine yet. It will be far more effective than last time (if that is possible). Even though his previous supporters are polling low now, they will not vote for the any of the current republican candidates. Romney represents all that the OWS/99% crowd despises. And that is Obama's base.

I could see him add Rubio to the ticket to try and lock in the far right and the Cuban vote, however, the rest of the Hispanic vote will go to Obama in a big way. They will be the voting bloc that re-elects him as long as they turn out.

Blacks will not support anyone but Obama.

If you can see the crowds at O's photo campaign stops/photo op's tells loads of where his campaign is.(if his handlers permit it)

His recent message from Iowa, there was no clapping,cheering or chanting.

Black's will not support anyone but Obama??

Sounds a little racist there Tech.

Iowans are legendary for their get down and get loud style.

The Republicans feed Herman Cain to the hyenas and then get the Black vote.

Makes sense to you.
Black's will not support anyone but Obama??

Sounds a little racist there Tech.
More like the truth Dude.

The black voting block in this country will support the Democrtic nominee, with few exceptions.

Just so happens that he is a mixed race dark-skinned male this time around.

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