Very disturbing....that God told him to do this. I'm sorry, folks, this is in no wayL1011Ret said:Usually before we expound on something, we make an internal quick analysis about how the message will be received by others. It appears there was no analysis of the impact of his message, so in an impulsive move at self gratification, he speaks out. I would bet that he is really struggling with what he did. If he is nor struggling, there is a real problem.
rational, dependable reasoning...under any situation that involves your JOB.
Take it to your neighborhoods that allow you to ring our doorbells, or your tents...
Faith is personal..........period. I would not want to fly with this man.
As an f/a I would worry about this one, and that is not on my job description.
I DEPEND on my Captain!!!!
from "very devote Catholic"