Good old Ken, always willing to yell and scream that he's getting screwed, but never willing to change his ways to get his pay back.
Please oneflyer, STOP inhaling the toilet bowl cleaning fumes. It is effecting your ability to read and comprehend what I write.
YES! I, and others got screwed. By the company & the union. WHY? (Go back and re-read my post.) Because the battle cry was SHARED SACRIFICE! But by whom? Management got bonuses and the twu atd intl. DID NOT share in my sacrifice. This in not yelling and screaming. THIS IS FACT!
Perhaps you might allow someone to spit in your face and say it's raining. I have more self respect than that.
You claim I am never willing to change my ways to get my pay back? WHAT exactly should I do to do just that? HUM???
Let's see, I provided safe, airworthy aircraft BEFORE the concessions. I provide safe, airworthy aircraft AFTER concessions. Where exactly am I to get my pay, PLUS ADJUSTED INFLATION COSTS, back?
I would put my hands in the company's pockets but darn it burchette already is elbow deep in them already.
Funny, I am willing to state my identity and state facts that relate to reality. (Not the bizarro world you live in.) Enjoy the comfort of your blanket of cowardice.
"The economy -is- good, and succesful companies are going to survive. Working together was a catch phrase at UA, but it's also a truth -- if you don't work together with your management, you will die. It's just a matter of when."
Working together works when neither side lies to the other.
"Working together" is a nice catch phrase. So was, "Shared Sacrifice".
What part of a lie or injustice don't you wish to understand and accept? How do I work with a management, or union for that matter, that lies?
That isn't really true. Yes, you are paid to fix planes, but your union has made that more expenive that it needs to be, thus the company reacts by cutting your pay or laying workers off.
I would argue that if you threw out 99% of the union rule book, AA could raise the hourly wage to over and above pre-consession levels.
We could NEVER throw out the contract book. The dead people and those NOT in my craft & class would never allow it.
By the way, with all the contract language already taken out of the contract book thanks to the concessions your point makes no sense.