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Is it POSSIBLE........

Isn't the TWU a union at SWA???????? HMMMMM???? Giving credit where credit is due???? Interesting..........

Very interesting, indeed. Giving credit where credit is due is a maxim that has stood the test of time.

Let us all rise and give credit to the Teamsters for the SWA contract.
Very interesting, indeed. Giving credit where credit is due is a maxim that has stood the test of time.

Let us all rise and give credit to the Teamsters for the SWA contract.

Perhaps you both should give credit to the workers, not its union.
Perhaps you both should give credit to the workers, not its union.

Quite right. In fact, I give full credit to management. Management is almost always responsible for performance, or lack thereof. SWA employees are well paid, well treated and really work hard. They trust and appreciate their management.

Kudos and encomia to SWA management.

THERE! How was that?
Quite right. In fact, I give full credit to management. Management is almost always responsible for performance, or lack thereof. SWA employees are well paid, well treated and really work hard. They trust and appreciate their management.

Kudos and encomia to SWA management.

THERE! How was that?
Again, SWA workers make that possible.

Pre-consessions AA was even less productive than it is today. Its not just the management at all.
I would argue that if you threw out 99% of the union rule book, AA could raise the hourly wage to over and above pre-consession levels.
Show me something in the mechanics contract that you would actually want to throw out? It's the best contract that manAAgement could write.
Show me something in the mechanics contract that you would actually want to throw out? It's the best contract that manAAgement could write.
No joke!!!! Which twu concession should manAAgement throw out???

There is so many of them....around 25 years worth. The twu compAAny union is the best union money can buy. Why else would AA management lie to the NMB to keep the twu in place??? Remember, we had 22,000 M@E, so now we have been whittled down to 14,000, and 8000 on layoff. ManAAgement has to be extremely pleased. Industry leading concessions and thousands on layoff!!!!

VIVA twu!!!! 🙄 :down:
Isn't the TWU a union at SWA???????? HMMMMM???? Giving credit where credit is due???? Interesting..........

The TWU does represent workers at WN, but they're on the ramp, which has nothing to do with the M & R theme this thread has. For that matter, we also have TWU'ers here at Northwest, and they were one of the first groups to agree to permanent concessions.

As posted by others, the AMT's at WN were previously rep'd by the IBT.

Also, the ticket/gate/operations agents at WN are IAM, in case you'd like to throw another red herring or two out there.
Show me something in the mechanics contract that you would actually want to throw out? It's the best contract that manAAgement could write.

I assure you that if AA wrote the contract the rule book wouldn't be 500 some pages long. I'm quite sure you wouldn't have both supervisors and CC which are essentially the same jobs. I'm not going to debate the specifics of the mechanics contract with you, but it is difficult for a rational human being to deny that the AA unions adds significant complexity to the operation.
I assure you that if AA wrote the contract the rule book wouldn't be 500 some pages long. I'm quite sure you wouldn't have both supervisors and CC which are essentially the same jobs. I'm not going to debate the specifics of the mechanics contract with you, but it is difficult for a rational human being to deny that the AA unions adds significant complexity to the operation.
Supervisors and Crew Chiefs were not the same job before management decided to beef up their own ranks. Prior to the Carty management hiring spree, supervisors took care of the clerical jobs and discipline, and CC's took care of the operation. Now we have supervisors trying to do a CC's job, planners trying to do a CC's job, and dozens of clerks to do the job that one supervisor on shift did for years. Back then we were called the "On-time Machine," so maybe we should eliminate the supervisors job. :up:
That isn't really true. Yes, you are paid to fix planes, but your union has made that more expenive that it needs to be, thus the company reacts by cutting your pay or laying workers off.
You obviously dont know what you are talking about. Many times I've seen the likes of you post such drivel yet when I ask for specifics all I get is silence.

The TWU/AA contract is on the web, on Local 562s website, please show me the language that causes our labor costs to be more expensive than SWA. Show me the language that makes it more expensive for AA to fix planes.

I would argue that if you threw out 99% of the union rule book, AA could raise the hourly wage to over and above pre-consession levels.

Based upon what? The fact is that the company already threw out 99% of our contract that was worth anything and they claim they still need more concessions.
Isn't the TWU a union at SWA???????? HMMMMM???? Giving credit where credit is due???? Interesting..........
Thom McDaniels is an anomaly in the ATD, he is more like(whether he realizes it or not) Rojer Toussaint than Jim Little.

Over at SWA they have an entirely different situation than what exists at AA. Over at SWA Thom McDaniels signs the contract in place and the contract belongs to his Local. If the members dont like the result they can vote him out, but over at AA the International owns the contract, not any of the Locals. The Locals do not sign the contract into place nor do they have any power over the contract. Wheras Thom McDaniels has control over the contract and is held accountable every three years directly by the members that work under the agreement Jim Little or his appointee, Gary Yingst, has control over the AA contract and is never held accountable by the members that work under it.

So I will give McDaniels credit for what he accomplished despite the International but I believe that TWU workers were strung along longer and given their contracts last, so that means that they made less money than workers who had already recieved their increases.

The fact remains that because of the different structure SWA -TWU members have when compared to the abortion that TWU/AA members have, they enjoy accountability like no member at AA has.
Good old Ken, always willing to yell and scream that he's getting screwed, but never willing to change his ways to get his pay back.

Please oneflyer, STOP inhaling the toilet bowl cleaning fumes. It is effecting your ability to read and comprehend what I write.

YES! I, and others got screwed. By the company & the union. WHY? (Go back and re-read my post.) Because the battle cry was SHARED SACRIFICE! But by whom? Management got bonuses and the twu atd intl. DID NOT share in my sacrifice. This in not yelling and screaming. THIS IS FACT!

Perhaps you might allow someone to spit in your face and say it's raining. I have more self respect than that.

You claim I am never willing to change my ways to get my pay back? WHAT exactly should I do to do just that? HUM???

Let's see, I provided safe, airworthy aircraft BEFORE the concessions. I provide safe, airworthy aircraft AFTER concessions. Where exactly am I to get my pay, PLUS ADJUSTED INFLATION COSTS, back?

I would put my hands in the company's pockets but darn it burchette already is elbow deep in them already.

Funny, I am willing to state my identity and state facts that relate to reality. (Not the bizarro world you live in.) Enjoy the comfort of your blanket of cowardice.


"The economy -is- good, and succesful companies are going to survive. Working together was a catch phrase at UA, but it's also a truth -- if you don't work together with your management, you will die. It's just a matter of when."

Working together works when neither side lies to the other.

"Working together" is a nice catch phrase. So was, "Shared Sacrifice".

What part of a lie or injustice don't you wish to understand and accept? How do I work with a management, or union for that matter, that lies?

That isn't really true. Yes, you are paid to fix planes, but your union has made that more expenive that it needs to be, thus the company reacts by cutting your pay or laying workers off.

I would argue that if you threw out 99% of the union rule book, AA could raise the hourly wage to over and above pre-consession levels.


We could NEVER throw out the contract book. The dead people and those NOT in my craft & class would never allow it. 😉

By the way, with all the contract language already taken out of the contract book thanks to the concessions your point makes no sense.

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