questions and answers with jeff hayden

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I also stated that if you add our pension we are always ahead of the CWA. One member said if we count the company match for the CWA that they would be ahead of us. I did the math on that and stated that was not correct. I pulled out the CWA contract and our TA and read them both to the members in the room.
Please show the CWA/IAM/IBT agents the math

If the vote didn't show the negotiators how we feel then I'll let you know MY feelings so maybe you can explain it to them. If this is the best they could negotiate then don't negotiate for the East now. We have a date and in order to extend that date one day it will need to be a respectable deal. Negotiate for the West now. Get them better than this BK contract we're stuck with. US is making more money than almost any airline out there and they should not have to settle for this industry low BK crap. I don't feel the need for a transition agreement so don't worry about it. If the company wants it then they should respect the group. If they do go back to the table here are only a few of the things we need. No touching profit sharing for anything. If we make a profit we get a share plain and simple. Freight and mail are ours, bring them back. No class 1,2 cities. Everyone is the same. No 60 day rule period. I want the option to use my sick time for FMLA for me AND when I'm caring for family members. 100% pay for sick time. Real Holiday pay. 1 1/2 and Double time. West Holiday accrual. Vacation accrual was improved but need another week at 25 years. Lock the insurance costs and get rid of the Caremark requirement. Pension improvement now. True double time back, not just 7th day crap. And no negotiating away the grievances. If the company violates the contract they must be held accountable. This is some of the things to take to the table and lets tell them what we want and not let them tell us what we'll get. If the IAM can't get us even close to our peers at both the other unionized and non-unionized carriers then just wait until 2009 for the East and get earning their dues for the West. Were any of these items addressed with the company or just a slight pay raise? There's a lot more to this than just pay.
Jeff is a good guy who is trying to do the right thing.

Jeff is a good guy, but he should have stayed in the fishbowl instead of getting involved with Armedio, Boland, and some of the others. They have a knack for getting people to become thoughtless drones and do their dirty work for them, and when they're done with you, they're done. You never existed.
Jeff is a good guy, but he should have stayed in the fishbowl instead of getting involved with Armedio, Boland, and some of the others. They have a knack for getting people to become thoughtless drones and do their dirty work for them, and when they're done with you, they're done. You never existed.
I.M.O. I dont know that this is even jeff answering these questions or one of the i.a.m. spin dr.'s
again when did he get so knowledgeble ? Is there a new smart pill available ? I'd like to try it
After the horrible beating that the "IAM Allstar Team" took with the recent Tenitive Agreement vote it seems to me the membership is totally thinking about one direction and the "Allstars" are looking another. If the ratification had occured we are all sure the snake oil salesmen selling there dribble where in it for themselves. Look at the Salary figures offered for example an AGC makes 98,000 per year nearly 3 times the amount made as a Fleet Agent. All the none AGC's have to have that hanging in front of there face like a carrot on a stick and in there minds thinking if I can just sell this crappy TA to my fellow workers I'll get an appointment to one of these high paying jobs.

Thats why its called the IAM Its About Me!

We all heard you repeatedly say you didnt like this section or that sections and you still tried selling this garbage to us. I put it to you Jeff did the smell of a big fat AGC job cross your mind while trying to sell us down the road?

With the overwhelming numbers agaisnt this TA from your station the only respectable thing for you to do is resign you had your shot and you blew it.

Before the TWU was paid to leave and the IAM was on west property trying to organize
the west coast, what did the organizers promise them to join the IAM?

How was it explained to them what would happen to their jobs in ABQ, AUS, BUR, ELP,
Was it explained up front that our contract provided Class II city status, and that Class III
citys would be farmed out? Was it explained that we gave up Freight, and that our contract
allowed it to be farmed out.
Was it explained why our contract would negatively impact them in a way that hundreds
of their membership could be on the street?
At that time the COC was still in the grievance stage and therefore did not play into
the organizational effort. WHAT DID YOU TELL THEM THEN???
Thats 416.00 a year at .20 for a 40hr week. Thats not better than 800.00

Seems to me those on VF should be included also.There the ones that took the hit so others could work.So now the junior guy profits off the senior guys back.Why did the company not include them.And why is the language so confuseing most people didnt even know what it ment.

Also why is the company starting rumors that Doug can make the west side go under the east contract,He cant do that.And he knows it.
And when are sec 6 negotiations going to start for the west fleet. :up: :up: :up:

I've heard the IAM spread the rumors also with written goofy scenerios.

Allstrike and fellow IAM brothers and sisters, don't get 'hoodwinked' into Hayden's juvenile 'sidebar skit' regarding profit sharing. Your company may make $1 billion this year pre tax and your profit sharing has already been negotiated. Actually, your COC was already negotiated also.
The truth is that all Mr. Hayden did was agree with United Airlines' Canale, and appease your company by taking things already negotiated and pimp them off so your company can avoid the following:
1. Avoid the COC and its potential $627 million payout. In fact, Mr. Hayden isn't even a lawyer but he plays down the worth of the arbitration, even though the company's "Top" law firm sez in court documents it would cause 'severe harm' to stakeholders.
Mr. Hayden's convenient agenda forces him to avoid making statements about possible back pay, 4.5% pay raises, etc. He has failed to give the membership information about the 'merits of a binding arbitration appeal' should your company appeal an award from binding arbitration under the RLA. He has conveniently failed to mention penalties and further monies that could be obtained with an award if your company violates its obligation. He has failed to recognize the 'inclusion' of west side workers and that the $627 million amount includes them. Parker recognizes the cost, his own attorneys recognize the cost also, why doesn't Hayden?

2. avoid section 6 [section 6 is why you have a union to begin with, otherwise why pay dues]
3. avoiding lost synergies of having separate contracts.

Mr. Hayden 'paved the way' by agreeing to wipe out those 3 things your company has been postponing and avoiding like the plague. Then he appeased the company by collaring his very own members with an additional 2 years of a bankruptcy Judge abrogated contract.

What is sad, but very telling is the one thing I haven't heard Jeff say. Has he said that he brought back a fair and equitable agreement? All he has done is use business techniques in presenting his self manufactured 3 scenerios, which he basically throws his hands up and sez this one is better than the others. Puh leeeesssseee nuff already!
97% of his own membership will say the contract was not fair and equitable, but I haven't heard Jeff say that. I have a problem with that. It shows that Jeff has an agenda and most importantly that he isn't listening.

Parker needs to hear, 'screw transition until we get a fair and equitable contract'. If Parker sez "screw you then", then Parker will continue to have a pissed off like hell workforce. It won't matter how many additional workers he hires in PHL, it will be the same results.

Brothers and sisters are pissed off like hell and I believe they will see this thing to the end until they get Parker to show them the dignity and respect they deserve. If he doesn't know how to do that then he will have himself to blame. If fleet service can't get a contract with dignity then it won't matter how many more employees your company will continue to have the same problems it has been trying desperately to correct.

At any rate, transition agreements also give the company more flexibility in pursuing mergers and other financial transactions. And did you know that you can work under separate agreements for the next 30 years? Such a situation will blow up all the synergies that the merger was suppose to create. What investor would invest if Parker doesn't have the ability to bring two workgroups together. Folks, your company has a problem, it has not realized the full synergies that the merger was suppose to create. For the IAM to just drop a transition agreement on a silver platter and deliver it to Parker, without regard to justice, is treason against the member. I have a problem with that and I believe 99% of the members do.

Screw transition without a fair and equitable contract. If your company sez it will keep things separate then fine, keep things separate, keep your dignity and respect, and force your company to enter section 6 negotiations in 15 months. Also, force the company in section 6 negotiations immediately for your brothers and sisters on the west. I'm tired of Hayden, Canale, and the other suspects saying "The company sez this, the company sez that'. Rampers already know what the company will say since the company has been saying it for years. The westies should be all over Hayden to force him to finally enter section 6 negotiations for them. He's on the negotiations team, he should be advocating this for you. The IAM has d*cked around for over one year and has NOT FORCED PARKER TO THE TABLE [I smell Jerry Glass all over this].

The IAM and Mr. hayden have only agreed with Parker that the west should lose most of their benefits for wage bait, and Mr. hayden also agreed to 'timebomb' negotiations where 19 of the west side stations may very well be eliminated in 3.5 years.

The truth that Hayden doesn't seem to realize, is that the ramp is not stupid and Jeff brought back the most ridiculus contract ever, a contract that was rejected by over 95% of his own people. A contract that was so beat up that it could only muster a 35% Yes vote, even though the IAM was hard at work with its manufacturing 'spin' machine.

Thank God for the leaders who stood up in PHL, In CLT, IN PIT, In TPA, IN FLL, In BOS, In DCA, In LGA, and rooted out the IAM's latest treason.

I.M.O. I dont know that this is even jeff answering these questions or one of the i.a.m. spin dr.'s
again when did he get so knowledgeble ? Is there a new smart pill available ? I'd like to try it
I believe this is Jeff hayden answering. He did call me the other day like his post said. Only him and me would know about it.


When I first saw this thread I thought it was a bad idea, and it would turn personal. While it has meandered a bit, may I remind you all to keep it on union topics and refrain from making any personal attacks.

We will be watching closely, and will take action as appropriate.

Thank you,

Richard Moderating Team
And timmy you fail to include the $627 million also includes mechanic and related who would see a huge increase and payback given to them.

And the West will NOT be included in the payout as they are not working under the IAM/US Airways East CBAs.
I look at this situation as we win either way when the ruling comes down. :up:
Live long an prosper. Its out of our hands now.
And timmy you fail to include the $627 million also includes mechanic and related who would see a huge increase and payback given to them.

And the West will NOT be included in the payout as they are not working under the IAM/US Airways East CBAs.
You are partially correct 700. I understand the $400+ million figure includes the M & R also but it is implicit in the grievance. However, my understanding is that this COC is being presented 'jointly' so I refer to it in the singular. To this end, I am in agreement with you.

However, the $627 million figure includes the west side fleet and west mechanic & Related. These figures were presented by the company and recognize that eventually there will be a joint transition agreement. Kindly check the court documents. Although Parker may say he will keep things separate, both HIM and his top gun law firm recognized the inclusion of the west siders in a transition agreement and have documented such in court papers and letters to employees.

700, may I add, one thing I was taught when you're in the ring with someone is to know your opponent and his character. To that end, we know Parker has a 'fascination' with mergers. Such a fascination compells him to transition this company because everyone including the IAM knows he can not particiapte in this fascination of his until he has an agreement with the IAM.

I think that transition card that members are holding in their hand should not be played until it's time.

In your informational meetings you stated that everything in
this agreement had a value...Everything. So with that being said
What was the value placed on ''Space Positive Travel'' for the IAM's
represenitives ? I'd also like to know how a union brings back a proposal
with give backs, when we accepted the current agrrement while under
bankruptcy and now were dealing with a profitable airline ? Do you feel
that Canale has been operating for to long in dealing with the airline
in bankruptcy and doesn't know how to deal with one who's not ?
Also you keep mentioning security....Where do you see that ? If this
proposal was passed didn't we just agree to no ''Full Time to Part Time
Ratio'' unless your suggesting part time is security ? Finally why give back
''Profit Sharing'' or better yet why even talk about it ? Profit is simply that
profit (for all). Jeff don't you think this TA should have only been about
Plus's not Minus's ? The company need a TA, The company is making profits,
We have the COC coming up. Aren't we as a membership allowed ''Due Process''?
You are only voices for the group not the individual and don't ever tell me you (IAM)
could have just signed an agreement without a vote...that sounds like a threat and
maybe you (canale et all) lost sight of this and maybe you should all just step aside
and let someone else try and see if they can do better. They couldn't do worse and
I don't understand why you don't see that...Listen to your membership not the Canale's
of the world.
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