BS, they do not move B-checks because one station gets it out faster than the other. The company tries to match where they have the facilities and manpower with routing, as routing changes so does the location of B-Checks. Are you saying that DFW doesn't have any B-checks? They didn't add work to JFK, they replaced one B-check with another, was one a reward and the other punishment? No, that's what the company felt best served the operation. We were doing two 757 B checks a night when I transferred into JFK 20 years ago. They move Bchecks all the time and whether you bang them out or not there is no guarantee they will keep them there. When JFK lost the 767 B-Check they had near perfect performance at the time, LAX had the worst, but they still got it anyway. Sure there may have been occasions where the performance was not what the company wanted prior to the move and it gave management and their sucks like you the opportunity to blame the poor performance for the move but it would have happened either way, just ask the guys in STL, MCI and AFW who all delivered exceptional performance but saw the work leave anyway and in most cases it went to places where the performance was no better. So according to you the only time they move a plane and its not due to routing is because the performance was bad, but when the performance is excellent and they move it it's because of Routing, did you ever think that maybe when the performance is bad that they lie to you and tell you its because of performance and not routing? So when performance is bad they have the option to move it wherever but when the performance is good and they move it then its because they have no choice. How convenient! and why would you believe that? Because management told you so.