Real Hope & Change - Ron Paul 2012

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  • #196
You now know that Ron Pau's near victory in Iowa has vaulted him into the big time. HOW DO WE KNOW? These 2 quotes from his facebook page.

Ron Paul
The website is under cyber attack. Our team is working to fix this as we speak. So sorry to all who have tried to make donations and could not. We'll have more info ASAP.

Ron Paul
We blocked the attack and are back on track. Since we missed time and donations, we are keeping the Money Bomb going until noon tomorrow. Please spread the word and make this a huge success!

Some observations:

The oldest person running for President is also the most internet savvy.
Apparently he has better IT staff than the hackers who tried to disrupt the Money Bomb
The attempted hacking clearly demonstrates just how afraid the Establishment and their bought and paid for candidates truly are.
Join The Revolution
Good for them, I hope they put the hackers behind bars. There is enough tampering with the election process as it is. I did not see anything in the news about their arrest. Do you have a link?
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  • #198
Gallup: GOP Candidates Can Beat Obama

Monday, 22 Aug 2011 09:53 PM

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is in a dead heat with Republicans presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and Ron Paul among registered voters, according to a Gallup poll issued Monday.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney leads Obama by two percentage points — 48 percent to 46 percent, when respondents were asked whom they would vote for if the 2012 presidential election took place today.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Obama are tied at 47 percent.

Democrat Obama edges out Texas Congressman Ron Paul 47 percent to 45 percent and leads Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann by four percentage points, 48 to 44 percent.

The results show that, at this point in the campaign, voters are fairly evenly divided but that the GOP candidates have a chance to beat the incumbent president.
I think this race is quickly going to come down to Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, and my money between those two is on Perry.

The only thing that Ron Paul has done is force some additional debate.

Cain, Gingrich, Santorum, Huntsman... they're already irrelevant.
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  • #202
Ron Paul was Right and it Makes Some Green

In an August 20 article entitled "Candidate of Doom and Gloom," Barron's Magazine goes out of its way to characterize Ron Paul's gold mining-heavy portfolio allocation as simplistic, robotic, and unpatriotic. And while the reporter, Barron's Washington bureau chief Jim McTague, grudgingly recognized how these "stopped clock" investments had made strong gains over the last few years, he glaringly under-reported the long term success and wisdom of the Congressman's strategy.

By any objective standard the portfolio would make any financial superstar green with jealousy. Fueled by his understanding of the inflationary policies unrelentingly pushed by his colleagues in Washington, Ron wisely loaded up on gold and gold mining stocks in the mid to late 1990s when those assets were regarded as the poor stepchildren of Wall Street. Although these assets have significantly beaten the broad markets over the one and three year time frames used in the article, most of their phenomenal gains occurred earlier in the last decade. McTague, however, completely neglects to mention this despite his noting that Ron Paul favored a "buy and hold" strategy that surely gave him exposure to those fat years.

Amazingly, the average 10 year return of the 8 stocks listed in his top 10 holdings (that have 10 year track records - the two other positions have not been around that long) came in at more than 600%! During that time frame the S&P 500 was down 3%. Is there any stock mutual fund that can even touch that performance over a decade? Not likely.

If Barron's chooses to label this strategy as "stopped clock" investing, so be it. But a more honest assessment would simply call it "successful" investing.

This is a long but wonderful article about Ron Paul. It will shed light upon why his supporters are so loyal and zealous. Read More Here
You now know that Ron Pau's near victory in Iowa has vaulted him into the big time. HOW DO WE KNOW? These 2 quotes from his facebook page.

Some observations:

The oldest person running for President is also the most internet savvy.
Apparently he has better IT staff than the hackers who tried to disrupt the Money Bomb
The attempted hacking clearly demonstrates just how afraid the Establishment and their bought and paid for candidates truly are.
Join The Revolution

How can you vote for a guy who talks like Yoda?

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  • #204
How can you vote for a guy who talks like Yoda?


Maybe because he is as wise as the fictional character Yoda.

What happens if the stars align and Ron actually becomes POTUS???? That loud noise and bright light in the distance is the Left spontaneously combusting!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

IMO, If Ron Paul won the election he would not live out his first term or die of natural causes.
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  • #206
What will happen is Paul will learn that he has to deal with tho houses of Congress.

Not as Commander in Chief of the Armed forces!! He can march right out of Iraq & Afghanistan, Libya & Yemen with one phone call. Not a bleeping thing the Republicrats can do there. Think about it, what's Congress going to do? Impeach him for not making war?

If he comes from the back of the pack and through all the primary's and wins the general election by even a tenth of a percent who in Congress is going to challenge his agenda in the first 6 months? NO ONE!

He has plenty of support to repeal ObamaCare today. Never mind that if he wins he is likely to have pretty long coattails with a Republican Majority in both houses.

If in the first six months he get's out of four foreign adventures and repeals ObamaCare his in entire first term would be a success compared to Obama.
There is not a chance in hell he would do that. Obama 'said' he would. Whether Obama knew he would not do it is debatable (I think he knew he was lying). Paul would not pull out any quicker than is being done now because the blow back would put him on hiss a$$ so hard his teeth would get knocked out. Continue to believe he is different from the rest of the politicians out there. I don't care.
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  • #208
There is not a chance in hell he would do that. Obama 'said' he would. Whether Obama knew he would not do it is debatable (I think he knew he was lying). Paul would not pull out any quicker than is being done now because the blow back would put him on hiss a$$ so hard his teeth would get knocked out. Continue to believe he is different from the rest of the politicians out there. I don't care.

Therein lies the difference between the Back Bench Junior Senator from IL masquerading as POTUS and a man of principle and integrity like Ron Paul. He IS different. His finances prove it. The fact he returns a portion of his salary to the Treasury. He paid for all 5 of his kids tpo go to college WITHOUT gooberment help. He doesn't just believe what he says he actually LIVES it.

To me of all the Repooplicans running he's has to be the one guy Obama fears.
Right now Obama does not even know Rep Paul exists. He is polling at what, 14% or so? When the people start hearing that Paul wants to get rid of every social safety net there is he is gone.

But lets play your fantasy game. President Paul (you just got a hard on didn't you) moves into 1600 Pennsylvania. He needs Congress to like him and the only way Congress likes him is if the constituents like Congress. If you think a Congress member is going to vote to liquidate SS or medicare, let President Paul (calm down it's only a fantasy) pull troops out of the ME without any type of blow back or do any of the other crazy things that he wants to do I think you are going to be sorely disappointed. Anything President Paul (breath .. in ... out .... in ... out) wants has to go through Congress. Even assuming Paul is the second coming and really only wants what is good for the country, Congress is not and does not. Congress wants what is good for Congress. They will not give Paul a inch of rope to use to strangle them. Paul can talk a good game all he wants. Getting Congress to jump on board is a whole different game.
Right now Obama does not even know Rep Paul exists. He is polling at what, 14% or so? When the people start hearing that Paul wants to get rid of every social safety net there is he is gone.

But lets play your fantasy game. President Paul (you just got a hard on didn't you) moves into 1600 Pennsylvania. He needs Congress to like him and the only way Congress likes him is if the constituents like Congress. If you think a Congress member is going to vote to liquidate SS or medicare, let President Paul (calm down it's only a fantasy) pull troops out of the ME without any type of blow back or do any of the other crazy things that he wants to do I think you are going to be sorely disappointed. Anything President Paul (breath .. in ... out .... in ... out) wants has to go through Congress. Even assuming Paul is the second coming and really only wants what is good for the country, Congress is not and does not. Congress wants what is good for Congress. They will not give Paul a inch of rope to use to strangle them. Paul can talk a good game all he wants. Getting Congress to jump on board is a whole different game.

Rocky Bama and his band of merry pranksters are inside out with polling data of every slight misstep by one side or the other can make or break a contender.

Never under estimate your opponent................

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