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Question On Outsourcing

James T. Kirk said:
Sorry Buck but you wouldn't know unionism if it walked up and kicked you reght square in the butt.

You are the one who hates your line station brothers.

You are the one who advocates concessions.

You are the one who believes that some mechanics should be paid less.

You see the point, you are one, you are only for yourself.

You TWU brother, cannot even adhere to your AFL-CIO constitutional provisions.

Article II: Objects and Principles

The objects and principles of this Federation are:

1. To aid workers in securing improved wages, hours and working conditions with due regard for the autonomy, integrity and jurisdiction of affiliated unions.

Maybe you should read your AFL-CIO constitution? You might begin to understand that it is not just about overhaul and it is definitely not about individualism.

Do you know how to find, at least the Preamble to the AFL-CIO constitution?
James T. Kirk said:
Sorry Buck but you wouldn't know unionism if it walked up and kicked you reght square in the butt.
Is there a left square in the butt too?
Buck said:
You are the one who hates your line station brothers.

You are the one who advocates concessions.

You are the one who believes that some mechanics should be paid less.

You see the point, you are one, you are only for yourself.

You TWU brother, cannot even adhere to your AFL-CIO constitutional provisions.

Article II: Objects and Principles

The objects and principles of this Federation are:

1. To aid workers in securing improved wages, hours and working conditions with due regard for the autonomy, integrity and jurisdiction of affiliated unions.

Maybe you should read your AFL-CIO constitution? You might begin to understand that it is not just about overhaul and it is definitely not about individualism.

Do you know how to find, at least the Preamble to the AFL-CIO constitution?
Wrong Buck, unlike you I HAVE WORKED THE LINE.
James T. Kirk said:
Wrong Buck, unlike you I HAVE WORKED THE LINE.
So you worked the line? Buck didnt say that you didnt, he said you hate your line station brothers.
Bob Owens said:
So you worked the line? Buck didnt say that you didnt, he said you hate your line station brothers.
Your wrong Bob, I have some very good friends that work the line and they are as tired of you and amfa as I am.
Tired of what????????????

They're not here at AA YET!
Ken MacTiernan said:
rb, you certainly do not work the line. And I would guess that you do not work overhaul either. Posting from a union keyboard is easy and carries no credit hiding behind an alias.

There is no AMT that will "really F++++d up" a repair on a turn. If an AMT tries to relamp a nav. light on a 777, 767 or 757 he needs to get a lift truck, notify the crew to turn of the nav. light and NOT turn it on till instructed to, then sign the log book. If the relamping works fine and there are no other items in the log book this might work. But if the relamp does not fix the item then time is needed to get the authorization number for the MEL from Tech. This takes time. Now do this in all the elements Mother Nature has to offer with passengers boarding, etc. and you get the idea. The same goes for tray tables, c/ms, & reading lights. Are we going to hold up boarding because of these issues? How about the cheap, pieces of crap Icarro seats AA has. These things break all the time. The Line AMT is in the front line of maintenance and we battle the clock as much as we do management. Don't forget the FAA looking over our shoulders to make sure we have the correct MM paper work.
Don't worry about being laughed at for asking for an MEL for a burned out light bulb. You got laughed at just for your posting above.
Dear Ken

I certainly do work the line and have absolutely no interest in union BS.

I suggest you read my post again before getting all shirty with me!

Like I said, any half decent AMT would know how far to push a fix before deferring it, giving themselves plenty of time to get the relevant paperwork sorted out.

You talked about relamping a nav light and how things "might work out if there are no other items in the book".........If you are working a turnround, lets say the average of 2 Hrs, I would say that you should easily have enough time to be able to relamp a nav light, whether you get it fixed or attempt to fix it and placard it.

It sounds to me that you are precisely the kind of guy that puts all of these pathetic MEL's in the logbook, so don't go harping on at me!

I couldn't care less if anybody laughed at my post, everything that I stated was factual........The truth hurts sometimes.........
James T. Kirk said:
Wrong Buck, unlike you I HAVE WORKED THE LINE.
Again I never said you did not work the line. But you only answered in part. You accuse me of not understanding unionism, then you fail to answer.
Name: Wulfman
Employer: NWA
Location: MSP
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Time: 08:26 PM

A bud called me from "B" side and said they informed him that the Hydraulic shop is starting to get farmed out starting with the CSD's, generators and IDG's. Word is that Cock Andy doesn't care at what cost just that he'll be in a position to deal the cards out in the next round of negotiations. Any word from the local scAMFA leadership? or is that an oxymoron?

NWA's liaisons (AMFA) have informed us that it is "just 15 technicians from the Hydraulic Shop not the entire shop!" The A.P.U. Shop will celebrate their "Last Supper" tomorrow, a barbeque is being given in advance of the announcement that their work has been farmed out! The rest of building "B" will have its Last Supper on June 4th when the cafeteria closes! All engine shop PMI inspectors have been instructed to sent out to vendors any parts that require machining, what does that tell you about the Machine Shops future! When NWA said it was closing MSP building "B" it meant it!!!
Hopeful said:
Tired of what????????????

They're not here at AA YET!
This is a typical response from an amfa supporter. As usual amfa supporter refuse to take responsibility for their actions, such as the UNION BUSTINGTACTS that the amfa supporter have used on their RAID at AA. The amfa supporters have divided the membership with blatant LIES AND ACCUSATIONS. Constantly pitting the members against the TWU and pit them against the company, telling one lie to cover another lie.
James T. Kirk said:
This is a typical response from an amfa supporter. As usual amfa supporter refuse to take responsibility for their actions, such as the UNION BUSTINGTACTS that the amfa supporter have used on their RAID at AA. The amfa supporters have divided the membership with blatant LIES AND ACCUSATIONS. Constantly pitting the members against the TWU and pit them against the company, telling one lie to cover another lie.
What union busting acts?

How have the AMFA supporters divided the membership, they are the membership?

Constantly pitting the members against the TWU and pit them against the company, telling one lie to cover another lie.

The members make up the TWU. IT is not a seprate organization.

What do you mean "pit them against the company"?
buck, your right about the twu not being a seperate organization. however it does seem to be ran like the old iron fisted kremlin at times. :angry:
James T. Kirk said:
This is a typical response from an amfa supporter. As usual amfa supporter refuse to take responsibility for their actions, such as the UNION BUSTINGTACTS that the amfa supporter have used on their RAID at AA. The amfa supporters have divided the membership with blatant LIES AND ACCUSATIONS. Constantly pitting the members against the TWU and pit them against the company, telling one lie to cover another lie.
Could you be specific about what "Union Busting" tactics have been used by AMFA supporeters?

Could you be specific about the "lies"?

Seems to me that the ultimate objective of Union Busters" is to allow the company to have a free hand at cutting the wages and benifits of their employees.

That objective has been achieved at AA, and what makes it even better is that by leaving the busted union in place it serves as the decoy for the fustrations of the workers. The company gets to take everything they want, the employees blame the union, the top union officials dont care because the members cant vote them out and the law requires they pay the dues as requested.

So are the AMFA supporters trying bust a busted union or rid themselves of a busted union and replace it with a real union?

Rustry Bulletthole;

Perhaps you should review the ETOPS-1 check.
Buck said:
Constantly pitting the members against the TWU and pit them against the company, telling one lie to cover another lie.

What do you mean "pit them against the company"?
Apparently Kirk feels that the union and the company should be united in their desire to slash wages and benifits for the workers. No wonder he is so happy with the TWU!

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