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Rallying call


Feb 15, 2006
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Failure to prepare is preparing to fail ..

This message goes out to those of you on here who think as I think , who read the news and understand what is happening as I do …

To my fellow baggage handlers , pilots , line workers , gate agents , corporate workers , traveling public and all the rest, I’d like to talk to you tonight on the future of our great nation … the future that involves all of us , our families and our friends …

We live in a beautiful society and culture , democracy has served our people well in the course of our nations history and continues to serve us ….But our democracy is only as strong as it’s participants … Throughout the years we’ve had opportunities to involve ourselves in civic affairs or even not participate ,as I sadly must say I have not done … but we are coming to a watershed moment in our civilization where those of us who may have sat on the sidelines and observed can no longer afford to simply sit and watch events unfold .

As many of you know we are facing a very dangerous future …. A future that we simply cannot afford to be caught unprepared for … Our current political leaders while somewhat cognizant of the present dangers to our economy are not yet convinced that the damage being done to the world economies is serious enough to begin planning for the worst case scenarios .( as evidenced by the first failed 700 billion dollar bailout vote ) Our general population isn’t even aware of the gave severity of the economic catastrophe that awaits us all .

Those of us here and across the nation who DO understand what’s coming must begin to coalesce into a force that can effect the nation wide changes that will be necessary to ensure the survival , prosperity and safety of our people .

We cannot wait until things are too late …

I for one have never sought to lead or organize others , the very thought of responsibility for the well being of my fellow man is truly more than I have ever wanted and I’m sure many of you feel the same way . We are however faced with some grim realities , mainly that our current batch of political leaders from the state level to the national level are not focused on what could and most likely will happen in a worst case scenario for our economy .

I wish Obama or McCain were up to the task but I fear neither is .

The greed and corruption that have dealt a fatal blow to our economy remain entrenched in power and that combined with the unawareness of our people is a dangerous cocktail .

We will not be able to cure what ails us as long as those who benefit the most from the current status quo continue to lead us . The rich and powerful will never feel the sting of homelessness or depression that comes from seeing one’s life savings wiped away by an unforgiving stock market . As long as our leaders remain insulated from the effects of the common man, it is the common man who will suffer .

While I may have lost faith in the individuals who lead us , I have not lost faith in the people of this country nor democracy .

I ask that those of you reading this , who feel as I feel , think as I think , to join with me and others who wish to see a change , to steer the ship away from the rocks .

The changes to our society that need to come about are radically different than what we now know . It will not be easy to impress upon people that altering our society can work or be beneficial but we must , or the end results will leave us a half dead entity .

I want to affirm that I am not a communist , I do not ascribe to the failed political views of oppression or the notion that those who work harder than others should receive the same rewards as those who strive for nothing . I believe strongly in the value of education and hard work … The country that we exist in today was built by the creative and industrious and we must ensure that they are the ones who will always reap the most benefits , because it is by their sweat and struggle that we have risen as nation .

I hope that by joining together we can begin to figure out collectively through the democratic process that new path which we must all embark upon to lead to a more hopeful and prosperous tomorrow for our people .

Are you read to stand up ?
I did my part. I voted absentee yesterday:

voted Libertarian for President

voted against Lindsey Graham, the incumbent Republican Senator seeking re-election (because he voted for the bailout)

voted against Bob Ingles, the incumbent Republican Representative seeking re-election (because he voted for the bailout)

The only smart one from my state, Senator Jim DeMint, isn't up for re-election this time.

voted against a state Constitutional amendment that would allow the state legislature to raise the age of consent for slutty girls from 14 to 16

voted against a state Constitutional amendment that would allow the state to invest funds backing public employee benefits in the stock market