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Rand Paul Detained by TSA

Rand Paul knows the rules. You must watch this.


MLK, "Knew The Rules" as well! You saw what he thought about the "rules"? Didn't you? He essentially flipped the power structure the middle finger. Ever ponder that's maybe that's what's afoot here with Rand? A TSA checkpoint to me is no different than a segregated lunch counter in that in both situations individual Liberty is usurped by an unjust law or agency rule.

Are you advocating that the entire nation follow along like sheep or take a stand for individual Liberty? Sounds to me like you want us all to be good little Hitler Jungen?

"When people fear there Government there is Tyranny, When government fears the People there is Liberty", Ask anyone who has been audited by the IRS, singled out for additional screening without probable cause, Been cited by a Revenue Enhancement Officer (aka Cop) for a nuisance infraction or speed trap if they live under tyranny or Liberty?
A TSA checkpoint to me is no different than a segregated lunch counter in that in both situations individual Liberty is usurped by an unjust law or agency rule.
Rand Paul is no MLK. For you to compare his little tiff to segregation is laughable.

All he needs to do is convince his peers to change the law. :unsure:
Rand Paul is no MLK. For you to compare his little tiff to segregation is laughable.

All he needs to do is convince his peers to change the law. :unsure:

Like the Patriot Act? FISA Court?

To me an injury to one is an injury to all.

So do you think we live in Liberty? Or Tyranny?

Laughable? What's laughable is that people are dumb enough to stand still for it. It's kind of like I told a TSA agent who didn't like my "Attitude". I told him, "Look you guys haven't stolen the 1st Amendment yet. I have to comply with your silliness, I am however not required to remain silent about it." He let me go.
Did I say that? Quote?

Look up the definition of Implied or implication. Oh wait you like others to do your work for you.

Just for you:

implied [ɪmˈplaɪd]

hinted at or suggested; not directly expressed an implied criticism
impliedly [ɪmˈplaɪɪdlɪ] adv
Look up the definition of Implied or implication. Oh wait you like others to do your work for you.

Just for you:

implied [ɪmˈplaɪd]

hinted at or suggested; not directly expressed an implied criticism
impliedly [ɪmˈplaɪɪdlɪ] adv
Thanks for answering for Delldude. I didn't know he needed a keeper.

I implied no such thing, unless you think that abiding by the law of the land is implying that I want to give up my constitutional protections.

You are being overly dramatic tonight...even for you. 😛
Previous queerie by Delldude:

So you're on board for giving up Constitutional protections?

Did I say that? Quote?

Tech 2101 responses, with all due respect:

I didn't know that Rand Paul was not subject to the TSA regulations.

Rand Paul knows the rules. You must watch this.

With that said, Rand Paul, son of strict Constitutional advocate Ron Paul who should know the rules which are defined in the Constitution of the United States.....you question his response?

Basic underlining question......are the TSA reg's Constitutional?
Basic underlining question......are the TSA reg's Constitutional?
I treat that as a legal question, which it is, and the answer is Yes.

I have not seen any challenge to them overturned or upheld by the SCOTUS, unless I missed it.
I treat that as a legal question, which it is, and the answer is Yes.

I have not seen any challenge to them overturned or upheld by the SCOTUS, unless I missed it.

Well then you can support why it is within the realms of Constitutional requirements?
I'm still waiting for the Rand Paul/Rosa Parks comparison.
No chance.

Rosa Parks combed her hair.

Previous queerie by Delldude:

So you're on board for giving up Constitutional protections?

Tech 2101 responses, with all due respect:

With that said, Rand Paul, son of strict Constitutional advocate Ron Paul who should know the rules which are defined in the Constitution of the United States.....you question his response?

Basic underlining question......are the TSA reg's Constitutional?

This is the fraud of the Federal Government and for once you can't blame this on Obama. NOPE try Richard Nixon and the 9th Circuit Court.

In 1973 the 9th Circuit Court rules on U.S. vs Davis, 482 F.2d 893, 908, there are key pieces of wording that give the TSA its power to search essentially any way they choose to. The key wording in this ruling includes “noting that airport screenings are considered to be administrative searches because they are conducted as part of a general regulatory scheme, where the essential administrative purpose is to prevent the carrying of weapons or explosives aboard aircraft.”

This ruling led to the passing of U.S. vs Davis was upheld by the 9th Circuit Court in 1986 in U.S. vs Pulido-Baquerizo, 800 F.2d 899, 901 with this ruling “To judge reasonableness, it is necessary to balance the right to be free of intrusion with society’s interest in safe air travel.”

These 9th Circuit Court ruling laid the path for the creation of Public Law 107-71, the Aviation Transportation and Security Act, which was virtually unopposed by legislators when it was it was signed into law on the 19th of November 2001 by President George W. Bush. This law laid the groundwork for the Transportation Security Administration and the evolution of its current security procedures.

So it's pretty apparent that Senator Paul wants a confrontation in order to demolish TSA. Which to me is a good thing

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