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PSA F/O's Screwed Again


Why is it that this line keeps being repeated on the message boards? It's like you are trying to convince everyone of something they don't believe is true. Or is it you are really trying to convince yourselves?

"I am a mainline pilot! I am a mainline pilot! It's true....they said it in court....bla bla bla"
Some of the furloughed guys paid for their training. There was a day...not long ago...when you diddn't get into ACA ASA PSA etc...without getting out your checkbook.
Noone HAD to go to ACA, ASA or PSA.

That day wouldn't have lasted very long if noone had been willing to give their tacit approval to such exploitation by ponying up the money. For them, I shed no tears. It's very rare in this industry to get what you deserve, but in their case it's a welcome sight.

In hindsight, I guess you should have told them to **ss up a rope instead of telling your fellow pilots that.

Gabby do you have any resumes out? Your cryin' on this board isn't gonna help your cause at all!!! I would get busy sending my stuff out to all the other regionals that pretty much have the same problems..
I'd love to sit in on that interview!

INTERVIEWER "So, why did you leave PSA?"
GABBY "It's all the captain's fault. And George Bush.
INT "Why has PSA said you are ineligible for re-hire?"
GABBY "It's everyone else's fault. The captain's made life miserable for me. Management made me unhappy. And let's not forget Bush and Cheney."
INT "Ok, and why are you wearing a blue tie?"
GABBY "The captains went to all the stores and bought all the red ones just to keep me down"
INT "So what are you going to miss most about PSA?"
GABBY "The people."
post Jul 17 2006, 07:47 AM
Post #1


Group: Registered Member
Posts: 626
Joined: 9-June 03
Member No.: 2,358

"Why do so many people gets such enjoyment out of trying to stoke the fires of resentment (or more accurately, creating the impression of resentment whee none exists) between East and West U employees? If you're an employee of either side, you've just poisoned the workplace environment which adds to the stress of a pretty stressful job.

If you're not an employee (maybe just a chronic complainer who claims to be a FF tongue.gif ) what kind of coward adds to someones anxiety, safe in the knowledge that they themselves are immune from the suffering? Or do these cowards like to exact their revenge on an airline (or airlines) that they feel have wronged them in the past, by sowing discord among that airline's employees? Ironically this type of thing usually comes back around to bite them in the form of the same poor service (or worse)that they complained about originally. It is not a display of loyalty to create a battle and then pick a side to support. More good can come from finding common ground and defusing the animosity.

These are real people's lives and hearts and stomach linings and not merely an alternative to a soap opera for your entertainment." luvn737s

Your attack of gabby, after reading your post shown above in July 06, pretty much proves you are a hypocrite.
INTERVIEWER "So, why did you leave PSA?"
GABBY "Couldn't afford to buy food for my family, And George Bush.
INT "Why has PSA said you are ineligible for re-hire?"
GABBY "It must be an HR error. My Chief Pilot said i could come back at any time."
INT "Ok, and why are you wearing a blue tie?"
GABBY "That is all they had at Big Lots"
INT "So what are you going to miss most about PSA?"
GABBY "The pool table in the crew room."
It is never going to change until you guys quit accepting the job for those wages and working conditions. Vote with your feet.

Voted with my feet twice...its had the net effect of making first year regional pay last 2.5 years.

Can't afford to vote with my feet anymore.

Sorry...I just can't.
Voted with my feet twice...its had the net effect of making first year regional pay last 2.5 years.

Can't afford to vote with my feet anymore.

Sorry...I just can't.

Management: "Hmmm we have F/O's quitting....". "We should change the contract and pay them more."

This is as crazy as Chevron giving me a refund!
Voted with my feet twice...its had the net effect of making first year regional pay last 2.5 years.

Can't afford to vote with my feet anymore.

Sorry...I just can't.

Well DUH. You went right back to those shiny Jets. Use your feet to walk away and find something else that pays a liveable wage.
post Jul 17 2006, 07:47 AM
Post #1

Group: Registered Member
Posts: 626
Joined: 9-June 03
Member No.: 2,358

"Why do so many people gets such enjoyment out of trying to stoke the fires of resentment (or more accurately, creating the impression of resentment whee none exists) between East and West U employees? If you're an employee of either side, you've just poisoned the workplace environment which adds to the stress of a pretty stressful job.

If you're not an employee (maybe just a chronic complainer who claims to be a FF tongue.gif ) what kind of coward adds to someones anxiety, safe in the knowledge that they themselves are immune from the suffering? Or do these cowards like to exact their revenge on an airline (or airlines) that they feel have wronged them in the past, by sowing discord among that airline's employees? Ironically this type of thing usually comes back around to bite them in the form of the same poor service (or worse)that they complained about originally. It is not a display of loyalty to create a battle and then pick a side to support. More good can come from finding common ground and defusing the animosity.

These are real people's lives and hearts and stomach linings and not merely an alternative to a soap opera for your entertainment." luvn737s
Your attack of gabby, after reading your post shown above in July 06, pretty much proves you are a hypocrite.
You're losing me here. My July post dealt with the vicarious enjoyment ouside people have in constructing an imaginary east-west cockfight.

Gabby is whining about how all his troubles are the result of someone else. His attempt to blame mainline pilots for allowing him the unfortunate opportunity to take their jobs away was especially hysterical.

The mainline pilots are paying for their mistake with their own careers, not his.

You'll have to explain your claim of hypocracy; I just don't see it.
Well DUH. You went right back to those shiny Jets. Use your feet to walk away and find something else that pays a liveable wage.

Nope...not giving up...I love this business and want to see it restored to dignity.

Was walking away the answer when big brother got his job flying a J-31/Shorts/Metroliner for $15 dollars and hour? What would you have said if a furloughed mainline person told you to give up and walk away?
You're losing me here. My July post dealt with the vicarious enjoyment ouside people have in constructing an imaginary east-west cockfight.

Gabby is whining about how all his troubles are the result of someone else. His attempt to blame mainline pilots for allowing him the unfortunate opportunity to take their jobs away was especially hysterical.

The mainline pilots are paying for their mistake with their own careers, not his.

You'll have to explain your claim of hypocracy; I just don't see it.

I am saying that the PSA F/O's are getting screwed over and your only non-intelligent response is to quit. Where as that does Nothing at all. We are all suffering because of the mistakes of the past. Some more than others. You lost your pension where i never had one to begin with. As least you are able to put food on the table. Try doing that on our wages. Next time you vote for a contract look at the bottom wage. If you are willing to earn that then go ahead and sign. Remember a good leader will never expect someone to do something unless they are willing to do it themselves.
Nope...not giving up...I love this business and want to see it restored to dignity.

Was walking away the answer when big brother got his job flying a J-31/Shorts/Metroliner for $15 dollars and hour? What would you have said if a furloughed mainline person told you to give up and walk away?

The fact that you continue to fly for poverty wages perpetuates the lack of dignity in the profession. BTW I am a furloughed mainline pilot that left the business rather than accept those wages. I wasn't willing to do that to myself or my family simply because I "love this business". Don't you really mean "I love to fly and am willing to accept these wages to do it"?
Where do you think the mainline wage scale, that offered hope that the sacrifice would pay off came from? Do you think the pilots in the 60's and 70's taxied slow enough to shame management into giving them those levels of pay and benefits out of the kindness of their hearts? Do you think management was nicer back then?

Those pilots were willing to strike and walk away (perhaps forever, in the case of Eastern) from their careers. Did they love flying less? No, but they saw that the advancement of their profession hinged on their willingness sacrifice their livelihoods at the expense of doing what they loved.

By showing up for class at a job you know pays $350/wk and staying there you are negating that sacrifice. Playing chickens--t games with taxi speeds and flight delays doesn't absolve you. They were willing to give up their careers to protect their profession, can you do less and expect more?

The next generation of mainline pilots either forgot or were ignorant of where their salary scale came from. They preferred to protect their sailboats, Harleys, etc. rather than their profession and we have the concessions under which practically all current pilots will retire. Thus is the harvest of the cowards.

The real leaders see the successful completion of the mission before it begins and never lose that vision. They count the cost of sacrifice and do not let it weaken them. They do not seek the most painless half-solution, because they know that the pain is only deferred, not eliminated. And most of all they understand the value of the victory.
You're losing me here. My July post dealt with the vicarious enjoyment ouside people have in constructing an imaginary east-west cockfight.

Gabby is whining about how all his troubles are the result of someone else. His attempt to blame mainline pilots for allowing him the unfortunate opportunity to take their jobs away was especially hysterical.

The mainline pilots are paying for their mistake with their own careers, not his.

You'll have to explain your claim of hypocracy; I just don't see it.

Luvn quote in July

"More good can come from finding common ground and defusing the animosity."

"These are real people's lives and hearts and stomach linings and not merely an alternative to a soap opera for your entertainment." luvn737s

Practice what you preach or you become a hypocrite.

The next generation of mainline pilots either forgot or were ignorant of where their salary scale came from. They preferred to protect their sailboats, Harleys, etc. rather than their profession and we have the concessions under which practically all current pilots will retire. Thus is the harvest of the cowards.

Why do you exclude yourself from the group you mention above?