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Question about ORF

I saw that in the mid of January schedule, ORF is only down to something like 4 or 6 jets a day to CLT and all the rest are nothing but commuters. Is the new schedule accurate or are they still loading it into the computer?

The January 10th schedule has been loaded and is good through early February...
thanks markus. it sure is sad to see many cities go down to rjs. i have flown on the ERJ-145 but not the CRJs. I dont mind the ERJs but perfer the mainline jets or the DASH
I don't think you need to look at it as ego. (small jet/RJ debate)

You need to look at it as what would be the better job.

Agreed, the F28/DC9-10 is the same size as todays bigger RJ's/small jets or whatever the PC term is today.

That being said, what do you feel is the better job? I'd much rather drive a 9 at say NW than a RJ at Pinnacle.

Nothing to do with ego, just better pay, work-rules, etc.

I'd rather fly the F28 with 1990 contract rates/rules at USAir then the 170 at Republic's current rates/rules.

The term RJ/small jet in managements eyes is less pay/bad work rules for the same mission of a comparable size mainline jet.

I'd have no problem flying the CRJ with the Group 4 rates (F28) from 15 years ago at USAir today. It would be a far better job then a CRJ driver at any of the Regional airlines currently.

I'd fly a kite if it paid me 300K a year!

It's not ego, who's the better pilot or any of that bs.

It's about, maximizing days off to be at home with the family and earning the living you deserve.

I think anyone driving people around in a pressurized coors light can at FL300 deserves more than 20K a year and with 10 days at home a month.

I agree with you but some of the "mainline" think their s*3t don't stink. Personally I work for PDT and when we took pay concessions in 02 the one thing we were supposed to get in return was a legitimite flow though which we were not even allowed to negotiate it was done by US MEC and forced on us. Now to that I'll admit the current PDT MEC is screwing the flow though up as well by not allowing our MDA brothers to come back. My point was to the guy in the previos post who made a point to say those aren't RJ's their "mainline" no to insinuate that we should give up on a decent career. But that kind of attitude has already dug us a big enough hole I'm just trying to help us climb back out of it.
thanks markus. it sure is sad to see many cities go down to rjs. i have flown on the ERJ-145 but not the CRJs. I dont mind the ERJs but perfer the mainline jets or the DASH

Which is exactly why Southwest will kick USAirways butt anywhere anytime their B737 flys against an ERJ-CRJ-EMB170-Dash 8.

Passenger preference, plus a lower cost per seat mile. USAirways didn't have enough RJ's when they could have helped and now they are becoming economically obselete.
News flash for you Ringmaruf the EMB 170 is an RJ or should I say small jet. Because it falls under the Small jet restucturing agreement. But then again you people don't want to admit the original RJ's the F-28 and the DC-9-100

Man get out of the way of your own ego

News flash for you jack-woops, I'm a customer, not a pilot. Bite me.

**Edited By Moderator**
I will never understand why there's those among us who seem to think there's reason for snobbery. All of us go through the same training. All of us have the responsibility for the safety and comfort for our customers.

We are all prefessionals who have a job to do. If anything, those at express have even more problems to handle.

Darn it you guys! Get over it! Most of those fine folks at Express to the very best with little to work with. Most of them to an outstanding job.

Mainline is not the land of milk and honey. Yes, we have more to work with but this does in no way discount the hard work of our brothers and sisters at Express.

My hat is off to them. They get paid less to put up with the very same things we see at mainline.

We are all airline employees. We all deserve the repect we earn every day. To write off express as a "lesser" enity is just wrong and snobbery at its worse.

I remember the F-100. Was that considered an RJ by today's standards?
Which is exactly why Southwest will kick USAirways butt anywhere anytime their B737 flys against an ERJ-CRJ-EMB170-Dash 8.

Passenger preference, plus a lower cost per seat mile. USAirways didn't have enough RJ's when they could have helped and now they are becoming economically obselete.

Except Southwest doesn't fly into most of the cities USAirways flies the DHC-8 and a lot of the RJ's.
I dont see SWA in AVL, FLO, FAY, HTS, HHH, TYS, PWM, ITH, ELM, ECT, ECT, ECT... I could go on and on. You can not compare SWA to USAirways. It is two completely different business models. SWA is never going to fly into small cities that USAirways and other major airlines currently serve with their RJ's and in our case, the Dash 8.
Before SWA took Phlly, they were touring ABE and then when they found out that the landing fees for a 737 was in the neighborhood of about 20. per plane, they told airport director and bod to shove it up their arse and that they'd go to avp, phl, pit, or mdt first. well in the end they chose PHL and PIT. I guess this goes to show that SWA is picky about where they go
I will never understand why there's those among us who seem to think there's reason for snobbery. All of us go through the same training. All of us have the responsibility for the safety and comfort for our customers.

We are all prefessionals who have a job to do. If anything, those at express have even more problems to handle.

Darn it you guys! Get over it! Most of those fine folks at Express to the very best with little to work with. Most of them to an outstanding job.

Mainline is not the land of milk and honey. Yes, we have more to work with but this does in no way discount the hard work of our brothers and sisters at Express.

My hat is off to them. They get paid less to put up with the very same things we see at mainline.

We are all airline employees. We all deserve the repect we earn every day. To write off express as a "lesser" enity is just wrong and snobbery at its worse.

Thanks Dea, I'd like to save your message and just add it to all of the topics on this forum. People forget the big picture sometimes. We're all in this together; Every employee at every airline. When we stop making this a cut-throat industry, then we will all prosper. Brian D.
I will never understand why there's those among us who seem to think there's reason for snobbery. All of us go through the same training. All of us have the responsibility for the safety and comfort for our customers.

We are all prefessionals who have a job to do. If anything, those at express have even more problems to handle.

Darn it you guys! Get over it! Most of those fine folks at Express to the very best with little to work with. Most of them to an outstanding job.

Mainline is not the land of milk and honey. Yes, we have more to work with but this does in no way discount the hard work of our brothers and sisters at Express.

My hat is off to them. They get paid less to put up with the very same things we see at mainline.

We are all airline employees. We all deserve the repect we earn every day. To write off express as a "lesser" enity is just wrong and snobbery at its worse.


Thanks Dea. We don't hear that much, nice to know some people understand
I sent this question into customer service about a week ago and haven't heard back. Perhaps someone on this board knows???

11/18/2005 08:27 PM I fly out of orf and have noticed several of my advance booked flights have been rescheduled. It seems like many of the jets have been replaced by RJ's. My first question is; will this trend continue; will orf turn into a RJ only airport for U? Secondly, whether the answer to the first question is yes or no, is there still a possibility of U getting RJ's with first class (mainly a more spacious seat)? I remember a release several years ago about U purchasing RJ's w/ first class (I think UA has some of them currently). With the discontinuation of the rollover provision and fewer jets leaving orf I may need to reevaluate a few things. I truly enjoy flying U and just want to know what the future holds flying out of orf. Can you give me some answers please? Respectfully,

FYI - Got a response from Lance Harrington

Thank you for your email regarding service from Norfolk.

I am sorry for any inconvenience you may experience as a result of changes to existing bookings or for changes to the type of aircraft scheduled to service your preferred market. The current flight schedule indicates flights from Norfolk will continue to be operated by both regional jets and larger two-cabin aircraft. Please be assured the feedback you have provided will be useful when we consider changes to teh type of aircraft used to operate flights to and from Norfolk.

We value your loyalty and hope to welcome you aboard many upcoming US Airways flights.


Lance Harrington

I appreciate the fact that they wrote back but really got a much better answer from the folks on this board. Thanks again for taking the time to respond here. We'll see how things go...

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