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rally and picket at DOJ with all unions and employees

Tim Nelson

Jan 5, 2003
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To management:
Dont be arrogant or dickish.
Get with each union and coordinate a mass protest at the DOJ building in dca.
Each union should also spend whatever resources are needed to get as many members, not necessarily only airline industry members, to attend the rally picket.

Management should allow its resources also to be used to sponsor this event. That necessarily means allowing any employee ps travel to attend.

Gotta be "all in" to get past this gauntlet and im not convinced of leaving the future of jobs in the hands of a attorney who claims he will win this is court.
Oh and one last thing, stop being a D in negotiations. Negotiate fairly and loosen up on the greed.
700, i fully agree. Thats why i mentioned they should loosen up. The union should have additional leverage at this point.
I think this is a fantastic idea ... It's up to US to fight for our future job security , no one else will ...

Maybe we can do a rally on the west coast as well ...we could have rallies in each of the hub cities , we would be sure to at least get local press coverage .
freedom youre a joke.. you vote for a crappy contract that in the end with your vote sent thousands of your coworkers down the river without the life jackets and then you want to this same filthy rotten mgmt to help us go to dca and picket the doj... not til we get better contracts and all i wont do much more than i have to and i work by the book you need to learn that this mgmt does not give a rats about the employees period
freedom youre a joke.. you vote for a crappy contract that in the end with your vote sent thousands of your coworkers down the river without the life jackets and then you want to this same filthy rotten mgmt to help us go to dca and picket the doj... not til we get better contracts and all i wont do much more than i have to and i work by the book you need to learn that this mgmt does not give a rats about the employees period

Do you think our wages are pair by the tooth fairy? Our employment is dependant on the success of the company as a whole .... If the company does well in time we will do well .... If we secure our postion as the largest airline in the country our job security will also be strengthened.
No contracts, no helping the company.
Agreed! They made their bed. Now; the very employees they have screwed in past concessionary bankruptcy agreements and stalling in current contract negotiations are supposed to be rallied to the defense of the company's agenda? That's going to be a tough sell to the membership IMO. They have chosen this course of alienation from labor peace.They have have chosen the position of increased profit at the cost of their employees. They have chosen to refuse to recognize past sacrifices, made by labor represented work groups on their property, that helped keep the company solvent in the past. I'm just not feeling too motivated based on the current status of contract talks. I NEED A RESPECTABLE CONTRACT. Then I may feel like rallying.
exactly ograc when I get a good contract then I will think about protesting for them until then they can kiss my arse
You guys who have been here for thirty years don't seem to care about the future of this company and that's fine I can understand that your going to retire soon and want as much as you can get out of the next contract as possible ,the rest of us who have to keep working want to make sure our company doesn't end up weak and sick .
the rest of us who have to keep working want to make sure our company doesn't end up weak and sick .

And shouting at a stone building in DC will do this how exactly?

In case you haven't noticed US is presently quite profitable, but Fleet is weak and sick, and their long term plans merger or no are to keep us that way, vague promises about of improvements to work contracts and conditions notwithstanding. So I personally don't feel compelled to cross country into the Capital swampland in August to rally for an executive team whose long-term goals are the continued marginalization of our jobs and compensation.

Of course, you can knock yourself out, but non-revving out of DCA can be a real bear sometimes.
That's why I suggested that we have multiple rallies and pickets across the country ,we would get more and better press coverage that way ...

As for whatever you think of our management it pales in comparision for our need to ensure that this company is strong ......

No one knows what the future of this weak sick nation holds but we need to be prepared for a less bountiful future .

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