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Real Hope & Change - Ron Paul 2012

I thought he ran other times for POTUS. My mistake.

Just because we have had whack jobs in the past does not mean we need another one who is new and improved.

Any straw poll that puts Bachmann and Paul 1st and 2nd is not reflective of the voting public. Hell, I doubt it's even reflective of the republican die hards. I wonder if the TP stacked the deck.

On one day in Ames IA the vote was reflective of Republicans who participated. Whether it is reflective of the nation or even the Republican Party is why we have primaries and general elections.

The thing that excites me is that Dr Paul is no longer a "fringe" candidate. The "Liberty Movement" is growing thanks to his new found popularity. Those who identify as "Tea Party" now exceed those who identify as "Liberal" by about 2 to 8 percent depending upon the polls out there. This is because of people like Ron Paul spending years pointing out what is now becoming obvious to most Americans. We are on the wrong path, a path that leads to economic and social destruction.

We don't need a so called "Super Congress" on how to solve our debt crisis. Frankly I'd trust 12 Iowa farmers over Congress with this task. See the real problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money to spend and that's where we are now.
The part that you miss about your farmers or what ever John Q Public you put in there is that they all want to cut spending. The kicker will be when they see what they have to cut, by how much and then realize how it will affect them. Very easy to say the words 'cut spending' and very easy to cut stuff that does not affect you. It's a whole other story when you get to start cutting education for your kids, SS and medicare for your parents and grand parents, public transportation, food stamps for your friends ... etc. That's when you realize that spending is not the only problem we are facing.

OH, your boy friend Paul is still on the fringe. That tiger did not change it's stripes.
The part that you miss about your farmers or what ever John Q Public you put in there is that they all want to cut spending. The kicker will be when they see what they have to cut, by how much and then realize how it will affect them. Very easy to say the words 'cut spending' and very easy to cut stuff that does not affect you. It's a whole other story when you get to start cutting education for your kids, SS and medicare for your parents and grand parents, public transportation, food stamps for your friends ... etc. That's when you realize that spending is not the only problem we are facing.

OH, your boy friend Paul is still on the fringe. That tiger did not change it's stripes.

At least the farmers are willing to face the task instead of continuing to contribute to the problem.
50% on the dole back in the workforce would be a real good start.
How many do you know on SSI that could work but sit on their ### in a bar?
How many getting over on stamps?
There are drastic changes that need to be made all over like it or not or the consequences will make the drastic changes seem like a day at the park.
The only task they are willing to face is cutting other peoples benefits. No one ever wants to cut their own. Not even Congress.
Part of the problem is the poverty level. I have known a few people on welfare and the common grip seems to be that they can make more on welfare than they can in the work force so they are trapped. What most wold like to see is not an either or but a measured reduction. Welfare pays $10 a week. If I get a job that pays $8 dollars welfare should be reduced to $2 not $0.

I also think community service should be for folks other than just criminals. The infrastructure of this country is horrible. The state and Fed should start pumping money into public works programs. People can get trade training and start to dig them selves out of a hole. There is so much that could be done but we are not willing to spend a little to get a huge return. Instead we waste money.
And you know this exactly how? Dr. Paul less than 1/10 of what was spent by Ms Bachmann

Uh, becasue that's the nature a straw poll, buying votes.

That's another thing about you Paul supporters, you try and make it sound like it's not about the money yet brag about how much money he's raised.
Uh, becasue that's the nature a straw poll, buying votes.

That's another thing about you Paul supporters, you try and make it sound like it's not about the money yet brag about how much money he's raised.

It's not so much about the amount raised it's more about how it is raised and the amount of each contribution. His money comes mostly from everyday folks, many of them college students with most contributions under $100.

When you take the above into consideration his fund raising ability is pretty damn spectacular.

You still haven't offered proof that Dr. Paul bought votes. Considering he was out spent 10 to 1 and only fell 150 votes short of victory, he either didn't buy votes or he was a far better negotiator than Michele Bachmann.
And what of the $31000 he spent on prime real estate at the Ames straw poll. Or paying part of the entrance fee?
And what of the $31000 he spent on prime real estate at the Ames straw poll. Or paying part of the entrance fee?

Well I can live with a politician spending $31,000 in Ames IA a whole lot better than a I can with a POTUS who CHARGES $38,000 per seat for a fundraiser while delivering:
9.2% unemployment
$3.75/Gal gas
1.6 Trillion in deficit spending in one year.
Worthless Printing Press money
Debt Downgrade

Talk about a phoney and a fraud? We're dead ass broke as a country and you're worried about $31,000 spent in IA by Ron Paul? Brilliant! Since you pull these figures from someplace how much did the others spend?
New Ron Paul Commercial

It's a good commercial, stays on point and hit hard without directly attacking an individual. Nice to see at least one gentleman running for President.
Are you taking him to the prom? A politician running for POTUS who is a gentleman? You should go into stand up.
The only task they are willing to face is cutting other peoples benefits. No one ever wants to cut their own. Not even Congress.
Part of the problem is the poverty level. I have known a few people on welfare and the common grip seems to be that they can make more on welfare than they can in the work force so they are trapped. What most wold like to see is not an either or but a measured reduction. Welfare pays $10 a week. If I get a job that pays $8 dollars welfare should be reduced to $2 not $0.

I also think community service should be for folks other than just criminals. The infrastructure of this country is horrible. The state and Fed should start pumping money into public works programs. People can get trade training and start to dig them selves out of a hole. There is so much that could be done but we are not willing to spend a little to get a huge return. Instead we waste money.

Wake up, already boucoup state and fed programs on the books.

State and fed pumping in monies that now are non existent.....when you touchy feelies going to wake up to the fact that we spend more than we take in?
When you clowns going to wake up to the fact that gov't isn't your Mama?
Look at the lime fans.....gov't owes them but can't pay for it......what wrong with this picture......but I bet its ok in your eyes.
Oh the horror ! He used the dreaded term " Bucket Mouth" !

Just more of the wussification of America !
Seems to me that if the republicans dont get off the stick and get with someone like Ron Paul they will be just asking for 4 more years of that wretched Obama, what they have now is just like your grandpas GOP.

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